DephOne's First Grow - Unknown Strain

i knew what i wanted first, then found the store that sold it 2nd.

was after a soaring brainy high with slight euphoria (to help nullify my dysphoria) and then found one that claimed a kilogram+ yeald = delahaze. the pure breed afghan kush was a super bonus! if i was the kind to sell, the kush would be the popular one as ppl round here think that couchlock IS stoned.
oh dont get me wrong...hybridisation with ruderalis has been a science breakthru ( on a minor scale) and can be very fast and produce a reasonable yield BUT

its the gift that keeps on charging. yuo buy a seed and get x amount of weed...but then you have to go buy something again.

and what if you want to give some of your stash to your friends...need to buy more seeds.

a normal non auto feminised seed if managed correctly, could be the last seed purchase you ever make.

depending on the depletion rate of your stash...its the difference between $30 and $30000 over a lifespan ;)
Oh my. I wouldn't give any away. Lol. I smoke too much. BTW GUYS!! Just transfered last solo cup child to 2 liter, Its roots were all the way to the bottom. And thick and fuzzy :)

But It's been 3 days. So I let water stand for 24 hours and just watered them. Hopefully they'll grow up some more. I'll post pics in a day or 2.
You may have guessed.... And If you haven't.

I'll tell you guys.....

my lights came in, and yes. I DID set up my grow room.

and YES ...i DID take pictures... Wanna see them???

Here is what Daddy is working with now !

Now that's a great set-up kid, perfect, those T-5 lights are nice, they don't give off alot of heat, they don't weigh alot. Later on you can also use this light for your clones, and vegging mother plants, it's a good light to have in your grow room./grace
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