Dirt's Attempt To Flux Mighty Grape

Oh I wish I got the second part right sometimes
Thanks for stopping in. :thanks: I started her in a 1 gal cause I was going to go small with her, but she's going to need more room. Its probably going to be a pain to repot but it's got to be done. Ideally I should have started her in 3-5gal, but you live and learn.

Fluxing around

The newest addition to the Flux family strawberry sour diesel.
Looking good bud! Glad to see you added another one to the mix. So now what will you do with the big girl? Is it time to switch her over to flower and let all those shoots grow upwards?
Looking good bud! Glad to see you added another one to the mix. So now what will you do with the big girl? Is it time to switch her over to flower and let all those shoots grow upwards?
Thanks for stopping in. She's still got at least another month before the flip. I managed to get her transplanted today but not enough time to get her fully tied back down, so I know what I'm doing in the morning.
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