Cultivator's Return - Multiple Grows

Haha if logistics of my grows were that simple mate.

I often wonder what i could achieve in USA with a licence to grow but i could never get a visa for the US let alone a grow licence lol. Shame really.
If you got enough $$, you can have anything in America. Same in most country's !! If price of weed keeps going down, it wont be worth growing. From 300$ down to about $200 is a huge decline in one yr. !!
You would tbink so but the cost of installing them to what you get back isnt worth it cos of government taxes. Thats why there arent many solar panels where i live and its stupid. Corrupt greedy spanish government take every thing they can from you.

Total light output is 10200w of actual draw. So light wise i should be pulling in the region of 350oz dry. And i have a total space of 3x4m2 and 4x2.5m2. So again more than enough space to pull 300oz. But have to factor in that air movement isnt as good as it should be, the system general gives less grams per watt than hand fed plants and the fact i am not doing all the jobs on the grow and left with a novice really, means my expectations have to be on the lower side. Now its possible that i could almost double 200oz dry but that is the minimum requirement to make it worth while.

You could describe any government with those two words....corrupt and greedy. I always laugh when people think somehow government is worse or bad only in their country (not saying you feel that way Cultivator) or that they think its only the Left or the Right that is corrupt. They are all whores and all they care about is serving their own interests and they will sell their souls to the highest bidder and not give a damn about the consequences of those actions to the people that they SERVE.

I have debates with friends and acquaintances about this all the time. I have friends on the right that think its only the left and vice verse. I showed them proof that the same big companies and special interest groups fund both parties. The big companies don't give a crap what color a ruling party is.....only how it can change laws to benefit them in exchange for campaign contributions. But we are too stupid to see the truth.
Hi cult. Ive been growing same strain in same tent for 5 yrs now got everything dialled in perfect environment strain etc. Anyways this run i thought i had flipped to flower 4 weeks ago then yesterday realised lights were on for 14 n off for 10. My plants have obviously fallen behind a little from where they should be but now i have corrected it will it bounce back for me? Thanks in advance
You could describe any government with those two words....corrupt and greedy. I always laugh when people think somehow government is worse or bad only in their country (not saying you feel that way Cultivator) or that they think its only the Left or the Right that is corrupt. They are all whores and all they care about is serving their own interests and they will sell their souls to the highest bidder and not give a damn about the consequences of those actions to the people that they SERVE.

I have debates with friends and acquaintances about this all the time. I have friends on the right that think its only the left and vice verse. I showed them proof that the same big companies and special interest groups fund both parties. The big companies don't give a crap what color a ruling party is.....only how it can change laws to benefit them in exchange for campaign contributions. But we are too stupid to see the truth.

I agree

Hi cult. Ive been growing same strain in same tent for 5 yrs now got everything dialled in perfect environment strain etc. Anyways this run i thought i had flipped to flower 4 weeks ago then yesterday realised lights were on for 14 n off for 10. My plants have obviously fallen behind a little from where they should be but now i have corrected it will it bounce back for me? Thanks in advance

Ive never done that but they will be fine. Different if you ate messing aboit with lights back and forth. Who knows you might even get a better result.
So ive been into the system room tbis evening. I have mixed views on the room. Something is clearly not right as the plants are getting im excess of 2.2ec yet they look like they getting 1.2ec. Looking at them its hard to pick out why tbis is hapening but my conclussion is that the pots are rootbound and are sttuggling to take in nutrient. The net pots are designed to use clay pebbles and different design to the coco pots that i should be using. The net pots them selves are only around 7litres in volume. I am feeding them 3 times daily and the pots stiĺl feel quite dry. That tells me either the plants are just sucking it up which os possible or they are not allowing the nutrient to penetrate the coco due to the rootbaĺl and this is also possible.

I have decided that i will put this room back on to top fed drippers in the next round as its more consistant. The plants do look good but i can see they are going to struggle. We only 16 days into flower (12/12) and have 50 days to go. Its hard to see how plants wont have deficiencies and there isnt alot i can do about it at this point. I cant repot, id def use bigger pots on the coco pebble 60/40 mix if i were to use it in flood and drain again. I guess a massive root ball isnt always the best thing lol. But never mind, we see how this one plays out.







The pic of roots isnt a good one bit in the net pot its just baĺl of roots.
I reckon the root balls that dense that using the alien system it floods An drains to fast they can't get enough moisture into the 60/40 as where normal hydroton wouldent restrict it Would be good if ya could hold a flood level for whatever amount of time in the alien like ya can in the iws
To be fair cult they look good in pics good job you can spot these sighns
If you got enough $$, you can have anything in America. Same in most country's !! If price of weed keeps going down, it wont be worth growing. From 300$ down to about $200 is a huge decline in one yr. !!

Here in Calif Black Mkt top shelf is $200. and from a club prob $250-300. Now this is the best frosty stuff. You can get great oz delivered here for $100. Thers many delivery services here. My outdoor is $75 and indoor is $100. an oz. will ship weed anywhere in Calif. $75. an oz.
Thats definately whats going on. I think these will gradually get worse over the next 6 weeks. I van see 5 or 6 that look hungry but im not upping ec as that too could cause further issues. I think i will set it up to drippers for next round for sure or hand feeding if need be. There is a clear difference between the 2 rooms. The hand fed plants are much stronger plants. However its very crowded in there so it has its own set of problems.

Im going to go in tonight and take cuttings. I only have a day or 2 left to take cuts before flowers come. I have bought a new 120 site aerocloner so i will go in and take cuttings from the regs to select a mother plant and from the feminised blzbud for the next round. 1 round of cuts from healthy feminised seeds wont be a problem at all.
Dam bro those look great imo. Great job on the work u do with these plants. You got some massive skill when it comes to gardening bro :Namaste:

Thanks. I love my job. The sad thing is of itvwas ever legalised in the UK id never be given a licence. Shame really. But other parts of Europe are much better. Its not so tough when you enjoy it. Dont get me wrong, there are days i question what im doing, for example when robbers are stealing crops or cops are kicking doors through (depending which country im in) but at the end of the day im years deep in this trade and i care about it. I still learn each day and try get better. Im priveldged to have this job but ive worked hard to get here. Thats for certain.
Ive been in and taken some clones. I didnt video it this time because it is hard when alone trying to video. The purpose this round was too get clones for the next run in this space. From that 2md ròund i will pick out plants that can be used as mother plants.

There is roughly 6 weeks left to this grow so i will leave clones in the aerocloner for around 2 weeks then get them potted straight into 25litre smart pots. Veg 4 weeks and when these plants get chopped then we can get the clones or rather plants straight into the flower room and operate on a 10 week turn around in this grow.




Roots are zjust bursting everywhere. At least in the handfed set up excess rootss arent causing me the problems that they are giving me in the flood and drain set up. Nice whìte, strong roots and in return beautifully healthy plants.




Yes its compact and clean and is perfect in this space. If we go off 4 plants per light i need 68 plants per grow but i may drop that to less in bigger pots when i see how these finish. The blz bud and kings bannner look awesome.

This cloner runs 120 clones but i can double the colĺars up if desperate. Never have to buy rockwool or jiffy pellets and no waste at all. All i do is keep res topped up with water with a little roots exceĺlurator, voodoo juice and carboad. I will do a complete change every few month.
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