DC's First Indoor Multi-Strain

That first picture, definitely makes the plants look droopy still. When was the last time you watered or fed? I think you should let them dry out really well before touching them again with any water.
I’m sorry if I’ve asked this before. I follow a lot of threads and tend to forget little details.. are you in coco? If so, then 5.8 is a good ph. If you are not in coco, then please, stop feeding at 5.8:laughtwo:
They look much much better this morning! Crisis averted?! I think I'll be watering a little more often they don't seem to like going too dry. 1/2 to 3/4 nutes seems to be also a little of a sweeter spot with the higher dose of Calmag. Also going to try to continue PHing down to around 5.8 to 6 PH instead of 6.5 as well to see if it makes a difference.


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That first picture, definitely makes the plants look droopy still. When was the last time you watered or fed? I think you should let them dry out really well before touching them again with any water.
I’m sorry if I’ve asked this before. I follow a lot of threads and tend to forget little details.. are you in coco? If so, then 5.8 is a good ph. If you are not in coco, then please, stop feeding at 5.8:laughtwo:

They were already bone dry to the bottoms, pots were very light. The droop was from underwater in as evident from how they sprung up after watering and seemed to explode in some growth overnight. At least that's my theory and Im sticking to it! I'm also thinking some of the droopy appearance is mostly just the large fan leaves at the bottom as the newer growth doesn't seem to have that droop.

I'm growing in Promix HP so essentially Coco (soil less).

Hey man. There’s a Mars light giveaway going on right now. if you already knew about it, then awesome! If not then go ahead and have your chances at winning a light :thumb:

Thanks for the heads up bro!
On the up and up! This is turning out to be quite a rollercoaster grow lol


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How are you liking it? For me I think it isn't great as a beginner as there is no buffer. I think it would've been alot easier to have a good quality soil and no nutes needed while I learned a but. But I think I've finally got the hang of it.

Are you PHing your water?
Day 10000 of vegg
The droop is pretty much a thing of the past. I changed a few variables so it is hard to pinpoint exactly but a combo of a good watering and more distance from the light and they are reaching for the sky again! I think I will try watering sooner from here on especially in the Cookie plants. I have a theory that letting them dry completely out in the Promix may be helping cause the deficiencies as there is no nutrient is this medium. I think they are telling me water more often with lower but more frequent nutrients.

I'm still seeing these light brown almost beige blotches on the Cookie plants which I havnt diagnosed fully plus the lighter green veins that look exactly like magnesium def. Blue Dream is showing a low grade calcium deficiency via darker brown spotting. I don't know how this can be going on for any of them since I am using tap water, GH Micro (has Calmag in it) and 4ml of CaliMagic per gallon. I will increase Calmagic to 5ml next watering.

I very lightly watered them all this morning with a splash Calimagic and a touch of B52 PH of 5.8. I know it's too early to water but I wanted to sneak some extra in there until next watering.

Here's a few close ups of the deficiency signs. Otherwise they are back into a growth spurt and bushing out heavily. The Blue Dream nodes are literally spaced like 1/2 from eachother on the stems it is growing in a dense ball shape I'm not sure what to do with her lol

Calcium def on blue dream.

Strange beige patches on TO Cookies


Lighter green on leaves may be nothing


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How are you liking it? For me I think it isn't great as a beginner as there is no buffer. I think it would've been alot easier to have a good quality soil and no nutes needed while I learned a but. But I think I've finally got the hang of it.

Are you PHing your water?
This is my first run with it. So I’m still kinda feeling it out. So far it’s alright.
No I do not ph my water, I let er’ buck!

Im used to using straight worm castings mixed 50/50 with perlite.

ahad to go with this route because I couldn’t find my normal go to brand.
I do not think that is CalMag deficiency. I grow in same medium and I give my plants 1/2 teaspoon of CalMag per gallon or 2.5mm. I do however Calmag my water, and I always Ph, water or feeding. Its important thaf you do. I first 2 weeks of the plants life, I give 1tsp per gallon of calmag
I truly believe if you follow this, you will never have a deficiency again. I have gave it to many friends. Not one has ever had a problem since.


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I truly believe if you follow this, you will never have a deficiency again. I have gave it to many friends. Not one has ever had a problem since.

I actually have it posted up on my wall below the chart I've been using since you posted it. But being new and buying into the more is better thinking I followed the other chart. I actually decided after seeing these issues still after last feed that I'll be following your chart from here on. It's pretty much half the dose I've been doing.

