If I were to advise you the first thing I'd say was to get the environment dialed in. Everything works better in a good environment. Subcool's soils, mine, hydro....proper temps and humidity are more important than any soil recipe or additive. Nothing will improve your produce more than a proper environment.
You're not growing the best you can without a good environment. Period.
The reason I suggested high calcium limestone is because your soil has a tremendous amount of organic material in it, which tends to lower soil Ph. Adding the limestone will not only give you a source of calcium, but will also stabilize pH.
I agree with you on all levels, I have a very small area in which I grow, that makes it difficult to have to perfect environment. But I will take your advice and continue making it more controllable in all areas. I too think it's a great idea with the high calcium limestone. I have been searching the net to find the best possible. I don't really know what I'm looking for except the words high calcium limestone. Any brands you recommend I will buy. You are the man BTW, I literally need a napkin to catch the drool as I look over your produce. Just outa this world man! Keep up the great work and thank again, I know you are very busy.