Dennise - No Longer The Newest Of Newbies - Not Growing In MG - Perpetual

It's kinda nice in a 1 gallon ...

I think cannabis doesn't particularly want soil that holds water for a very long time, but as long as you know, you can time the dryout better.

Nice for a 1 gallon, though. :cheesygrinsmiley:
I wanted to explain my equipment recommendations better. I have personally used each one of the recommended items for more then 1 complete documented Grow Journal and Review without any problems with function interruptions or failures. When I design a grow area I provision from Florescent, Metal Halide and High Pressure Sodium light bulbs with a cooltube or LED light panels for illumination and believe that planing around flexible future options have provided the best choice in selecting equipment that will be used for many years of reliable service. I estimate the Twilight Groups LED Spider16 COB LED grow light operates at 850-896 watts draw power and with 120° lenses may cover a concentrated 5'x5' area, this also allows for Product Testing with 60° or 90° lenses in flower if desired in the 4'x4' tent or warm seasonal temperature variations.

I chose the Phresh Filter 6in x 24in 550CFM - Perfect Gardens based on its large CFM, surface area and size selection allowing odors to filter over a large surface area and greater longevity versus using a smaller CFM rating or carbon volume.

I chose the Vortex Inline Fan 6in 452CFM - Perfect Gardens that I have used to cool 1005 watts of LED light panels in a 6'5" x 6'4" x 6' Grow Bay #1 versus the estimated Twilight Groups LED Spider16 COB LED grow light operates at 850-896 watts draw power. This also allows different equipment to be using in the future with higher heat output as well that is accommodated for. The Vortex Inline Fan features a 10 year warranty, I am not aware of another inline fan manufacturer with longer then a 5 year warranty.

I chose the Titan Controls® Mercury 3 - Day/Night Fan Controller - Perfect Gardens to keep the grow tent in peak temperature growth ranges during lights on, run constant during dark hours to reduce humidity from transpiration of the plants and that would also allow for any high or low seasonal temperature variances and extend the life of the inline fan versus using a simple speedster fan speed controller that would often require adjustments and not allow the same temperature stability.

I have not yet Product Reviewed a Hyper Fan 6 in Digital Mixed Flow Fan 315 CFM - Perfect Gardens but I am interested. I do not believe that the Hyper Fan 6 in Digital Mixed Flow Fan 315 CFM would sufficiently cool the Twilight Groups LED Spider16 COB LED grow light in a 4'x4' tent.

I have not found that the Twilight Groups LED Spider COB LED grow light series produces more heat then a conventional LED light panel made from individual LED's.

