Dirtfamers Backyard Giants


i like how you blocked your dogs running trail... he'll be happy when those girls are poppin out...
the only downside to pruning is that it would pamote vetical growth and if you think you have an issue with that now.its a good suggestion though.i would lst as much of it as i can till icaouldnt anymore.then cut some nice size clones i mean 1 ft + and flower themas soon as they show roots.kinda a mini sea of green.just suggestion, cuz you still have time to root and send them outside or just flower them inside no veg.
the only downside to pruning is that it would pamote vetical growth and if you think you have an issue with that now.its a good suggestion though.i would lst as much of it as i can till icaouldnt anymore.then cut some nice size clones i mean 1 ft + and flower themas soon as they show roots.kinda a mini sea of green.just suggestion, cuz you still have time to root and send them outside or just flower them inside no veg.
If he tops/prunes low enough. The 2 resulting tops will be supple enough to work with for LSTing. He's basically just trying to ride the growth phase out to the flowering stretch ends. Were trying to stay confined to a space below the fence line/camouflage canopy line) within a specific amount of time. That was what I had in mind when I made the statement. Not just prune and let it shoot back up there.
If he tops/prunes low enough. The 2 resulting tops will be supple enough to work with for LSTing. He's basically just trying to ride the growth phase out to the flowering stretch ends. Were trying to stay confined to a space below the fence line/camouflage canopy line) within a specific amount of time. That was what I had in mind when I made the statement. Not just prune and let it shoot back up there.

Gotcha.. then i must agree.:bong:
I just lifted the carport on top of my patio awning. I can go as high as I want now. Got the poles on old car wheels/tires to see it it will work. I have a good 1 foot on the side peak and 2 feet and the top peak. I can go to heavens now :)

I will try anything before I have to prune. Also I needed to use this carport for who knows how long the the plant on the left will take. It is just now showing multible pistals. I may have to greenhouse and heat her in Nov. some time. This carport would make this a snap.

The other plants in the ground are budding pretty good. The potted plants are getting heavy buds nows.

I will update pics tomorrow.
Well how many times have I said I THINK she is done stretching. Pssssss.t At this point it is never ending. The pics do not show how big this plant really is. I say it it 9 feet tall and close to 10 feet wide. God I wonder what she will yield? 5 lbs?



I was able to lift the carport up over a foot. I just set it on top of my roof. I am thinking this will work fine now. I hope.




we have buds now.


That last pic and the one of the top of the carport are nice. U gonna keep stackin tires on top of each other to follow the the growth. Good thing u got cool neighbors.

Thanks for the laugh man. The tires are funny shit. I only have 2 more tires so we will see. This setup may seem silly to most but we get lots of rain here. Plus these plants will go into Nov.

Ok so how can I cover the plant by the fence now? LOL

Oh yah fuck my neighbors the voters give me the right to grow 6 plants as big as I want. The only legal catch is that the plants must be "Out of normal view". Normal view is from the street. So I am cool for now. On the other hand I do not see a problem with my 2 neighbors. It the visitors they have at there houses. It 24 hour watch duty now. The tent is geting old fast. But it is a must do at this point.
Oh yah fuck my neighbors the voters give me the right to grow 6 plants as big as I want.
That was just funny, sorry.LMAO
The tire thing wasn't funny, seen it (on cinder blocks) b4. Its cool, wind may be a concern if ur in a high gust area. I'm sure u got it under control.
Next grow try the tall variety of Okra. Feed the Okra like you would the MJ and they will have some nice flowers too. Sunflowers die way before the MJ. Is that a townhouse window within site I see?
It's my neighbors apart. on top of his garage. It is a unfinished room at this time. Also my cousin is my neighbor which has not even seen them yet. Can you amagine?

I have 10 foot arborvidas in bags waiting to go into the spot the sunflowers are now. when the sunflowers die off I will just slide the arborvidas into the spot and make a wall. when I harvest I will plant the arborvidas along the fence line. Also some tall bamboo to block that window view some. Next year I should be sealed in pretty good back here. Until then I sleep in the tent with a bolo and a tee ball basball bat. Oh yah the 4 dogs help to.
Your situation is a lot like mine..(except I only have (2) 5 footers...)

I have 2 quiet neighbors with a very limited view of my yard, however still all it takes is a concentrated look or a pair of binoc's..I have plants strategically positioned at every angle to block. My wife thinks I'm nuts. I'm already planning for next year.
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