Crop King Seeds - White Widow Grow Journal - DWC - SCROG

day 12 of 12/12 light cycle plants are basically draining the reservoirs every 3-4 days so there is almost no need to syphon off I just re-add nutes as needed at around 60-70% strength every 7 days with a full ph top up every 2-3 days.

as soon as I can get my photos in queue cleared I will be able to post more pics of the scrog and pics of the 94 white widow clones I just put outside.
also 2 of my cks white widows took root and they are already in the hydro system in the veg room. this time around I will be doing 2 plants per 38 litre(10 gallon) container instead of 3 and 4.
managed to get some pics uploaded to gallery of the outdoor white widows

This has to be one of my fav journals just on pure creativity. I'm sub'd in. That one clone a few posts back def looked like mold, but surprised the others didn't catch it. It happened to me too, my others were fine, but this one plant just died with the fuzz on it's back. So if there is fuzz it's a mold issue. As for your outdoor kingdom, you will reign supreme. Following closely for the home made air conditioner, so excited for you!:thanks:
thanks for subbin and the compliment. I been pretty busy the past few days lol but I managed to get some update pics and the homemade air conditioner done for upload.
today is day 16 of the 12/12 light cycle. I gave a 70% strength feeding on july 1st yesterday. just a few update pics.

i grabbed a few more containers and made some more reservoirs for the next batch that are now in veg from the crop king white widow clones. the last few clones waiting to take root will be going in soil outside as well but in pots.

and as promised some step by step pics of the homemade air conditioner. i mean its not as good as the real thing but if you want to save yourself $300-$400 then this will really help keep the temps down in your grow room no problem for less than $30-40.

1st off you get yourself a cheap Styrofoam cooler from Walmart etc...

then you get a small house fan or table top fan which should run you about $20-30. put the fan face down on top of the lid and draw a circle around for your hole. then cut the hole.

now on the side of the Styrofoam cooler you made another hole i used a empty tin can. the can i used is 4 inches in diameter. when you have the hole cut in the side just use a can opener and open both sides of the can as shown below and put into hole in side of cooler.

next you fill your cooler with ice packs.. ice.. etc.. i used ice packs ad 2 litre bottles of water which i froze in the freezer.

then you put your lid on and place the fan in the hole you previously made and boom you have a beautiful box that will be sure to knock the temp down in the room.

also i want to mention about this. where i am from we have a crappy small Walmart with little to no selection of anything and the fan i have here is ok i mean it gets the job done but if you can get a more powerful fan then the cooler you will get this thing working.
just got back from outdoors. the weather is looking good the next few days so I went up and gave a light feeding, and sprinkled some slug bait and sprayed some soap around. got a couple of update photos.

day 19 of 12/12 light cycle just a picture update and gave a new feeding of 175ml a and b. also raised lights by about 4 inches so that they are 12 inches from tops.

next batch of cropking white widow waiting in the veg room. going to do 2 per container instead of 4. and the clones on top of res are the bottoms that I lollipopped from the scrog dwc ww. they will be going outside in containers in a week or so.

thanks for the compliment. and sorry to you and everybody for the massive delay on the grow journal updates. its been 26 days since I last updated but I have been camping so to speak and extremely busy. but here I am and I have some juicy pics and updates.

as for the dwc white widow... we are 45 days into flowering from the 12/12 light switch and things are looking good we have a lot of different phenos on these white widow but I did save 2 clones from my favorite 2 for the next batch which I have vegging in dwc as well.

the flowering plants are drinking a lot I am having to top up water every 2 days and I thought they would due to my container being 10 gallons and have 4 plants per. I will tone that down to 2 plants per 10 gallons in my veg room next grow.

these are some new pics of the flowering widows

and for everyone that is following along for the outdoor white widow bud clones. well they are looking good. the weather is not agreeing with me this summer we have been getting pretty much 4-5 hours of sun per week lol if its not raining here it is cloudy and the hottest day we had so far this summer is around 22 degrees celcius with temps dropping to 10 degrees celcius most nights.

but they are tough little suckers and they are coming along. got a few update pics of them and a nice close up of a massive crystalized bud with vegging top shooting up.

I had a few seeds left over and I wasent sure if they were male fem or hermies so I stuck them in a different location far far away as well to see how they turn out and so far they are looking great as well.

and finally when I did all of my lollipoppin on the dwc white widows in the scrog I really didn't want to throw them cuttings out so I bought a bunch of black soil and stuck them all in pots close by. I'm not expecting much due to the shit weather here and it being really really late to be putting them outside. I'm not to concerned about these but whatever better than tossing them out I guess

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