I have seldom been disappointed by choosing items of name quality and longevity backed by a warranty over more inexpensive solutions.
King :adore:... That's what I meant to say..:blushsmile:... but most certainly is the reasoning behind my decision to follow your direction to the letter as I always do... Every move I have made from the beginning of this journey has been with the hand holding you have given me and if I can even come close to the bud you grow I will be thrilled.... My meds are better than any I personally have ever smoked and I can honestly say it is 99.% of the hand holding you did for me and a bunch of other awesome 420 members... Thank you sincerely King for all the demos you do to keep idiots like me from wasting more and more money..... My fella says thanks too :thanks:.... and this way when it all gets here and I am trying to install it I know King has exact experience with what I am trying to do soooooooo..... on with the hand holding....:high-five:.....:circle-of-love:
After re-reading what King wrote I want to agree that the Twilight is not putting off more heat than any other LED panel of this magnitude would... Even my Top Leds... if I put enough of them in a tent to equal the 576x3w I would be having the same, if not worse issues... Guys everyone has to remember I am a 56 YO woman that has had juvenile diabetes for over 25 years and recently was dx with MS. I am not crippled or had to have anything cut off or anything like that but I do have issues with nerve damage in my legs and arms and the pain of MS in the muscles.... If I was as strong as I was 20 years ago... this would all be a piece of cake.... I have been hard on the Twilight and have to admit most of the issues I am having are not due to Twilight they are due to my limitations..... The beginning with all the shipping mess and the light being dropped and bent of course didn't help but again not Twilights fault.... I will get this figured out and I will show you guys every good and bad thing that happens along the road.... I told Jason from the very beginning I was painfully honest and I would not sugar coat it. I feel I did do that somewhat when I was demo-ing the Green-Sun... it was not intentional... I was just very grateful for the free light and didn't want to be disrespectful... I was wrong... It was the first one I was asked to do and I skipped around on somethings I very much so should have stated and if anyone... granny I am sorry if you are not happy with your light and I know you bought due to the things I said.... but I can honestly tell ya this time I will not skip a thing and will not try to make anything look better than it is....
The girls are loving the light. They are reaching for it and now that I am able to just keep the tent unzipped and controlled by the actual room temps it is no problem.... It is currently 79 degrees in there right now and has been as high as 88 and as low as 70.... all over the place but not toooo high or low I don't think.... The weather is changing dramatically as I type.... It was 61 yesterday and the high today is 20 and the low tonight is 8 so that should keep the temps down considerably.... My house is old... drafty... and built on a slab so the floors are cold and the light is actually helping heat the house... Normally I would have a fire going by now but it is doing the job for now...:yahoo:... I just want everyone to know that the problems I am now having are not Twilights fault at all... The light is working perfectly... I just needed to deal with the heat issue and didn't know how..:straightface: Once all the new stuff is delivered I have no doubt that my issues will be solved... Well with the fans anyhow..:blushsmile:.....:circle-of-love:
I wanted to explain my equipment recommendations better. I have personally used each one of the recommended items for more then 1 complete documented Grow Journal and Review without any problems with function interruptions or failures. When I design a grow area I provision from Florescent, Metal Halide and High Pressure Sodium light bulbs with a cooltube or LED light panels for illumination and believe that planing around flexible future options have provided the best choice in selecting equipment that will be used for many years of reliable service. I estimate the Twilight Groups LED Spider16 COB LED grow light operates at 850-896 watts draw power and with 120° lenses may cover a concentrated 5'x5' area, this also allows for Product Testing with 60° or 90° lenses in flower if desired in the 4'x4' tent or warm seasonal temperature variations.

I chose the Phresh Filter 6in x 24in 550CFM - Perfect Gardens based on its large CFM, surface area and size selection allowing odors to filter over a large surface area and greater longevity versus using a smaller CFM rating or carbon volume.

I chose the Vortex Inline Fan 6in 452CFM - Perfect Gardens that I have used to cool 1005 watts of LED light panels in a 6'5" x 6'4" x 6' Grow Bay #1 versus the estimated Twilight Groups LED Spider16 COB LED grow light operates at 850-896 watts draw power. This also allows different equipment to be using in the future with higher heat output as well that is accommodated for. The Vortex Inline Fan features a 10 year warranty, I am not aware of another inline fan manufacturer with longer then a 5 year warranty.

I chose the Titan Controls® Mercury 3 - Day/Night Fan Controller - Perfect Gardens to keep the grow tent in peak temperature growth ranges during lights on, run constant during dark hours to reduce humidity from transpiration of the plants and that would also allow for any high or low seasonal temperature variances and extend the life of the inline fan versus using a simple speedster fan speed controller that would often require adjustments and not allow the same temperature stability.

I have not yet Product Reviewed a Hyper Fan 6 in Digital Mixed Flow Fan 315 CFM - Perfect Gardens but I am interested. I do not believe that the Hyper Fan 6 in Digital Mixed Flow Fan 315 CFM would sufficiently cool the Twilight Groups LED Spider16 COB LED grow light in a 4'x4' tent.

I have not found that the Twilight Groups LED Spider COB LED grow light series produces more heat then a conventional LED light panel made from individual LED's.

I have seldom been disappointed by choosing items of name quality and longevity backed by a warranty over more inexpensive solutions.

