Deep Water Culture Tutorial, SH Kit & DIY

Re: Roseman's Deep Water Culture Tutorial, SH Kit & DIY

That is it!

I am a rich man, a very blessed man.

Stealth Hydroponics just lowered the price of their kits, but they no longer include the extension cords or surge protectors and they come with adn without lights. If you are a Deep Water Culture, you can use the word Deep Water Culture as a 10% Discount Coupon at their site.
If oyu would like to be a Deep Water Culture ask me how adn what it is all about.
If you need help or advice with your grow, that is why I am here.

And the crowd holds up their lighters!!!:bravo:

Take a bow!!:bravo:

Inspiring, wonderful, like a 5 star movie, even if there was a little bit of porn :grinjoint: heh heh

I hope to post a pic or two someday, but looks like it will be a bit longer than I hoped before I can start my grow.

Thank you, Roseman, and everyone who contributed, it was really great reading straight through like that.

Peace, OneToke (OT)
Re: Roseman's Deep Water Culture Tutorial, SH Kit & DIY

Hey I followed your tut closely, I am having a problem getting my feeding tubes to trickle.. I started with 2 12" airstones and an air pump, with a 185gph water pump and the tubes where streaming. So i added 2 more 12" airstones and another air pump, then downsized my water pump to a 140gph pump, and it is still streaming with a few air pockets now and then. Can I adjust anything to reduce the water flow? Any help would be greatly appreciated.

And I also have a cfl question, I would like to get around 20 cfls to put around the tote but what in the hell am i suppose to screw those bulbs into that wont suck up all my money? The clamp reflectors are $10 each!! Any ideas on a cheap method of hooking up these bad boys that is cost friendly?

Additional Information.

10 gallon tote with 6 4" net pots

9 outlet irrigation manifold (doing 2 hoses for 3 of the plants, bad idea?)

Tank if only filled up with 4 gallons
Re: Roseman's Deep Water Culture Tutorial, SH Kit & DIY

Hey I followed your tut closely, I am having a problem getting my feeding tubes to trickle.. I started with 2 12" airstones and an air pump, with a 185gph water pump and the tubes where streaming. So i added 2 more 12" airstones and another air pump, then downsized my water pump to a 140gph pump, and it is still streaming with a few air pockets now and then. Can I adjust anything to reduce the water flow? Any help would be greatly appreciated.

And I also have a cfl question, I would like to get around 20 cfls to put around the tote but what in the hell am i suppose to screw those bulbs into that wont suck up all my money? The clamp reflectors are $10 each!! Any ideas on a cheap method of hooking up these bad boys that is cost friendly?

Additional Information.

10 gallon tote with 6 4" net pots

9 outlet irrigation manifold (doing 2 hoses for 3 of the plants, bad idea?)

Tank if only filled up with 4 gallons

Take a look in the CFL tutorial, there are several different DIY CFL fixtures there, I posted one of ,mine and it works like a champ!
Re: Roseman's Deep Water Culture Tutorial, SH Kit & DIY

Hey I followed your tut closely, I am having a problem getting my feeding tubes to trickle.. I started with 2 12" airstones and an air pump, with a 185gph water pump and the tubes where streaming. So i added 2 more 12" airstones and another air pump, then downsized my water pump to a 140gph pump, and it is still streaming with a few air pockets now and then. Can I adjust anything to reduce the water flow? Any help would be greatly appreciated.

And I also have a cfl question, I would like to get around 20 cfls to put around the tote but what in the hell am i suppose to screw those bulbs into that wont suck up all my money? The clamp reflectors are $10 each!! Any ideas on a cheap method of hooking up these bad boys that is cost friendly?

Additional Information.

10 gallon tote with 6 4" net pots

9 outlet irrigation manifold (doing 2 hoses for 3 of the plants, bad idea?)

