Did I do the FIM wrong?


Active Member
It's been five days since fimming, but I can't see if there are any new branches there or if I've pruned too little




The sprout I clipped off was too small, which is why the leaves are so sparsely trimmed. The growth stopped for a while, but it's back to normal now
If I understand correctly and my eyes don't deceive me, there are only two leaves growing and nothing has changed
Don't be too hasty, new shoots can take 7 -14 days to show
Definitely don't try doing it again until you see some new growth and know where you're at
Don't be too hasty, new shoots can take 7 -14 days to show
Definitely don't try doing it again until you see some new growth and know where you're at
Thanks, this was my first time and I'm not sure what to expect, hopefully the leaves will grow back quickly so I know what to do next. By the way, taking the opportunity of someone as experienced as you, I'd like to know something. One of my seedlings got a light burn, growth slowed down but it survived quite well, I wanted to apply LST and Fimming to all of them but I don't know if I should do either of those things for it
I’ve always topped instead of fimming but to each their own preference

Standard disclaimer- old eyes + tablet are not optimal
To me the first pic shows the middle finger of perhaps the first 5 leaf fan had the smallest bit of vegetation removed… don’t think enough was removed to trigger anything but time will tell.

so it’s coco coir… but think you might have other issues brewing

How often do you water?
How often do you feed?
What kind of nutes?
Are you using cal-mag?
What ph value do you adjust to?
Sorry mate, not sure I'm with you - you clipped the fan leaves??
Or did you pinch out the growing tip?

*edit* if you're not sure, just stick to topping & LST until you see how they grow and you know for next run
Sorry mate, not sure I'm with you - you clipped the fan leaves??
Or did you pinch out the growing tip?

*edit* if you're not sure, just stick to topping & LST until you see how they grow and you know for next run
I trimmed the top off, watched detailed guides, and was sure I trimmed even a little more than I needed to, but I don't see any change at all
Roy… Looks to me as if it was pinched or trimmed but only a tiny smidge was removed. Look at middle blade of 5 fingered fan in the OPs very first photo, it’s almost touching the grow bag.

Typically we don’t top or train LST until 5 pairs of nodes with healthy growth…

yes you can start lst maybe a bit earlier but even if you wait until 7 pairs of nodes are showing… the plant is flexible and ok with being manipulated. Just don’t get greedy and try to bend her over a barrel all in one day… take your time bend it about half way of the desired amount, gently strap her down and walk away…

come back next day and bend the stem even more then strap her down again.
I trimmed the top off, watched detailed guides, and was sure I trimmed even a little more than I needed to, but I don't see any change at all
Ok, so if you pinched out a clean stem cut, that's topping
'Fuck I Missed' is when you cut just above that, leaving the tiny nodes in place, so 4 shoots grow instead of 2
Are we on the same page or am I misunderstanding you?
:Namaste: :hookah:
Looks to me as if it was pinched or trimmed but only a tiny smidge was removed. Look at middle blade of 5 fingered fan in the OPs very first photo, it’s almost touching the grow bag.
Yes, it looks like I only cut off the fan leaves, but they actually grew a lot in 5 days, so it looks like I only cut off the tips😁 and the new shoots are just now starting to develop
Sorry Roy, I misspoke, English is not my primary language. I definitely did FIM
No problem - what is your native language?
I can speak French/Italian/Spanish/German if that would help?
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