DD Stable Of Impermanence

Hi everyone. I appreciate you all looking in from time to time. I hope you’re all ok?

I just answered this over at your place. I knew you’d asked me somewhere! :rolleyes:

Our Alaskan Purple science experiment.
8 days above ground.

Hmm. Maybe? I’m expecting AP2 to be up tomorrow.

Starting to set the frame on another one. This is a Critical Purple Kush. Her second layer has nearly caught up now, so we’ll soon start to play for a little height.

Critical Purple Kush

Dr Seedsman CBD 30:1



So much empty space in the bloom room! Definitely hope to remedy that in time. Standing the Hulklato beside the veg tent now there is no way she could have finished in there, well without heaps of supercropping. It was her first home. Now she stands only 10” from the top.

Thanks for looking in everyone.
Stay well!
fooking hell mate. that is a full flower room. cbd looking good alongside too. dense buds compared to hulklato's too. so different. I am so stoked at your success with Hulklato mate. seeing you do what you have with it is an inspiring and very satisfying feeling. Thanks for giving it a go and nailing it. You are the 1st true pioneer of this never seen before strain . Named and now in existence 100%. you are a star, thank you. seeing the cloning going good too is brilliant. cant faultn your commitment to these projects DD. you are reaping some well earned and deserved rewards now mate. Universe has plans for you.......Be well mate.
Yo dick ..how is it hanging ?

Stop playing with Yoru donkey balls and post some pics .

It hangs sleepless again, Joe. Thanks for asking.
Been going through quite a few of these..

It is striped with rosin on the inside of the paper. Very tasty too! Need to make more rosin tomorrow. And that’s ok because I’m nearly at a harvest and still have jar stock. ((Yay!)

Here is this week’s Seedsman update. 8 weeks today since I flipped the switch on the bloom room. Worth a look for the pictures. :cool:

Got a couple of montages. Here’s one:

This is AP1, Alaskan Purple. The science experiment with no nodes from last week?
The bottom picture is day 11 for her. She seems to have grasped the idea of new growth, but so far has forgotten to add stalk.
We’ll see how she goes.

Meanwhile, there was another bean dropped.


The bean on the left is Chem4xUzbeki and one I was particularly looking forward to running. Both beans sank in 18 hrs. Both were rattled in a pill bottle lined with sandpaper then soaked in RO H2O with a drop of H2O2. The CxU bean is five days in a paper towel now :confused: and the third of the ten year old beans from Hawaii that I haven’t popped. I read somewhere about giberelic (sp?) acid being used to coax old beans to life so I’m going to bone up on that a bit.
AP2 got going ok though. Three days after the glass she was up. Kind of.

i could not encourage the seed husk off because it was still intact. I took the smallest pair of pliers I have and squeezed.
I was surprised how much pressure it took to break it, then wondered for a day whether I’d crushed the precious cargo.

She got a bit of green and opened up ok.

Day three and already looking more convincing than AP1 at this stage.

I was going to wait for real stems between nodes before journaling her arrival, but here we are. Fingers crossed.

What else? I cut up the curly wurly CPK clone and have five cuts I’m hoping to root. The four cuts of Isabelle Purple I took 17 days ago still aren’t obviously dead :p I’ve taken their domes off and we are hoping for the best.

Looking great in here @DonkeyDick .
That one plant is absolutely a monster.
Great job buddy :high-five:
I admire the engineering and symmetry every time you post those wire pics. #wireenvy
Thank you, guys :high-five:


Stay safe please everyone!
It hangs sleepless again, Joe. Thanks for asking.
Been going through quite a few of these..

It is striped with rosin on the inside of the paper. Very tasty too! Need to make more rosin tomorrow. And that’s ok because I’m nearly at a harvest and still have jar stock. ((Yay!)

Here is this week’s Seedsman update. 8 weeks today since I flipped the switch on the bloom room. Worth a look for the pictures. :cool:

Got a couple of montages. Here’s one:

This is AP1, Alaskan Purple. The science experiment with no nodes from last week?
The bottom picture is day 11 for her. She seems to have grasped the idea of new growth, but so far has forgotten to add stalk.
We’ll see how she goes.

Meanwhile, there was another bean dropped.


The bean on the left is Chem4xUzbeki and one I was particularly looking forward to running. Both beans sank in 18 hrs. Both were rattled in a pill bottle lined with sandpaper then soaked in RO H2O with a drop of H2O2. The CxU bean is five days in a paper towel now :confused: and the third of the ten year old beans from Hawaii that I haven’t popped. I read somewhere about giberelic (sp?) acid being used to coax old beans to life so I’m going to bone up on that a bit.
AP2 got going ok though. Three days after the glass she was up. Kind of.

i could not encourage the seed husk off because it was still intact. I took the smallest pair of pliers I have and squeezed.
I was surprised how much pressure it took to break it, then wondered for a day whether I’d crushed the precious cargo.

She got a bit of green and opened up ok.

Day three and already looking more convincing than AP1 at this stage.

I was going to wait for real stems between nodes before journaling her arrival, but here we are. Fingers crossed.

What else? I cut up the curly wurly CPK clone and have five cuts I’m hoping to root. The four cuts of Isabelle Purple I took 17 days ago still aren’t obviously dead :p I’ve taken their domes off and we are hoping for the best.

Thank you, guys :high-five:


Stay safe please everyone!
Wow matey look at those flowering ladies go. Great news on all the little ladies making it too mate . stoked for you now. great seeing it all going then right way through commitment and dedication to the task mate. enjoy the down time and get well while you do it. best therapy ever right now mate. nice work
Hi everyone. I appreciate you all looking in from time to time. I hope you’re all ok?