What do you PH your water to?
Day 46
I setup a table underneath a light bulb in the basement to work on them under a good light that wasn't the intense grow light. They all got some good training this morning while I had my coffee. I think it'll be the last training session for the TO Cookies as they are way out past the edges of the pot now and Im out of clips anyway. Blue dream probably has another week or so and then I'll let her go vertical as well. Her growth is incredibly dense. I measured only 3.5" between 3 nodes on most spacings. I can barley find a spot to tie down on the branches without being too close to a new growth tip! Aside from the discoloration I think I need to just chill a bit with the over analysis and enjoy them.

I'm going to defoliate some more tomorrow to keep things open and allow light to the inside of the plants


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Day 47
Just a quick peek today no adjustments needed for any ties. A good 1/2" on most shoots over night. Top couple inches of soil have dried and the bottoms are only a little moist so that's good. TO girls still got their droop swagger on lol.

The buddy that I gave my hash plant to is away on vacation so I stopped in to water it this morning. She is under a 300w mid quality blurple LED. I'm pleased to say that my plants are at least 3x the size of hash plant so whatever I've changed since giving her away is working!
Day 48

Happy Monday! I had a busy weekend and got to get some stuff done around the house and on the garden. I'm finding out that I'm likely allergic to weed. Since I started growing in the summer my allergies have been next level bothering me almost daily. So I bought some ducting and a dryer exhaust vent. This week I'll run my tent exhaust out the basement window and seal and insulate it up with plywood and an extra bat of pink stuff laying around. That'll keep it from blowing into the house. I also bought some dust masks and latex gloves.

The things we do for what we love lol. Maybe I'll overcome it from daily exposure I think I've read about that being a thing.

I'm also trying to setup a better water system. I got a pvc ball valve with a barbed 1/2 pvc fitting and bought a 5g water jug. I drilled a hole in the bottom and put the barbed end through the jug and siliconed it up last night. I tried to test it this morning but it was too soon and leaked a bit so I scraped it all off. I might try Pl premium first to keep it glued in properly and then a bead of silicone for sealant. I noticed just the silicone alone wasn't strong enough and the flex from use would break the seal. Any suggestions welcome! I'm going to try to hunt down a 1/2 o ring today at work but I don't have any means to tighten it in mechanically.

Back to the plants - the dreaded droop worsens. They looked even sadder today with TO 1 showing g some yellowing of fan leaves as well and the pots were pretty light so I gave them a half gallon each to see if they perk up by tonight. If so it isn't overwatering. I really can't figure this out especially because the smaller blue dream plant has been watered the exact same and has never shown any droop! Either way they are all growing pretty well and up to 18" in height and a good horizontal spread from all the training. I remove a few pesky fan leaves blocking light and air yesterday as well and adjusted a few more ties. I keep saying it is the last time but then I find opportunities to spread them out some more and can't help myself lol.


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Hopefully your allergies subside.
hope the plants perked back up after the feeding!:nervous-guy:

Thanks bro. Yeah I've lived with them my whole life - nothing I can't handle if it has to accompany the peace and happiness of this hobby.

I had a thought today when looking back through my pictures. The girls did not droop at all when they were younger and even when first transplanted into the 5g fabrics and under the new light. It may be coincidence but when I switched to 24/0 to keep temps from dropping that seems to be around the same time the droop came on. If they don't perk up tonight I think I'll switch back to 20/4 to see how they react and cross my fingers. I have a new furnace in now and have already been monitoring basement temp around the tent and it has been around 19 to 20 so I shouldn't have to worry about it going down to 16 again.

I think I'm looking at switching to flower in a couple weeks anyway so it wouldn't hurt to transition over 2 weeks to 20/4 and then 18/6 before throwing them into 12/12.
Hey DC, I'll take a seat and follow along.

Buckle up she's a roller coaster! Thanks for coming by your experience will be appreciated and valued, no shortage of learning curve going down here haha.
Came home for lunch, 7 hours after watering only a marginal improvement. In classic hair trigger fashion I've been rolling with I got frustrated, grunted to them under my breath "Fine into the dark you go!" and flipped the timer on shutting the lights and fans off for the next 4 hours.

I took the opportunity to photoshoot out of the grow tent light for a look at how they look under normal light.

TO #1, the biggest girl of the bunch is getting a little yellow and the most concerning. I don't see how it can be nitrogen def as I just came back from clawing and nute burned tips the bugger... TO #2 has a weird brown spot on a leaf.. Prolly spilled nute water who knows anymore lol!
Blue dream, although growing slowly and with like 3/4" between nodes is looking fine.

Blue dream followed by TO2:


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