Understood kind sir and thank you:)
I'm jealous!!! Just messing with you Fifi. You know I couldn't be happier. Santa was definitely good to you & I can't wait to see everything hooked up. You know that once you have the inline fans going with that humongous Spider Light you'll be in the major leagues competing with the heavy-weights (as if you weren't already giving them a run for their money).
Sorry I missed the revealing ceremony but the New Years party lasted until yesterday. I'm still not quite 100%...

Oh and sorry but i dont feel like you are dismissing my advice.....i dont give advice expecting for you to Do It cause i said so:)lol.....i think that people should take advice in from everybody and make thier own decision on what is best for them...
Exactly Dirty! There's no right or wrong way to go about things, especially here on 420 where so many different members do things so many different ways with good results.

Yeah that thinking thing :idea: never really worked for me either.... just sorta gives me a headache.....:circle-of-love:
:laughtwo::laughtwo::laughtwo: Gotta love her...
Love you too Broke Ass and I know once it is all sorted out it is going to be great.... You know how I am though... I want it now and I mean right now..:straightface:... it is so cold here today that it is doing just fine.... Now it will be tonight that I have a issue with the cold but I have a heater I can put in that room to make sure it doesn't get tooo cold..... These are the times I miss my big ol' fancy house.... It would have been a heck of a lot easier to control all elements of the temps... Would have had a lot more room and not even needed a tent.... Had a lot of extra rooms... I keep thinking back to what I could have done there and it may be a good thing I never got this brilliant idea there. I had a spare den... 2 spare bedrooms and 2 walk ins that would have been awesome... and never would have needed the first tent or cabinet or box... Not to mention a 2 car attached garage that was totally temp controlled.... Damn I want my old house only put on this piece of property.... If I'm gonna dream might as well do it large...
Any how back to reality.... In the end it is going to be perfect... Maybe not quite as easy as just hanging it and plugging it in like you did Broke Ass but it will be perfect!.....:circle-of-love:
Oh and one more thing Broke Ass... I will actually do the official revealing when I start the Twilight journal but am not going to do that until I have the tent squared away.... There are toooo many other factors going on right now to showcase what the light can do until I get the vent right... I'm also using the PeeJay soil for the first time and I'm thinking I should have stayed with FF for this run so I would know what to expect but again once the venting is corrected and the tent is holding the light like it should I will start the journal and keep it going through this harvest then start a complete new grow under the Twilight Spider16.....:circle-of-love:
Oh and one more thing Broke Ass... I will actually do the official revealing when I start the Twilight journal but am not going to do that until I have the tent squared away...
Consider it a date. I'll be there...
Well I have made an executive decision... Yea I know... Scares me too...:straightface:... I have taken all my babies and put them on the other side of the cabinet with the auto WW.... I am so afraid I am going to either burn them up or freeze them to death if I leave them in the tent until it is fixed correctly so I will just leave them under the Top Led 48x3w (I do have it on full spectrum since that was what they were used to) until everything gets here and is installed correctly....:smokin:... I actually couldn't sleep last night and was checking on them every hour on the hour and the hard swing of temps are just bound to eventually muck em' up...:thedoubletake:. The high tomorrow is 26 and the low is 5 and the way it is right now I just can't control that big of swing in there.... so we are back to stage 1 but I think if I do it this way and get everything organized it will be easier to just install everything at once and do it right.... Now if anyone would like to volunteer to come help me once everything is here... I am taking volunteers....:battingeyelashes: Just sayin'... Nephew won't be home for 2 1/2 weeks so I have got to figure out something else cause I will go insane if I have to wait that long but ya just can't ask anyone to help on a project like this.... Well I will figure something out or I will wait 2 1/2 weeks..:straightface: I will get it done somehow... one way or the other.....:circle-of-love:
Oh yea Jimmy!!! I will be right there to check it out and you better not leave me alone with all this.... I am most certainly going to need your help.... and you have no idea how much I wish you were closer.... If I moved to my fella's home place I think it would be close enough for ya but this may be a bit toooo far.. I'm assuming a 10 hour drive is out of the
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