Tank if only filled up with 4 gallons

IGG tyr using a pvc manifold like FPF made. You can use power strips with Y adapters stuck into a 1" pvc tee. I got 12 lights in 2 strips. You will need to make a reflector for them. I amde mune like FPF's and used zip ties to holrd it to the pvc frame. Good Lucj Brother. :peace:
Re: Roseman's Deep Water Culture Tutorial, SH Kit & DIY

Thank you for your replys, the cfl question has been answered but I still need to know how to reduce the water flow from the feeding tubes, I discovered that my water pump is adjustable after a little research, so i put it on the lowest setting and it is a lot better, but not good enough. still streaming just not as bad, some feeding tubes have a more powerful stream then others. Im going to attempt to grow with it and hope they do not drown. The only idea I have is to put a timer on the water pump if the plants do get over watered. But I would much prefer to fix this situation and get the stream down to a trickle or drip so any input would be awesome.
Re: Roseman's Deep Water Culture Tutorial, SH Kit & DIY

When I used to have a fish tank, the fish store sold adjustable clamps you could use on air hose to slow the flow. Maybe that would work for your feeder tube too.
Re: Roseman's Deep Water Culture Tutorial, SH Kit & DIY

Thank you for your replys, the cfl question has been answered but I still need to know how to reduce the water flow from the feeding tubes, I discovered that my water pump is adjustable after a little research, so i put it on the lowest setting and it is a lot better, but not good enough. still streaming just not as bad, some feeding tubes have a more powerful stream then others. Im going to attempt to grow with it and hope they do not drown. The only idea I have is to put a timer on the water pump if the plants do get over watered. But I would much prefer to fix this situation and get the stream down to a trickle or drip so any input would be awesome.

IGotGreen.. Try puting a Y or T on your pump and recirculate it into your res.
Too much flow restrection will take life from the pump. :thumb: Hope this helps..
Re: Roseman's Deep Water Culture Tutorial, SH Kit & DIY

IGotGreen.. Try puting a Y or T on your pump and recirculate it into your res.
Too much flow restrection will take life from the pump. :thumb: Hope this helps..

Thank your for your reply but can you please describe the Y and T attachments a little better? I would like to know what they do, how they work and where to get them, and I am not having any luck with google. Thanks again!!
Re: Roseman's Deep Water Culture Tutorial, SH Kit & DIY

Thank you for your replys, the cfl question has been answered but I still need to know how to reduce the water flow from the feeding tubes, I discovered that my water pump is adjustable after a little research, so i put it on the lowest setting and it is a lot better, but not good enough. still streaming just not as bad, some feeding tubes have a more powerful stream then others. Im going to attempt to grow with it and hope they do not drown. The only idea I have is to put a timer on the water pump if the plants do get over watered. But I would much prefer to fix this situation and get the stream down to a trickle or drip so any input would be awesome.

My tubes put out way more than a trickle. I put them against the side of the rockwool about half way down the side. This is more than they recommend but It hasn't been a problem for me. I have heard of people having trouble, but I don't think this is a major problem area.

Don't let this keep you fom moving forward. Push ahead and see for yourself of it is a problem for you, most of the time these problems are case specific, not pandemic.
Re: Roseman's Deep Water Culture Tutorial, SH Kit & DIY

Only thing you have to make sure you do it put the feeder hose below your seed. Half way is good but plant your cracked seed so it is barely covered at the top of the rockwool.

Speaking of which, do not use the premade holes in the rockwool. Those holes are designed for clones and will put your seed too far down in the cube for your flow. You can make a small hole right next to the pre- made.
Re: Roseman's Deep Water Culture Tutorial, SH Kit & DIY

Alright thank you so much for the advice. I am curious if my lighting idea is sufficient.

I am planning on buying 20 of the 26 watt daytime cfls that output 1750 lumens. That is 35000 lumens in my 10 sq ft grow area (which is covered in mylar) that is 3500 lumens a sq ft. Now i read in the CFL Light Tutorial that 3000 lumens a sq ft is absolute minimum and will grow a small plant. I want to grow 6 plants of decent size. Will my light set-up be sufficient? And I can not invest in more lights since 20 bulbs is already hard enough to try and rig up. I am also on a very tight budget of around $100 which i thought would be more then enough for the lights, but I think I am wrong.
Re: Roseman's Deep Water Culture Tutorial, SH Kit & DIY

Alright thank you so much for the advice. I am curious if my lighting idea is sufficient.

