Doc Bud's High Brix Q&A With Pictures

Oh for god's sake....memories.....holy cow...I ended up in Golden Hills, near downtown SD, very eclectic hood, we all grew our own in our back November we all slept outside to protect our harvests...I'd come home from work and inside my storm door was a huge cola from my neighbor to try his grow....oh gawd....memories...

I was stationed on coronado and lived in la mesa andmel cajon...snorkeling at la jolla caves was the bomb :)
I just received my bulk order today Doc(Thank You!) and I cant find where it said how many pounds of amendment each kit has. I want to say I read it was 1.25 pounds? ... and when in the plants life do I start using the OG drench? Do I just throw it in the rotation after 5 sets of leaves?
Get out of dodge, Scrubby...I worked at the famous pink La Valencia Hotel in downtown La Jolla....I lived in La Mesa and got one of my degrees from San Diego State......after I moved from PB to Golden Hills, my beach was right to the right of the Del Coronado.....whoop, I rocked all of it I am very proud to cool that you guys know it as well......thanks....I am filled with happy right now....
I just received my bulk order today Doc(Thank You!) and I cant find where it said how many pounds of amendment each kit has. I want to say 1.25 pounds? ... and when in the plants life do I start using the OG drench? Do I just throw it in the rotation after 5 sets of leaves?

i think the amendment in bulk is 3 lbs.

a reg kit has 1 lb of amendment

Hi everyone. hello Doc. I was hoping to purchase a kit. I can't pm anyone yet. I have been following your hb forum and it gets me excited to start growing again. Thanks
i think the amendment in bulk is 3 lbs.

a reg kit has 1 lb of amendment


I'm gonna say it is 1.25 lbs per kit and 10 lbs in bulk = 8 "kits".
Dropping the light like it's hot.

Top 'em.....Let 'em dry out between soakings. They'll stay short and tight. Get the lights down as low as you can without damaging them too.

Thanks Doc, Major, Ziggy, and Graytail. I promptly lowered the 138w LED to 15-18" and the 32w CFL to 3-12" away from the clones. The Bubblelicious Auto I cut finally grew roots, so I planted it in HB soil last night. Now all of my clones are in HB soil. Guess I should probably start another journal.

Anyway, I topped/FIM'd four clones, one clone is the auto, and the other is a lower cut from a branch so it's already pre-topped. Currently the CFL is on 24/7 and the LED comes on for 12-hours each day. The small fan pictured keeps the leaves rustling all day, so hopefully that also keeps them short and stocky. The photos for proof:

{Day 24 since cut} Group shot. The LED hangs 15-18" above the plants and the CFL is 3-12" away. (June 24th, 2015)

Bubblelicious #1 showing roots.

I dusted the rootball and the soil with Roots before transplanting.

What most of my FIM'd tops look like.

This clone is the lower half of a branch. I cut just above a budsite and about 6" below it. I call it "pre-topped".

Profile shot.

The tallest clone at nearly 8".

Thanks again for the advice, crew.

Your bud looks delicious, Doc. I can't wait to start experimenting with landrace strains. My buddy has a Durban Poison that I might try my hand at if he has any extra clones.

When you start your new Advanced LED thread, count me in! :popcorn:

Until next time, happy growing...
Get out of dodge, Scrubby...I worked at the famous pink La Valencia Hotel in downtown La Jolla....I lived in La Mesa and got one of my degrees from San Diego State......after I moved from PB to Golden Hills, my beach was right to the right of the Del Coronado.....whoop, I rocked all of it I am very proud to cool that you guys know it as well......thanks....I am filled with happy right now....

Never had the guts to ride that old ass rollercoaster in mission beach tho! Lmao!! :)
Re: Dropping the light like it's hot.

Thanks Doc, Major, Ziggy, and Graytail. I promptly lowered the 138w LED to 15-18" and the 32w CFL to 3-12" away from the clones. The Bubblelicious Auto I cut finally grew roots, so I planted it in HB soil last night. Now all of my clones are in HB soil. Guess I should probably start another journal.

Maybe the footprint won't allow it, but can you lower the lights a little more? I don't use LEDs, but it seems like you could get the CFL within a couple if inches and the LED closer as well. That should help with the stretch. I had a 600W HPS less than 16" away with no problems. Just an idea.
Germinated 5 seeds, all of them cracked barely showing the tap root and then I planted them into some HB soil. Gave each pot a lil' bit of Roots! in the seed hole and then watered with 1/4 transplant in 32oz of water. They only got a splash of water, just to keep the seed area a lil moist.

anyone else think transplant smells like mint chocolate chip ice cream? or prune juice?
I get that minty fresh smell from it.
Yeah, ive put my mars ll 900w with the 2 90w ufos too close before...won't do that again lol
These RDs are stretching something fierce a couple inches a day it seems! I still got plenty of vertical room tho so im not worried...yet lol :)
Germinated 5 seeds, all of them cracked barely showing the tap root and then I planted them into some HB soil. Gave each pot a lil' bit of Roots! in the seed hole and then watered with 1/4 transplant in 32oz of water. They only got a splash of water, just to keep the seed area a lil moist.

anyone else think transplant smells like mint chocolate chip ice cream? or prune juice? off your rocker bro? Lmfao! All that kit stuff stinks to high heaven imo lol :)
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