Doc Bud's High Brix Q&A With Pictures

Ok. This may be a stupid question. Are any of the desirable life within the soil visible to the naked eye? Or is anything I can see in there bad?

You do mean, besides the plant, I hope! :rofl:

There may be stuff you can see that is harmless, but if you're not sure, either ID it or kill it, IMHO! ;)
I’ve just had trouble getting a seedling above ground in this one pot of soil. First one came out with the seed shell stuck on. The small stem and root browned off pretty quickly and died. Now I have another one that seems to have stalled at the surface. When I examine it closely and move a bit of the soil away from the seed I can see very tiny things crawling around the root. Didn’t know if this is what is killing these seeds.
I’ve just had trouble getting a seedling above ground in this one pot of soil. First one came out with the seed shell stuck on. The small stem and root browned off pretty quickly and died. Now I have another one that seems to have stalled at the surface. When I examine it closely and move a bit of the soil away from the seed I can see very tiny things crawling around the root. Didn’t know if this is what is killing these seeds.

I have nothing crawling in my 4 kits worth of soil.
That seed is dead. Soil is tossed. I hope the whole container of soil isn’t contaminated. The other plant seems to be doing well. It was planted a few weeks ago but from the same tote.
Do you think it might be fungus gnats Magoo? They move pretty fast and can damage roots... I saw a few crawlies like that and had some gnats. I never treated for them, just hung sticky traps but I’m wondering if I should do more than that in future. The way you describe seeing the little crawlies in the pot is like what they looked like to me. That little tap root is pretty sad! :( I hope you get it figured and sorted!
What you have looks similar to what I discovered a few weeks ago when I started a grow. Tiny, semi-translucent (whitish) oval shaped critters crawling all over the seed as well as in the seeds! Only two of 12 seeds came up. I dug up the seeds that didn't come up. Most were literally empty! Some had a vegetative mass inside and in all case there were bugs all over everything.

The soil was "round two" and the bin was about ¾ full. I looked and looked through the soil in the bin and did not find any. After filling the pots with soil, I gave them a good Neem Oil drench per instructions on the bottle. I then replanted, letting the seeds germinate with more of a tap root (in paper towels) than I generally do. This time, only one seed didn't come up-it too, was covered in these bugs. Once the plants were up I poked around in the pot/soil and haven't seen one bug since.

My research led me to believe they might have been "beneficial" mites. I ask around, but no one was able to identify them. I've attached a pic of the bugs I had as well as a pic from the net of a beneficial mite from arbico-organics -

that looks a lot like what I had. Try the Neem Oil - worked for me.

So you treated the soil with the neem at the time you planted? Symptoms sound the same but the bugs I saw were more elongated like tiny worms.
@Amy Gardner . I did find a dead gnat on the floor of the tent. Could it have populated the damp soil in the new pot and left the dry soil in the other pot alone? Both pots came from same tote. One seems ok. Will examine more closely later. But I would love for a possibility that didn’t involve my whole tote of kit soil being contaminated! Lol
So you treated the soil with the neem at the time you planted? Symptoms sound the same but the bugs I saw were more elongated like tiny worms.
@Amy Gardner . I did find a dead gnat on the floor of the tent. Could it have populated the damp soil in the new pot and left the dry soil in the other pot alone? Both pots came from same tote. One seems ok. Will examine more closely later. But I would love for a possibility that didn’t involve my whole tote of kit soil being contaminated! Lol

I saw those same worms all over one of my seeds after digging it up. I did rehydrate the soil and plant another seed directly into the same pot of dirt and it sprouted up just fine, so not sure what to think, really. I did manage to get a video clip I posted on my IG if you want to compare what you saw on your side.
I saw those same worms all over one of my seeds after digging it up. I did rehydrate the soil and plant another seed directly into the same pot of dirt and it sprouted up just fine, so not sure what to think, really. I did manage to get a video clip I posted on my IG if you want to compare what you saw on your side.
I seen this video you posted, pretty freaky stuff. Really interested in what this was.
Thanks for your time today @Gazoo ! I really appreciate the help you guys gave me. I was discouraged and stuck at Walmart waiting on an oil change for 2hrs. Lol.
Thanks for your time today @Gazoo ! I really appreciate the help you guys gave me. I was discouraged and stuck at Walmart waiting on an oil change for 2hrs. Lol.

Sure thing, My pleasure. These are things I need to know so time well spent
BTW Did you see the IG Video ? shit looked so bad I had to wash up :)but those
looked to me to be to long, the article said they could reach 3mm (appox 1/8 inch)
your description sounded closer to what I would expect ?
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