Demonic Angel's 1500 Watt LED Ebb & Flow Attempt

how do you keep your tent cool Demonic Angel with 5 LED panels in your tent. I just have one 300watt Mars hydro and I had to install a 3 in 1 ac unit just to keep temps workable..
Well my tent is in a cool cement basement and it seems to help. I also have an exhaust fan on a controller for the heat issue
10,000 BTU being pumped directly into a 4'x3'x5' panda filmed closet.
my bubblegum's don't wake up for 45 minutes, I'm just sitting outside the tent with my jaw dropped over everyone's grows on 420 magazine. pennywise & demonic angel #propstoyou
The two I have are 102L each
I was designing these for a cabinet grow. Height was an issue, needed squat totes.
I'm looking at 36"×24"×16" tote or cooler near this size for a Deweyponic DWC.
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