Dark Devil Auto: A Community Grow Record

Here is my DD. She will be harvested within 2 weeks.




:hug: this is for you Sue :hug:
Ok guys, got a photo update of my Dark Devil. She will be 3 weeks above ground tomorrow or Tuesday, can't quite remember. She is already shooting pistils, although she is quite short. She is the only auto of 6 that remains and I am cautious when feeding and watering, so I am not expecting a monster.



Ok guys, got a photo update of my Dark Devil. She will be 3 weeks above ground tomorrow or Tuesday, can't quite remember. She is already shooting pistils, although she is quite short. She is the only auto of 6 that remains and I am cautious when feeding and watering, so I am not expecting a monster.


They start small, but grow mighty under good lighting. You have some nice structure going here BrixNewb. She's going to surprise you. :battingeyelashes:
They start small, but grow mighty under good lighting. You have some nice structure going here BrixNewb. She's going to surprise you. :battingeyelashes:

Excellent. Right now she is in the 36"x20" tent with two older Mars Hydro 300 watt (135ish actual) units, she has one unit all to herself, so she is getting decent light I feel. I am alright with moving her to the big tent where she can have 600-1000 watts of HPS all to herself, but at this time I don't see a need to run that tent.
Hey, I didn't say I was a good writer.

But it should be an interesting project, since I'm thinking about a rolling outdoors grow with just one or two seeds planted every couple of weeks, starting as early as the beginning of March. Lots of things to think about like site location and deer deterrence. Even microclimate issues. Last frost around here can vary by 4 to 6 weeks within just a few miles. Soil pH can vary a lot too.

It's becoming like a science project. I expect to see certain things, like higher yields on the last planting but fewer insect problems on the early ones, but I won't know until I actually do it. It might not work at all, but I think it's worth risking a few seeds to run the experiment. If an early outdoor grow with autoflowering seeds works in this area, that would be good for some of the local folks to know.

Still looking for a stealthy indoor solution, though. I don't think you can beat a controlled environment.

Outdoor gardening - you won't have to worry about soil PH - just do a compost ACT pour it on your grow space plant hardened off seedlings. The soil microbes will figure out the PH. Bugs/pests/critters = part of the picture outdoors gardening. Plan for the worst hope for the best and always plant more that you think you will need!

An FYI - these dark devils are not the hardiest plants = bugs and disease can interfere with success.
SweetSue , Sweet Seeds is active on other forums , they would be a great addition to the awesome :420:

I invited them to check us out. Hopefully they will.
Such a beauty, MrA -- she is going to make some sweet, sweet buds :)

I love your little girl, Brix -- she's really nice-looking and I'm sure she will take off like no one's business! I was DUMBFOUNDED by how quickly my DD grew when she hit the stretch -- just blew my mind.

Why thank you. I am hoping she stretches a bit too, as she stands she is quite the dwarf.
Outdoor gardening - you won't have to worry about soil PH - just do a compost ACT pour it on your grow space plant hardened off seedlings. The soil microbes will figure out the PH.

Sounds like good advice, and you're probably right that pH shouldn't be a problem. Bugs and critters concern me a lot more.

But the soil pH might be an issue for some plants. For most of the seeds I plan to dig out a hole about the size of a 5-gallon bucket and fill it with organic soil. That should be fine for the lifetime of an autoflowering strain, before the natural carbonate churn we get around here raises the pH. A few seeds I plan to plant in the native soil. I don't expect those to perform as well as the others, but I'm curious to see exactly what the differences are, especially when it comes to the quality and characteristics of the final product. It's certainly not the way to maximize yield, but I'm not chasing maximums. I'm looking for good 'nuff solutions.

Another reason for trying the native soil is the stealth aspect. If a cop comes across a plant that looks like its being cultivated, out come the trail cameras. Nothing a bored country cop likes better than catching him a maryjoowanna farmer. But if the plants look like they happened naturally, there's less reason to look for a grower. A plant in native soil gives some plausible deniability. At least that's my theory.

I know that sounds paranoid, but the real question is: is it paranoid enough? :)

Dark Devil(day 53 from seed) Recovering from a little n toxicity, otherwise she's looking good. Buds getting a bit bigger, but she's still so tiny. She started stretching right after topping so it was little benefit. Right at 11" tall. She gave us this weird bud cluster though, so that's cool.

I like those tight nodes. She's looking fine BrixNewb. She'll start to show purple any time now. :battingeyelashes:
Good looking plants, everyone -- I love this strain!

And the older my own girl gets, the more I love her, too :love:

Here's an update: she's at day 50 now, purple sugar leaves and all ...


She is super smelly -- I can pick her out among the smells of the other two plants in the tent with her. Powerful. Intoxicating. I CANNOT WAIT TO SMOKE HER!


May all your gardens be green (and purple) :)
Here's an update: she's at day 50 now, purple sugar leaves and all ...

Smokability aside, it's a beautiful plant. Picture a whole line of those bordering a walkway. It'd look awesome!

Still waiting for my seed order to go through. Still planning to do an outdoor grow. Considering biting the bullet and growing a couple of them indoors, just so I have a better chance of harvesting. It just looks too tasty to miss out on any longer than absolutely necessary.
Good looking plants, everyone -- I love this strain!

Here's an update: she's at day 50 now, purple sugar leaves and all ...

She is super smelly -- I can pick her out among the smells of the other two plants in the tent with her. Powerful. Intoxicating. I CANNOT WAIT TO SMOKE HER!


May all your gardens be green (and purple) :)


Patience grasshopper!! I think I never made it to a proper cure the first 3-4 times I grew this one. By a proper cure I'm talking 4-6 weeks is my normal cure time - these made it MAYBE 2 weeks. I just run 3-4 plants at a time now so I have enough on hand to cure the current round. Waiting is worth it 100% ... it's good fresh but the taste after a proper cure is SA-weet and pungent pairs very well with a good bottle of red wine too if ya like wine I would highly suggest this with a glass or 3.

I'll post some pics of mine tonight .....
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