Demonic Angel's 1500 Watt LED Ebb & Flow Attempt

Well you seem to be nailing it big time
Well.....ive had my hiccups. Most has to do with experimentation and HEAT! the rest is applied experience and knowledge gained in places like this.
Now! Does nutrient hype do what they claim?
Does high EC controlled during late flower produce denser buds? We shall see.

Good catch on the pH drop!!! (Applied knowledge) you learned this somewhere.
Keep it up and PW and the rest of us will be looking to you for guidance.
Well.....ive had my hiccups. Most has to do with experimentation and HEAT! the rest is applied experience and knowledge gained in places like this.
Now! Does nutrient hype do what they claim?
Does high EC controlled during late flower produce denser buds? We shall see.

Good catch on the pH drop!!! (Applied knowledge) you learned this somewhere.
Keep it up and PW and the rest of us will be looking to you for guidance.
That is a good question. I'm still new but I'm always looking to learn more. I was told by a fellow friend and grower to not bother with ec but it has to exist for a good reason.
That is a good question. I'm still new but I'm always looking to learn more. I was told by a fellow friend and grower to not bother with ec but it has to exist for a good reason.
That's usually good advice to a novice.
Serious growers (more for hydro than dirt) manipulating EC have been able to control node spacing, colours, flavor, taste and density in fruit and veggies.
Some of my observations for Cannabis.
Low EC in early veg produces thicker healthiest stalks.
During flower stretch. LowEC=increased node spacing. High EC=decreased node spacing.
That's usually good advice to a novice.
Serious growers (more for hydro than dirt) manipulating EC have been able to control node spacing, colours, flavor, taste and density in fruit and veggies.
Some of my observations for Cannabis.
Low EC in early veg produces thicker healthiest stalks.
During flower stretch. LowEC=increased node spacing. High EC=decreased node spacing.
Well so far that seems correct because my nodes are close together. I've noticed my ec is still relatively low so that's a good thing. The lower the better I guess. Well for now anyways
Here's today's reading after the res change
After my almost heart attack lol
I still have them.
FYI. Total res change on newly established hydro grow. Roots not yet established is a NO NO!
Mycorrhizal inoculum is a fungi that forms a symbiotic relationship with the roots of plants.
I destroyed this by doing a complete res change on young clones.
Killed root hairs, introduced pathogens, mild root rot.
Top off only!!!!!!!!!
Heart attack came when I realized. No more root bennies. Hydroguard old, strange color.
Out of anything of use (z7 zip). No store that carries any within 8o miles one way. Already ordered, It's Friday came on monday.
Worked out in the end. Slowed growth for a couple of weeks. Lesson relearned.
Funny I read an article about this very issue a while ago. Filed it in "bullshit" . Now sits in "trueshit". Lol
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