I am planning on buying 20 of the 26 watt daytime cfls that output 1750 lumens. That is 35000 lumens in my 10 sq ft grow area (which is covered in mylar) that is 3500 lumens a sq ft. Now i read in the CFL Light Tutorial that 3000 lumens a sq ft is absolute minimum and will grow a small plant. I want to grow 6 plants of decent size. Will my light set-up be sufficient? And I can not invest in more lights since 20 bulbs is already hard enough to try and rig up. I am also on a very tight budget of around $100 which i thought would be more then enough for the lights, but I think I am wrong.

Your lighting should be okay, minimal but okay. I'd recommend using a larger bulb to keep the number down, it would be easier to manage 10 lamps than 20. I use 8- 55w lamps.

But 6 plants in 10 sf is very cramped. My first grow I did the same and was disappointed with the harvest. This time I've got three in the same space and I'm expecting double the production with a shorter veg time. I'd say no more than 3 in a 10 sf space.
Re: Roseman's Deep Water Culture Tutorial, SH Kit & DIY

Your lighting should be okay, minimal but okay. I'd recommend using a larger bulb to keep the number down, it would be easier to manage 10 lamps than 20. I use 8- 55w lamps.

But 6 plants in 10 sf is very cramped. My first grow I did the same and was disappointed with the harvest. This time I've got three in the same space and I'm expecting double the production with a shorter veg time. I'd say no more than 3 in a 10 sf space.

I researched the 55w bulbs, they produce 3600 lumens each, so 8 of them only produce 28800 lumens according to some of the sites that sell them on google. Which would be under the minimum requirement according to the cfl tutorial. Roseman also had some suggestions earlier in his thread which after researching the lumen output, all of the suggestions are still below 3000 lumens a sf. So I went to my local hydroponics store and they told me that 3000 lumens is the minimum, and then directed me to a 16,200 lumen T5. Which is still even lower then the min.. So if 3000 lumens a sf is the minimum why are people refering me to lights that are below? I am going to start investing in the 26w cfls since 20 of them has the highest lumen output of the other choices (which is 35000) and it is the cheapest!!!

Rosewoods Post:
You will also need lights. Like at least 6 65 watt CFLs, ($16 each) and 4 Clamp Reflectors ($44 to $48 for 4)
8 42 watt bulbs, ($9 each) and 4 Clamp Reflectors and 4 Y Sockets ($2 each)

2 85 watt or 4 85 watt CFLS (about $20 to $26 each) and the Clamp Reflectors

As for only doing 3 plants, my room is 2foot by 5 foot so I believe doing 2 rows of three is sufficient?
Re: Roseman's Deep Water Culture Tutorial, SH Kit & DIY

Hello there IGrowGreen,

Preparing for my own first time grow, I'd like to offer some insight and moral support to you. This grow will help you grow, too, in ways you can only imagine.

There are many factors to think about in a space only two feet wide and five feet long. I know, for myself, I always have a tendency to envision a space bigger than the Three Dimensions actually are. Like when a person moves into a new space and suddenly wonders why all their furniture and stuff won't fit. They had a bigger sense of the useable space. And "empty space" always seems bigger to us optically.

So, as someone who is also preparing for the first time grow, these other folks who have been growing for a while certainly know their stuff, and it's very beneficial for us to Pause, take a deep breath and let go of many of the ideas we have sometimes. The end result will most definitely bless us many times beyond our present hopes and expectations of what we are intending to accomplish, as we practice letting go of the outcome of the entire adventure.

And if you are in the process of developing a new relationship with Cannabis and inviting her as a living being to grow in your closet/garden, you might want to think about allowing her plenty of space to BLOOM AND GROW LIKE ANYTHING, instead of how many of her can be grown in a relatively smallish space. Give her room to make her presence known to you. And she will certainly teach you how to take care of her so that she can expand herself to bless you. There are ways to allow her to expand as she grows in FLower mode, such as Low Stress Training or even just tilting the net cup at a 45 degree angle and allowing side branches to expand and grow larger colas.

