I took a fall while I was tending to the plants at lights on. I did my best to avoid damaging the plants on the way down but still managed to damage the ones in front. Royal Gorilla didn't take any damage that she won't recover from I don't think - I missed the branches mostly and put my hand into the coco, so I expect some root damage but nothing to big on the plant. Amnesia x OG wasn't so lucky. I managed to snap one of the main branches as well as some of the other branches growing from the remaining 3 mains. A couple of stems off of the main stem couldn't be salvaged and the branch itself was probably 90% broken off, split down right at the main stalk and hanging from a cracked piece of the main stalk. I taped it up as best I could and now I'll hope for the best. I should know quickly, I think, if it's going to make an attempt at survival. I hope it doesn't destroy the plant entirely - the crack goes into the main stem above and below the branch, about 1/3 or 1/4 across the stem and the whole way through. I also got my hand into the coco on this one as well. Again not too badly, but I fear the damage to the plant combined with the root damage is going to be a bit hit on this plant. If the plant dies entirely, or if growth gets too stunted now, at least I have White Widow waiting in the wings.
My ego is the only real wound. I got some scrapes up and down my back where I landed (on the edge of the wire stands in front) and took a chunk out of my foot, and I should have purple bruises in both spots tomorrow, but I'd be surprised if I broke anything.
It's funny how your brain works when you know you've lost balance. I immediately thought to avoid hitting the plants and grabbing the tent and almost managed it. I pretty much twisted to avoid what I could and hit the stands without slowing my impact.
No photo updates, or training tonight. I'm just going to settle in to the football game and hope for the best in the tent.