I just answered this over at your place. I knew you’d asked me somewhere! :rolleyes:

Our Alaskan Purple science experiment.
8 days above ground.

Hmm. Maybe? I’m expecting AP2 to be up tomorrow.

Starting to set the frame on another one. This is a Critical Purple Kush. Her second layer has nearly caught up now, so we’ll soon start to play for a little height.

Critical Purple Kush

Dr Seedsman CBD 30:1



So much empty space in the bloom room! Definitely hope to remedy that in time. Standing the Hulklato beside the veg tent now there is no way she could have finished in there, well without heaps of supercropping. It was her first home. Now she stands only 10” from the top.

Thanks for looking in everyone.
Stay well!

My AP is smelling like sweet fuelly spew..... Very pungent and dense and spitting out more pistils..... :headbanger:
So we are what the third of April today. (Ahead of the world on a date stamp. In most other regards, 30-50 years behind).
On the first of April, don’t know if you know this @Stunger, our laws and regulations changed. I don’t know if it has been removed from the Crimes Act like CBD was, but the thing is that THC is now more easily prescribed. Until now you had to have MS to have a THC script.
I now have prescriptions for both CBD and THC.
It took so long to be in the right place at the right time for this!
So it’s going to be interesting to step it up over the next few weeks, see how it affects my wotsits ‘n that but also to see whether it has an impact on my jar stock. I’m hooning through such enormous amounts :cheesygrinsmiley: not bragging for its own sake;)

Braying a bit now. It isn’t easy for donkeys to jump hurdles, you know! The Grand Nationals would be even more ridiculous if we could.

There endeth my nth joint for the day. It isn’t wake and bake if you don’t sleep. It’s just bake and bake.

Have lovely days, people.
Don’t get sick!
On the first of April, don’t know if you know this @Stunger, our laws and regulations changed. I don’t know if it has been removed from the Crimes Act like CBD was, but the thing is that THC is now more easily prescribed. Until now you had to have MS to have a THC script.
I now have prescriptions for both CBD and THC.
Yes I was aware of the 1st April changes towards medicinal but not the fine points as I didn't see myself getting any prescriptions. I just want to be legally able to grow my own. I read too because of the virus there would be some delays. And of course because of the virus that big presentation for medical people about medicinal CBD/THC was shelved which no doubt slows things down for those people whose doctors didn't get to go and therefore wont write scripts until they get informed. I wonder how you'll find the prescription stuff compared to your excellent home grown!
I :love: my press.

I had 3oz of jar stock left from our last harvest.
So squished 15g.


For 1.9g of fruity, sticky goodness.

Very tasty it is, too. @Sugarleaf just put down her regular joint when I walked in the room with some rosin-rolled doobs.
It definitely gives joints a lift so you don’t smoke as many. Must be healthier :cool:
Meanwhile. AP2. So far, so good. Guttating.

Half way to becoming one of these...

Covid: 200 000 people have recovered, but 52 000 have died.
Don’t get it.
Don’t go out.
Stay at home.
Those seed husks take quite a bit of pressure and its heart wrenching if you go all Arnie on the poor thing...haha your flowers are looking stellar and sure must be stinking up the place quiet a bit...haha, hope you having a blessed week so far ...
true. I always have to perform some surgery and it can go bad. nature doesnt always win.
So we are what the third of April today. (Ahead of the world on a date stamp. In most other regards, 30-50 years behind).
On the first of April, don’t know if you know this @Stunger, our laws and regulations changed. I don’t know if it has been removed from the Crimes Act like CBD was, but the thing is that THC is now more easily prescribed. Until now you had to have MS to have a THC script.
I now have prescriptions for both CBD and THC.
It took so long to be in the right place at the right time for this!
So it’s going to be interesting to step it up over the next few weeks, see how it affects my wotsits ‘n that but also to see whether it has an impact on my jar stock. I’m hooning through such enormous amounts :cheesygrinsmiley: not bragging for its own sake;)

Braying a bit now. It isn’t easy for donkeys to jump hurdles, you know! The Grand Nationals would be even more ridiculous if we could.

There endeth my nth joint for the day. It isn’t wake and bake if you don’t sleep. It’s just bake and bake.

Have lovely days, people.
Don’t get sick!
brilliant news mate. legal and supported too. must be a relief.
on the grand national. one of the most popular UK sporting events in holiday camps was the donkey derby. more fun than any national .lol
I :love: my press.

I had 3oz of jar stock left from our last harvest.
So squished 15g.


For 1.9g of fruity, sticky goodness.

Very tasty it is, too. @Sugarleaf just put down her regular joint when I walked in the room with some rosin-rolled doobs.
It definitely gives joints a lift so you don’t smoke as many. Must be healthier :cool:
Meanwhile. AP2. So far, so good. Guttating.

Half way to becoming one of these...

Covid: 200 000 people have recovered, but 52 000 have died.
Don’t get it.
Don’t go out.
Stay at home.
mate your killing me here. I didn't realise it was as usable in J's . that one you took pic of looked such a mouth watering example too. Been my excuse for not dabbling too. would miss smoking joints.!!! haha no excuse now not to look into going that route. realising how shit my lungs are now and how much I possibly waste with poor absorbtion and smoking it like cigs could also explain why I dont get the heavy hit that often from weeds I grow. I get my tolerance after so long must be silly. never done an intended weed break as eventually finding some stops dead !! A nice rosin paper could sort that !!. damn , now working out how to use next harvest could finance it now.lol. Damn you Donkey. corrupted to the core !
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