Deep Water Culture Tutorial, SH Kit & DIY

Re: Roseman's Deep Water Culture Tutorial, SH Kit & DIY

Has anyone heard from 420Fied

He was around a week or so ago

Plans still in the works but was having some seed germination issues ;)
Re: Roseman's Deep Water Culture Tutorial, SH Kit & DIY

Originally Posted by CannaSunshine View Post
Greetings all.

I am at the step in our process of balancing the pH of water to soak the Rockwool Cubes, and am seeking input to this issue.

My tap water is 6.5 pH

I used the pH DOWN to adjust and it went UP to 7.5 instead of DOWN. I am using the pH Strips which are included in the SH Deep Water Culture System.


Thank you infexion1134 and Green007,

I DID indeed think they may be mislabeled, so I tried some "pH Up" and the strips turned BLUE!

So, I have a seed sprouted in paper towel and am ready to put her in a Rockwool Cube in the tank, and am not sure what to do.

I appreciate your help, whatever it is.
What to do with my sprouting friend? Just leave her in her paper towel for now?

With the budget for the month of APril, I was planning to maybe purchase some seeds from Attitude Seed Bank (since only one of the four bag seeds have sprouted) while using the pH strips until May, then purchase pH meter in May. I don't think ithis is a matter of the strips. It is a matter of the powder, so don't think I need to have a meter just yet. I'm sure many of you use/have used pH strips quite well...

I'm going to the kitchen now, since the water has set overnight and see what, if anything, has changed. will keep you posted...
Re: Roseman's Deep Water Culture Tutorial, SH Kit & DIY

Greetings all.

I am at the step in our process of balancing the pH of water to soak the Rockwool Cubes, and am seeking input to this issue.

My tap water is 6.5 pH

I used the pH DOWN to adjust and it went UP to 7.5 instead of DOWN. I am using the pH Strips which are included in the SH Deep Water Culture System.


6.5 is great if your getting it from tap I wouldn;t mess with it:goodluck:
Re: Roseman's Deep Water Culture Tutorial, SH Kit & DIY


I was just trying to get the pH to 5 as Roseman suggests in the Tutorial to lower the pH of the Rockwool Cube.

In the meantime, then, I'll go ahead and soak the cube(s) and get the seedling from Paper Towel to Cube later today.

I'm also calling Stealth Hydro and talking to them about this container of pH DOWN to see about what to do about it...
Re: Roseman's Deep Water Culture Tutorial, SH Kit & DIY

I was looking online for ONA PRO and found a gallon jug available. And the quart jug. Both have the blue and white label. My question is, will they be the linen scent because it does not say what scent it is. The green label that are not the pro, say linen scent.

Do the ONA PRO blue and white label jars come with linen scent? But, it's not actually on the jar label.?

And, can you buy ONA PRO from Wal Mart or some box store?

thank you, OT
Re: Roseman's Deep Water Culture Tutorial, SH Kit & DIY

Greetings Deep Water Culture,


My Sunleaves air pump included in the Deep Water Culture system tends to be very noisy, and since the GrowLab is in the corner of the bedroom this kept me awake last night.

I already have it propped on a towel and not touching any surfaces, so that is not an issue. It is just noisy.

**May I unplug the Air Pump at night while I am resting? OR is that detrimental to the Extra Oxygenization of the water?

Does anyone have any other suggestions for brands of Air Pumps which are QUIET. Also, I read online in research that the type of Air stone/disk can make a big difference in the pressure for the Air Pump and make an Air Pump run louder. Does anyone have input on this realization? if so, what might you recommend? In the kit, the Sunleaves air pump gets hooked up to a long green Plax air stone.

Thank you for all your assistance!

Re: Roseman's Deep Water Culture Tutorial, SH Kit & DIY

That pump should be really quiet. When I had one I had it on a kitchen sponge but the towel under it should be keeping it quiet. I use this one now.

