Demonic Angel's 1500 Watt LED Ebb & Flow Attempt

Oh man im out of breath but i finally caught up! :rofl:

Plants are looking excellent DA! They are getting big! And fast!

When I see PW, BF, Yyc, and so many others going hydro and nailing it I figured I better try it lol

I always had troubles in soil DA. Hydro is so easy as long as the ph is in check. It seems like a big step but i could imagine starting my first grow in hydro and getting great results.

Ill use mine to pheno hunt and make seeds.

I was thinking of doing the same for my night nurse gdp cross!
Thats going to be a heavy cross cant wait to see that cross.

Man! Im hope so! Definitely need some KO strain to put me to sleep. Maybe one day it will be a famous! If i found a very special one id take it as a mum and call it farmers cut.

Thank you BF. I'm trying that's all I can do I guess

I dont think your trying DA because you got it! Nailing it!!! :goodjob:
Good morning, wanted to get your opinion. Last night I noticed that I have little root tips sticking out all around the bottom of my beer cups. I feel its time to uppot them to there final home. Too soon or cool? Also DA what was your flood time after getting into the 4g pots? 15 min?
Yes you can transplant now, my flood time is 5 mins. I'm going to bump it up to 7 mins today
They are nice and comfortable sleeping it seems lol
Sorry about the bad pics just wanted to get a quick in and out of them lol
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