Darkscotia Apprentices - Passion#1 Perfect Sun COB/8COB Citizen K


That was when I ran 2 600s in my 4x8. I got some pretty nice buds off of my plants. There was a small mars in the middle of the tent as well. Do not mind the leaves. This looks like it was in the summer when it got HOT!

The smallest of the three needed its first drench today. Growth Energy. Full Strength. I just dunked it rotation with other vegging plants.


What made you go with the Growth Energy/Dunk for the first dunk as opposed to the Transplant/Dunk ?

Just curious, kinda had my mind set to TRANSPLANT/Dunk first
OK All you seed hoarders :) I just read something that is in conflict with
the way I have stored my extra seeds so thought I would ask if this is a thing or Not

Article I was reading said Quote (I added the color to highlight the part I was curious about)

"Now, obviously, you can't label the seed itself, but you can put the seeds in a container with other seeds of the same sex. The simplest container is a paper bag or envelope, but other types will work as well. Just make sure that you don't store your seeds in a plastic bag or some other airtight container. The moisture that gets trapped inside will cause the seed to mold and become useless."
Hey there Dark... so I finally got my humidifier like the one you got... Have had it running on fan speed 2 and set to 45% . Started off saying it was 36% in my house... or in that area. 15-16hrs later... and humidity is sitting at 34%... FFS I can't win man. Seriously what do I need to do? Put that big ass thing in the damn closet.. come on.

Sorry to whine... but shit man...
Hey there Dark... so I finally got my humidifier like the one you got... Have had it running on fan speed 2 and set to 45% . Started off saying it was 36% in my house... or in that area. 15-16hrs later... and humidity is sitting at 34%... FFS I can't win man. Seriously what do I need to do? Put that big ass thing in the damn closet.. come on.

Sorry to whine... but shit man...

Not really sure dajerm. I've got mine sitting outside my actual grow room and everything is perfect for me. Even the rest of my house is sitting higher then what it was. I've also got mine set to 60% sometimes I go to 65 with fan speed between 5-7 it keeps rooms perfect at 55%. Today my humidity will probably drop cause it's so cold here my heat pump won't work and oil furnace will dry out air quicker then heat pump air so I have it jacked to 65 and fan on 7 speed to try and keep up.
What type of heating source do your run.
Not really sure dajerm. I’ve got mine sitting outside my actual grow room and everything is perfect for me. Even the rest of my house is sitting higher then what it was. I’ve also got mine set to 60% sometimes I go to 65 with fan speed between 5-7 it keeps rooms perfect at 55%. Today my humidity will probably drop cause it’s so cold here my heat pump won’t work and oil furnace will dry out air quicker then heat pump air so I have it jacked to 65 and fan on 7 speed to try and keep up.
What type of heating source do your run.[/QUOTE\

Morning Dark, I use a small ceramic heater in the grow closet itself. I tried using an oil filled radiator style... they dry the air out about the same... I also have a gas furnace in my house so I'm sure that doesn't help... I have this things fan set pretty low cause if it was on anything other than 1 or 2 its just too damn loud. I put it in our short hallway, mostly because all the bedrooms are on this side of the house as well as my grow spaces. My air intake for the HVAC is also in the hallway, about 10-12 feet away in the ceiling. I guess that may be sucking uo any humid air and spitting it back out dry...idk... That thing would just barely fit in my grow area... no space to move around though...
I really dont think my wife would appreciate me leaving this thing on like 6-7... its so loud and I saw that on the reviews but figured it would do ok on 1-2 and was wrong. I was gonna go with a more permanent whole house humidifier... the kind that actually push the humidity into your HVAC vents... this portable one seemed a better option, but I'm starting to rethink that.
Not really sure dajerm. I've got mine sitting outside my actual grow room and everything is perfect for me. Even the rest of my house is sitting higher then what it was. I've also got mine set to 60% sometimes I go to 65 with fan speed between 5-7 it keeps rooms perfect at 55%. Today my humidity will probably drop cause it's so cold here my heat pump won't work and oil furnace will dry out air quicker then heat pump air so I have it jacked to 65 and fan on 7 speed to try and keep up.
What type of heating source do your run.[/QUOTE\

Morning Dark, I use a small ceramic heater in the grow closet itself. I tried using an oil filled radiator style... they dry the air out about the same... I also have a gas furnace in my house so I'm sure that doesn't help... I have this things fan set pretty low cause if it was on anything other than 1 or 2 its just too damn loud. I put it in our short hallway, mostly because all the bedrooms are on this side of the house as well as my grow spaces. My air intake for the HVAC is also in the hallway, about 10-12 feet away in the ceiling. I guess that may be sucking uo any humid air and spitting it back out dry...idk... That thing would just barely fit in my grow area... no space to move around though...
I really dont think my wife would appreciate me leaving this thing on like 6-7... its so loud and I saw that on the reviews but figured it would do ok on 1-2 and was wrong. I was gonna go with a more permanent whole house humidifier... the kind that actually push the humidity into your HVAC vents... this portable one seemed a better option, but I'm starting to rethink that.