For instance, FryingPanFLyer shared how three Cannabis plants gave him double the yield of six plants grown in the same space. For a first time grower like myself preparing, I thought I'd go all out and plant six. It seems like the thing to do, considering there are six holes for the net pots.

Yet, especially after reading this tutorial and the ongoing questions and comments from everyone, I am in COMPLETE AWE AND ADMIRATION of how much yield comes from growing a few plants in bubbles with CFL's in small spaces. Roseman and many others have shown us consistently big yields in this tutorial and other folks' grow journals.

So, from one new grower to any one else listening out there, allow your Cannabis friends to have as much room as they require without pushing our human desires and demands on them of how we want them to perform. These are living beings who are truly worthy of our respect and care. We are aspiring to offer the appropriate amount of light, nutrients, pH balanced water, extra oxygen and such. So, let's allow them the space to grow to their full potential. AND WE WILL BE SO SURPRISED how they respond--and WHAT WE LEARN FROM THEM!

And there are all kinds of beings who are assisting with our grow, not only us in a human form. Feel free to read Roseman's post about growing pot

So, to make a long point short, PLEASE allow your plants plenty of space to be who they truly are and they will respond to your kindness and care many times over. You will have so many wonderful experiences with them as you allow them their "roots and wings" as the saying goes.
Re: Roseman's Deep Water Culture Tutorial, SH Kit & DIY

You can do whatever you choose, it really makes no difference to me. Personally I wouldn't bother with the hassle of dealing with 20 lamps. To each his own.

I simply stated what I used for lighting one of my grow closets that is 28" x 42". You could use 10- 55w for your closet. If you want to see the efectiveness. Check out my grow journal, the Sour Diesel are growing under the cfl's. Remember, nothing is written in stone. And the lamps aren't even the right colors, 2- 2700k and 6- 5000k, but they are working fine, nothing is written in stone.

As to the number of plants, I'm simply speaking of experience. Again, check my grow. All I'm doing is telling you what I've done, if you should choose to ignore that advice fine, I'm just trying to offer you the benefit of my experience. But it sounds as f you have made up your mind alreadyso I'm not going to wrry about it.

Good luck, I wish you success in you endeavour.

I researched the 55w bulbs, they produce 3600 lumens each, so 8 of them only produce 28800 lumens according to some of the sites that sell them on google. Which would be under the minimum requirement according to the cfl tutorial. Roseman also had some suggestions earlier in his thread which after researching the lumen output, all of the suggestions are still below 3000 lumens a sf. So I went to my local hydroponics store and they told me that 3000 lumens is the minimum, and then directed me to a 16,200 lumen T5. Which is still even lower then the min.. So if 3000 lumens a sf is the minimum why are people refering me to lights that are below? I am going to start investing in the 26w cfls since 20 of them has the highest lumen output of the other choices (which is 35000) and it is the cheapest!!!

Rosewoods Post:
You will also need lights. Like at least 6 65 watt CFLs, ($16 each) and 4 Clamp Reflectors ($44 to $48 for 4)
8 42 watt bulbs, ($9 each) and 4 Clamp Reflectors and 4 Y Sockets ($2 each)

2 85 watt or 4 85 watt CFLS (about $20 to $26 each) and the Clamp Reflectors

As for only doing 3 plants, my room is 2foot by 5 foot so I believe doing 2 rows of three is sufficient?
Re: Roseman's Deep Water Culture Tutorial, SH Kit & DIY

You can do whatever you choose, it really makes no difference to me. Personally I wouldn't bother with the hassle of dealing with 20 lamps. To each his own.

