DankWolf's Den Of The Bizarre & Obscure

ur leaves my friend are mainly more important in veg .in flower u would be surprised at how many leafs u can remove and end up with huge fat colas;)I done it many of times;)big buds all the way ha ha;) and im mainly an organic grower.the soil I use is organic gives all my plants need for the first 24 to 34 days of life.so my ladies are lucky if they get time for 2 veg feeds before there onto the bloom and flowering away.less is best the more natural the plant.the more natural the taste of perfect quality bud end results;).
My concern is, if i defol most leaves, and at week 3-4flower i start getting deficiencies, there isnt muh leaf left to take the damage. So what happens?

Currently, down to the last set of leaves before the budding starts, once their sucked dry of nutes, ill have only sugar leaves.. For the remaining 4-6weeks?
That 2 foot rule is the pirate's code; more like guidelines really.

I start my girls 18" below the glass enclosed 600W HPS, then I let them grow. I raise the lights when the buds get 1-2" from the glass, or if I need more light width to cover the canopies.

I have an unenclosed 1000W HPS .... I assure you 2 feet is no guideline LOL it's a bare minimum. That thing burns the ever livin sh*t out of my plants if it is any closer than 2 feet. I am buying a glass tube for it. I expect it can be about 12-18 inches then. I can get my 600W light much closer - it's in a glass tube - not much closer than about 12 inches, though, without stressing out the plants. 18 seems optimal for it.
I usually run my lights at 600, with the option of cranking it up to 1100-ish. The plants in flowering are mostly 12" away or less. Sometime they grow to within a few inches without getting burnt, especially in the overcrowded veg room. It's an unshielded light- bare bulb with crappy reflector. When my plants do get singed it's more to do with the overall heat in the grow than with proximity. I keep the movement fans blasting in there though. I don't remember what my distance is exactly when running 1000w but much less than 2'. Maybe your bulb is better than mine (?).
I have an unenclosed 1000W HPS .... I assure you 2 feet is no guideline LOL it's a bare minimum. That thing burns the ever livin sh*t out of my plants if it is any closer than 2 feet. I am buying a glass tube for it. I expect it can be about 12-18 inches then. I can get my 600W light much closer - it's in a glass tube - not much closer than about 12 inches, though, without stressing out the plants. 18 seems optimal for it.

Exactly, get urself a glass tube. 12 -18inches,... Add another sheet of glass(GLoG) and now the heat has 2 sheets of glass to go through, plus the airspace inbetween(which would be circulated), thats where i was guessing the 4-6in bit..
dank u don't have to remove leaves each to there own. but should only do it when plant is in perfect health .its upto u mate. I give a snip at beginning of flower and sometimes a bit later on .I find the more leaves u remove they grow back in double numbers.very bushy.cannabis is a strong plant mate and if in good health nothing will stop her;) don't be scared;).its upto us fellow growers to push them to the limits to reveal there true beauty.big buds is my aim.top buds the game;)ha ha.happy growing every1
Thanks SlowToke, ive been meaning to add nutritional info, just keep spacing it out.. And welcome! +reps!
Hoping to see a multitude of new tops.. From the cytokinins privided by the coco water.

Glad to help out a little, Dank. Oh, and the nute info is for 100 g of coconut water.

And thanks for the reps! Much appreciated! :thanks:
remember those water jacketed lights? I almost got one way back when before i realized in a pot
induced haze how stupid they would be. That was over a decade ago. Imagine if the water shut off what kind of an accident you would have. Not to mention the light you would lose. Sometimes you just gotta get high so that mary jane can do the thinking for you!

amen brother amen
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