See i don't really notice it too loud even when set on high fan speeds.yes on 8-9 its pretty loud.I'm probably also half hard of hearing as well. By the sounds of it your hvac my be working against your humidifier. Maybe turn off hvac for a bit see if it raises humidity.Watch your self with the whole house humidifier that hook into hvac and furnace as my buddy tells me the humidity in the hvac and furnace can rot out there components.
I had a whole house humidifier hooked into my forced air furnace and the water got into my furnace and prematurely I had to replace and ripped that whole house humidifier right out as well.
Hey Dajerm. I'm guessing that. Ceramic heater is drying the air right out. Is there any way of heating the room the tent is in as opposed to having the heater in the tent? I use a small Huey in the tents which are adjustable to a point, they make zero noise and do the trick, only problem is I have to fill up every day or two. I have them on the same timer as the light so they go off when the lights go out, otherwise it would be way too high. I've been using a ventless propane heater in the room the tents are in which adds humidity. Just got a vented stove but damn it's not providing enough heat so am thinking of keeping both.
Hey Dajerm. I'm guessing that. Ceramic heater is drying the air right out. Is there any way of heating the room the tent is in as opposed to having the heater in the tent? I use a small Huey in the tents which are adjustable to a point, they make zero noise and do the trick, only problem is I have to fill up every day or two. I have them on the same timer as the light so they go off when the lights go out, otherwise it would be way too high. I've been using a ventless propane heater in the room the tents are in which adds humidity. Just got a vented stove but damn it's not providing enough heat so am thinking of keeping both.

Hey there Ween! I don't have any other way to heat that room as of now... but I do have a nice humidifier In there as well. It runs 24/7 and when lights go out I finally get my 50-55%... not that's the only time this time of year. I had everything set to work great, environment was perfect... until winter hit. I may check out those ventless heaters... idk what else to do. I fill my little humidifier up 2x per day... it'll go through a whole tank of 6qts In 8-10 hrs. Gotta stay on top of
See i don't really notice it too loud even when set on high fan speeds.yes on 8-9 its pretty loud.I'm probably also half hard of hearing as well. By the sounds of it your hvac my be working against your humidifier. Maybe turn off hvac for a bit see if it raises humidity.Watch your self with the whole house humidifier that hook into hvac and furnace as my buddy tells me the humidity in the hvac and furnace can rot out there components.
I had a whole house humidifier hooked into my forced air furnace and the water got into my furnace and prematurely I had to replace and ripped that whole house humidifier right out as well.

I would turn off the HVAC but it's pretty cold here right now... my wife works from home as well... don't want her getting cold less I deal with the wrath .
I have heard that about those whole house humidifiers... that's why I went with this option and hoped for
The best. I cranked it up to 5... so I'll see what it's like when I get home later... thanks bro! I'll get this thing figured out... or I won't... very frustrated... hate spending money on things that just don't work out... and I had to order mine online cause my town sucks and the big box stores don't seem to carry half of what the ones I'm bigger cities carry.
What made you go with the Growth Energy/Dunk for the first dunk as opposed to the Transplant/Dunk ?

Just curious, kinda had my mind set to TRANSPLANT/Dunk first

Another great question Gazoo!

Here's my thinking on the matter:

The plant was perfectly healthy, which means the soil and roots are communicating. I could have done Trans....RO or GE....but the fact is the biota are thriving so there was no remedial action needed.

So, everything else in the veg room was getting GE....so I just dunked this plant right along with the others.
All passion got there first brix spraying last night mixed up 350 ml water with 10 ml brix. Then this morning all girls got dunked in 5 gallons of water with 1/4 oz tp. These are feeding about every 3 days as of last 3 feedings.
Some pictures right before dunking

Will post some normal light pictures tonight or tomorrow
Hey there Ween! I don't have any other way to heat that room as of now... but I do have a nice humidifier In there as well. It runs 24/7 and when lights go out I finally get my 50-55%... not that's the only time this time of year. I had everything set to work great, environment was perfect... until winter hit. I may check out those ventless heaters... idk what else to do. I fill my little humidifier up 2x per day... it'll go through a whole tank of 6qts In 8-10 hrs. Gotta stay on top of

I put mine on high until the room reached the humidity range needed. Then I dialed down until it was stable, also the weather turned really cold and we received snow. I had to adjust a little again, no big deal.