I simply stated what I used for lighting one of my grow closets that is 28" x 42". You could use 10- 55w for your closet. If you want to see the efectiveness. Check out my grow journal, the Sour Diesel are growing under the cfl's. Remember, nothing is written in stone. And the lamps aren't even the right colors, 2- 2700k and 6- 5000k, but they are working fine, nothing is written in stone.

As to the number of plants, I'm simply speaking of experience. Again, check my grow. All I'm doing is telling you what I've done, if you should choose to ignore that advice fine, I'm just trying to offer you the benefit of my experience. But it sounds as f you have made up your mind alreadyso I'm not going to wrry about it.

Good luck, I wish you success in you endeavour.

Oh no I'm not choosing to ignore your advice, and I agree with you on the less lights being easy to take care of, I just do not understand this lumen stuff. If 3000 lumens a sq ft is supposedly the bare minimum, then how are your plants growing so well with out the minimum amount? Not trying to criticize, just trying to understand how this works better so I can put my best effort in setting up this grow room, and getting my babies the light they desire.

For the amount of plants, I am thinking of doing the six plants, and after they get of decent size, change the light cycle to see the sex so I can weed out the males. I am assuming I will get around 3 females so then I will put those back in Veg and continue, leaving me with 3 plants like suggested. And if I started with 3 plants I might end up with only 1 or 2 girls. Opinions?
Re: Roseman's Deep Water Culture Tutorial, SH Kit & DIY

And the crowd holds up their lighters!!!:bravo:

Take a bow!!:bravo:

Inspiring, wonderful, like a 5 star movie, even if there was a little bit of porn :grinjoint: heh heh

I hope to post a pic or two someday, but looks like it will be a bit longer than I hoped before I can start my grow.

Thank you, Roseman, and everyone who contributed, it was really great reading straight through like that.

Peace, OneToke (OT)

Welcome to 420 bro, very glad you are here. I look forward to seeing your pics.
I have been away a few days, been busy working and it is tax time. I'll be scarce next week too, but I'll will visit here as often as I can.

Happy 420,
Re: Roseman's Deep Water Culture Tutorial, SH Kit & DIY

I had to register just to say thanks to Roseman. This is a wonderful tutorial. I found it accidently while I was looking for trichome production information (which was covered expertly). Thanks again for making this tutorial/journal :)

Hey, welcome to 420 Magazine,bro, glad you joined us. I hope you hang around and grow with us. I'm glad you liked the Tutorial. It is simple and not scientific for sure, but it is based on the experience gained from 7 grows.
I also hope you consider joining the Deep Water Culture too.

Re: Roseman's Deep Water Culture Tutorial, SH Kit & DIY

Hey I followed your tut closely, I am having a problem getting my feeding tubes to trickle.. I started with 2 12" airstones and an air pump, with a 185gph water pump and the tubes where streaming. So i added 2 more 12" airstones and another air pump, then downsized my water pump to a 140gph pump, and it is still streaming with a few air pockets now and then. Can I adjust anything to reduce the water flow? Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Welcome here bro.
You're going to get conflicting advise, but I am telling you DON'T WORRY ALOT OVER IT. If the tube is butted into the cube, the cube slows the flow SOME. I have completed 8 grows with the Deep Water Culture system, and very often, from the same water pump, in the same tank, I had a few tubes trickling and a few tubes just a pouring a stream. It did not matter and after 4 years of reading about other growers using the same system, I have never seen a grower complain that his plants Drowned.

And I also have a cfl question, I would like to get around 20 cfls to put around the tote but what in the hell am i suppose to screw those bulbs into that wont suck up all my money? The clamp reflectors are $10 each!! Any ideas on a cheap method of hooking up these bad boys that is cost friendly?

If you are going to flood the grow area with 20 bulbs, then just put some good mylar on the walls, or paint them white and go with that. Read the CFL Tutorial for more suggestions.

Additional Information.

10 gallon tote with 6 4" net pots

9 outlet irrigation manifold (doing 2 hoses for 3 of the plants, bad idea?)

Tank if only filled up with 4 gallons

Don't sweat the petty stuff, man, learn by growing. Things I was so articulate about my first grow or two are not even considered now.
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