Discount Hydroponics - O2 Easy High Output Air Pump

It's not especially quiet so I don't know if that your answer. Not loud by any mean but I I listen carefully I can hear in running and my set-up is in a closet of an unused bedroom (love it when the kids move out). Might want to take that question over to the Deep Water Culture home thread.

Re: Roseman's Deep Water Culture Tutorial, SH Kit & DIY

Hey CS I wouldn't unplug it. It's all about the O2. Hang it by something. If it is suspended it shouldnt vibrate. :peace:
Re: Roseman's Deep Water Culture Tutorial, SH Kit & DIY

THANK each of you for your loving concern.

IT is already hanging and propped in the towel like a hammock. That is where it was set up. I can hear it three rooms away through the wall, so I am speculating it might be defective. and will call Stealth Hydro Monday (are they open on Saturday for Customer Service?)

Since I'd read online today that sometimes the air stone can cause too much pressure and make an air pump too noisy I will go inside the grow room here in a little while and take the air tube off the air stone and just let the air pump in and see if that helps...

FOr such a little pump, it sure is a vocal little sucker! :laughtwo::laughtwo::laughtwo:

zTHanks for your input and care.
Re: Roseman's Deep Water Culture Tutorial, SH Kit & DIY

Canna, head to Wal-Mart and get a Tetra Whisper air pump. 1 or 2 outlets, I think it's like $20 for the 1 outlet and $30 for the 2 outlet.
Re: Roseman's Deep Water Culture Tutorial, SH Kit & DIY

Hi! Maybe one of you guys/girls could help out a noob.

Roseman states in his build that he uses about a 1 1/2 gph stream from his irrigation hub to the rockwool cubes. Is this the total coming out if the hub, or each individual stream (per net pot)?

I am only using a single 6" net pot in a 5gal bucket for 1 plant. I have a small water pump w/ NO irrigation hub as I will be using a flow restrictor that will limit my flow to 2gph.

My question is, will the 2gph flow to the single plant be to much/little and if so, any suggestions?

Re: Roseman's Deep Water Culture Tutorial, SH Kit & DIY

Thanks for you help.

I am using a 1 1/2" square cube, taking the plastic wrapper off and butting the feed tube flush against the cube. I just don't want to over/under feed. Naturally I am more worried about drowning them. Should the rockwool be soaked all the time? I'm still a little unclear on this part.....

And your saying that I should be seeing a trickle of water constantly dropping from the bottom of the net pot once everything is set up. Is that correct?

Is there an approximate number value we could put on this given the 1 1/2" cube (ie. 2 GPH etc.), or just try a dry run (no pun intended) until I get my trickle I'm looking for. I will do that anyway just to be certain.

Once again, thanks for all your help. What a great site!
Re: Roseman's Deep Water Culture Tutorial, SH Kit & DIY

Don't know the gph. I have a 185gph pump running through the irrigation hub to choke down the flow. Yes, I am saying that you want a tiny stream or drip,drip,drip, from the bottom of the net pot. The rockwool should be damp to the touch but not soaked. I set things up, let it run for a bit and touch my finger to the top of the cube. If it is moist but not spongy soak you are there. You can tell by the color of the rw cube also. You want it just a little darker than dry. Dark brown is too soaked. Also make sure you place that feeder hose at least half way down the cube. You want the water flow below the seed/sprout roots system. Make them go get it.
Re: Roseman's Deep Water Culture Tutorial, SH Kit & DIY

I have a 145GPH pump and figured I didn't need the irrigation hub since I only had the one plant.

I ordered a 2GPH flow restrictor online...hopefully this will work (as per your advice). I will set it up later today and see if I can get the RW to a happy place.

My first grow, and I'm glued to this thread. I figure following Roseman's grow as closely as possible for my first will get me the best results without getting discouraged. As I gain experience, I'm sure I will learn my own tricks of the trade.

Thanks again to all the Deep Water Culture that contributed to this thread. You guys sure do know your shit!
Re: Roseman's Deep Water Culture Tutorial, SH Kit & DIY

Might also want to get some answers at our home site. We all hang out there.

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