I do believe I recall the directions saying place unit near a return if possible but don't quote me on that.
All passion got there first brix spraying last night mixed up 350 ml water with 10 ml brix. Then this morning all girls got dunked in 5 gallons of water with 1/4 oz tp. These are feeding about every 3 days as of last 3 feedings.
Some pictures right before dunking

Will post some normal light pictures tonight or tomorrow

OK! Well done so far.

At this stage, I like to wait to see preflowers before doing any topping or training.

Also, it's time to do 2 drenches in a row with water in between. This will mitigate the leeching action of a straight water dunk. The water is still needed, but they need the calcium in the drenches more.

So, from here on out adjust your veg routine to: drench, drench, RO, drench, drench, RO.

So far, so good! They look really healthy.
OK! Well done so far.

At this stage, I like to wait to see preflowers before doing any topping or training.

Also, it's time to do 2 drenches in a row with water in between. This will mitigate the leeching action of a straight water dunk. The water is still needed, but they need the calcium in the drenches more.

So, from here on out adjust your veg routine to: drench, drench, RO, drench, drench, RO.

So far, so good! They look really healthy.

I have been doing drench RO drench. alternating between GE and Trans.

In this case are you alternating drenchs? Like GE, Trans, RO, GE, Trans, RO?
I have been doing drench RO drench. alternating between GE and Trans.

In this case are you alternating drenchs? Like GE, Trans, RO, GE, Trans, RO?

Yes, continue to alternate drenches....just with less watering. You've got it.

Those are healthy, happy plants. Don't be afraid to feed the soil....the plants are asking for it.

When we get to the point where they need daily watering/drenching, we'll do 3 drenches then water. That usually only lasts for a week for me.

They'd be fine with the usual alternating drenches....possible Rescue....etc. But this is one of the "tips" I'm happy to communicate.

As you become more familiar with things, you'll use your intuition to make up your own schedules....and they'll be pretty much what we're doing here with minor differences.

When mixing things to get ready for a drench, pay attention to the physics of putting the drench into the bucket....how much noise does the "plop" make? How long a plume does Tea leave in the clear water? What is the color of the final mix? Just pay attention, try to engage all your senses.....your brain will catalog all this and soon pattern recognition will take over.

Pay attention to the leaves, the top of the soil, the stem color, petiole color, turgor....all of that. Touch the leaves....they should be flexible, velvety....not hard or brittle. Start to take it all in, just carefully observe....no need to take notes of everything, just give them your attention every day.

I inspect every plant, every day. Then, after I burn one, I'll often "re-garden" or go around and look at this or that.....and many times I see a small web....or find a dead fan deep under the canopy....etc.

Then, after the next drench, I might notice the petioles got better....or worse....etc.

Again, let this sink in. It's like the smells and sounds of your childhood. You know them, even though you may not have taken notes.....that's the level you want to get to when growing.

A fully aware, experienced, mindful and intuitive form of gardening, based on repetition and wonder.

While there's nothing at all wrong with the lab-notebook, detailed recording of things....we want all of that to sink in so it's automatic and we're functioning as human being were meant to function: cultivators.

That's what we are supposed to do! Cultivate. No other animal does it. It's our job. Not killing, poisoning, clear-cutting, synthesizing....but cultivating. That's what nature intended our job to be.
OK! Well done so far.

At this stage, I like to wait to see preflowers before doing any topping or training.

Also, it's time to do 2 drenches in a row with water in between. This will mitigate the leeching action of a straight water dunk. The water is still needed, but they need the calcium in the drenches more.

So, from here on out adjust your veg routine to: drench, drench, RO, drench, drench, RO.

So far, so good! They look really healthy.

Perfect will do. I'll start that next feed in 2-3 days. Should we always start alternating 2drenchs then water once we start first brix spray.

I have been doing drench RO drench. alternating between GE and Trans.

In this case are you alternating drenchs? Like GE, Trans, RO, GE, Trans, RO?

I've alternated drench ro drench until this point. But will do drench drench water starting now till told different. Doc helped me with another grow which we started double drenching around same time but figured it was cause I started in shit soil.
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