So I have been away for a while and rather busy with work...but while I may have been to busy to post I have made so progress on the grow!
  1. I have the box up and running now, just need to finish off the vents and door.
  2. I will be flowering the big gal​
  3. I lollipopped the big gal​
  4. I have given away 1 white widow to a friend​
  5. I will be re potting the cheese​



So the net I made as you can see in not the traditional one and that would be simply cause I ran out haha...

So it is working and holding a lot down but will make a better one on the next plant.

Temps are running at 28.8°c in the midday and 26.1°c at night. Not such a huge swing and slightly over but for now it's OK.

I have :
1 intake
1 exhaust
1 fan blowing down from the top
And 1 fan from the side that's currently off cause I need another charging head. 2 I fact since I'm using the botaniums charger.

Funny she already has one part flowering although I did nothing


I also had 2 yellow leaves smack dead in the middle all yellow.


Not sure what it is but it was only 2 leaves.

Mrs auto outside is really starting to put on now. She stinks!!! In a good way... She has officially starting her crystals now and is well on her way to flower off..


I will be switching out the lights to red light once I have put the big gal under 24hr darkness to initiate the flower mode...

I'll post up a few more pics and info soon. I'm on leave so I have time now...

Thank for stopping by and stay blessed everyone !

Looks like she’s going to stack up nicely.
Thank you sir! Any tips on the stretch from a sativa. This would be my first one... :passitleft:
Some of them never stop, don’t be afraid to super crop if you have to.
What!? Oh snap! Alright I will be doing that. Will use pegs and string and tie thos bastards down when the time comes! Thank you
Super impressive Deekay! You are going great guns there. I am also kakking off for the sativas... I am tying them down and opening them up and I will prune if I have to. Good luck
What!? Oh snap! Alright I will be doing that. Will use pegs and string and tie thos bastards down when the time comes! Thank you
Prime example of a plant that never stopped stretching... lol

LoL! Just kept going..... and going..... and....
Are those yellow leaves towards the bottom of the plant bro?

looks like a bit of a nitrogen deficiency.

oher then that, looks great dude! Sucks your not on your company trip, but you will get the next one! We’re routing for ya brotha!!

Looking good so far...






Short story:

Cheese #2 and white widow #1 are both repotted into 9lt buckets of potting soil.

The white widow will be going to a friend of mine down the road.

The cheese I have taken the liberty to start training her and yes her! She has shown sex and is a female indeed. I'm super happy as this will give me a familiar experience to the skunk I grew and should definitely be better this time around.

Lil auto is doing fantastic and has now officially grown so dense I can't see through her.. I'm still in amazement with the way she looks. She smells familiar more like a hint of a sweet akunky smell but it's very potent. I can smell it when I open the courtyard gate.

Big mama in the box is doing well. Hopefully today I get something done. Just the finishing touches and boom into flower.

For now the sun is hot and not a cloud in sky... Going to be a rough few days. I have already burnt...
Are those yellow leaves towards the bottom of the plant bro?

looks like a bit of a nitrogen deficiency.

oher then that, looks great dude! Sucks your not on your company trip, but you will get the next one! We’re routing for ya brotha!!
Hey bud.

This was at the bottom of the plant in the middle. I by accident swapped the nutes around for the two plants and gave her straight flower mix. So maybe that? Other than thay no problems whatsoever.

Meh I'm over the trip. I look to positive vibes and greener grass
Looks like you’ve got some beautiful weather! That’s a good way to be in a good mood! Lol
Your plants are looking great bro!
the one in the box, you could probably start super cropping her, she’s starting to reach out and beyond the net. You could also try and tuck it below other strings! :thumb:
congrats on the female plant!:woohoo:


P#6 is looking wonderful. I am actually concerned on how big she will get. She has been super cropped and lollipopped... This is my first attempt at some sort of a screen. I will be buying another rope soon so might sort it out.

The box works perfect now. I am suffering from positive pressure but if I turn of the intake then she works well... I don't have a thingie to set the speed ahh yes speed controller that's the F*#&ING word haha.



P#6 notice how se has two colas with almost nothing on it in veg wise. The rest have loads of leaves and heads. Wondering if there isn't something wrong. She had indaca leaves in the beginning now it's all sativa like... This plant is confusing me....



Here is the cheese! She is showing good growth. I will top the highest main node and will keep training the rest.
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