Doc Bud's High Brix Q&A With Pictures

Thats why when I test its 3 days after a spray and/or feed. I think that's a good time because the plants had time to ingest some good food and the spray has had time to completely dry up. Im sure theres residue but its minimal at best. Maybe ill use a clean cloth to kinda dust off the leaves I pick next time...we'll see I reckon :)

My thinking is, the leaf has a fair amount of surface area to collect the sprays. You roll it up and squeeze out a small drop of juice that passes through all that dust/foliar residue/other crud. I seems like the tiny amount of liquid could easily be contaminated. If so, some/all might add to the brix reading, but would never reduce the readings. A quick rinse and dry could give a more accurate reading.

I'm going to test both ways to see if it makes any difference.
today marks 1 month since my soil has been cooking :D :D :D I may be starting some beans here in a few days...... now I have to pick out 6 strains out of the 15ish I have :(
today marks 1 month since my soil has been cooking :D :D :D I may be starting some beans here in a few days...... now I have to pick out 6 strains out of the 15ish I have :(

Let the games begin!


Doc, question -
I've been doing 1/4 Transplant with every watering, in addition to the G.E. or Transplant + Tea drenches. The girls are sucking down 2 gallons every other day now. That means each plant ends up with 25 ml of Transplant over the course of a week's feeding and watering. Does that sound like too much? So far, so good. TY.
can I start seeds right in a 1 gal or should I start something smaller? I've got some smaller pots kickin around, or I'll just go buy some solo cups.
can I start seeds right in a 1 gal or should I start something smaller? I've got some smaller pots kickin around, or I'll just go buy some solo cups.

I'm pretty new to this, but I'd start in a cup. Get those roots bound up and then go to 1 gal > 7/10 gal.
can I start seeds right in a 1 gal or should I start something smaller? I've got some smaller pots kickin around, or I'll just go buy some solo cups.

You can start em in 1 gals. I prefer to get them rootbound twice..solo to 1 gals. I find solos allow you to control the amount of fluid they get better and theyre easier to tote around when its feed time...just my 2 cents :)
Impact on agriculture.

The great thing that Brix measuring is doing is changing the way producers grow their plants. Previously there has been no quick and simple way to instantly measure a plants quality, so there was no way to monitor how soil and fertilizer amendments were affecting the quality and taste of the foods. Through experimentation, growers have found that increased phosphate and calcium levels are of the upmost importance for increasing Brix levels. So too is changing the types of fertilizers being applied throughout the growing season.

Also, because sugars and other nutrients are converted in the “photosynthesis factory”, or the leaf, it is no surprise that growers have found that the practice of foliar feeding to dramatically increase the Brix levels in plants that follow a regular foliar fertilizer regiment. This is why I started my own liquid fertilizer company, because of the Brix increases found using quality foliar sprays.

Foliar fertilizing is the art of spraying the leaves of plants so that the plant nutrients are absorbed directly into the leaves of the plant. The mineral ions from the foliar fertilizer penetrate the leaves through the stomata and cuticles to reach the interior of the leaves. The nutrients then become available for absorption by the Mesophyll cells and utilized by the plant as food.

The Refractometer also is a great way of telling if a foliar fertilizer has been affective. Simply squeeze the juice from the leaf of a crop before spraying and then test the Brix level. Then after spraying the leaves, wait a 2-3 hours and then do another Brix test. A change indicates the foliar application has been successful. If the Brix does not change then you know that adjustments need to be made. Maybe spray a finer mist, spray later in the day when it is cooler and the stomata is open or use an adjuvant to help the mixture stick to and absorb into the leaves. There are quite a few changes that can be made.

The Brix Movement - Growing For Quality
I'm more interested in the effects a foliar has on the Brix levels of the plant, not the Brix levels of the foliars. Never seen mention of washing or wiping leaves.

Then go do your own experiments! Cut up some leaf and take tests!
I for one dont really care about brix levels...I know mine are high and that's it! I don't care how or why it happens, it just does! I look at my plants and they sing songs to me then feed me supper and tuck me in at night lmao!!!
I'm more interested in the effects a foliar has on the Brix levels of the plant, not the Brix levels of the foliars. Never seen mention of washing or wiping leaves.

You have now. :cheesygrinsmiley:
For me it is only out of interest. I don't care what my readings are. Since I have identical plants in HB and non-HB soil, getting readings with and w/o a quick wash could be amusing. My refractometer will be here in about a week. Then I'll see if I learn anything useful.
You have now. :cheesygrinsmiley:
For me it is only out of interest. I don't care what my readings are. Since I have identical plants in HB and non-HB soil, getting readings with and w/o a quick wash could be amusing. My refractometer will be here in about a week. Then I'll see if I learn anything useful.

And hell, theres enough of us on here using the kit and who have done enough brix readings to be able to look at your plants and tell you, within a point +/-, what your numbers are...theyre high, thats what they are! Lol :)
And hell, theres enough of us on here using the kit and who have done enough brix readings to be able to look at your plants and tell you, within a point +/-, what your numbers are...theyre high, thats what they are! Lol :)

Ya eh Scrubbs...i'm with you on this one bud....We all have High Brix plants ,period. I don't need a meter to tell me iether Scrubbs. If the leaves are shining and i've got no burnt tips or other issues , i'm good to go! So my plants are 15 one day and 13 the next and then 16 a week later ...big deal...a point or two or three really means nothing to plants tell me every day they are happy, happy. Cheers Gang.:high-five:

15/16 all day I said...+/- a point
Are you saying people here are able to read sugar levels inside a plant from a picture?

Are you saying you can do it with a refractometer? Because my refractometer shows light diffraction through dissolved solids...not just sugar. Do they make one just for sugar now? I gots to get me one a dem!!! Lmfao
I'm more interested in the effects a foliar has on the Brix levels of the plant, not the Brix levels of the foliars. Never seen mention of washing or wiping leaves.

Foliar feeding is an act of stupidity without a soil test and a PROPERLY DESIGNED FOLIAR SPRAY.

If you don't know exactly what you're doing, don't spray 'em. Oh....and you don't know what you're doing without a soil test and a properly designed spray.
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