Dirt's Attempt To Flux Mighty Grape

Well it's my day off, the wife's gone to work until later so I have plenty of time to tend to the girls today. Just trimmed her up and tightened her bonds, after she got a nice drink of ewc/kelp meal/molasses tea. Just going to get some water the next time and that will be her last in this pot. Enjoy
Thanks, she almost due for a haircut and some more bondage.

Are you gonna smack her around a little bit as well along with the bondage and kinky hair cut? lmao... sorry I had to.. :rofl:
Nice work still going on here dirt, I still can't believe how straight that is, you did a great job. Can't wait to see her grow up!

All us fluxers do that cos that's how we roll :rofl:

Sweet! I may have to get in on that action here some day when I grow some photo's again :) haha That's why I was watching dirt's grow here, to see how it works. I will pop over and have a look at your journal as well when I have some more time, trying to catch up on nismo and canna's team grow as well, started yesterday lol
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