Critical Kush - First Time Grow - Coco Coir

My experience with fiming is I could never get the new growth to grow in equal lengths and girth, so I gave up on it.
Specifically in a scrog setup it doesn't matter if you fim or top as all you want to do is divide the growth. Once it starts in both directions the lower side branches catch up and there are your 'main' branches, trainable for even growth.
Fim or Top, I say do it a few times veg for about 4 to 6 weeks!
Stick around and keep an eye on the girls. I do frequent photo updates. It's my first grow and I can't help it. I'm always listening and wanting to learn more so feel free to shower me with more useful knowledge. I'm not overly in a hurry with these girls so if they did veg longer I wouldn't mind too too much.
Awesome Swag I want to see how this goes!
Alright. I dunno if I did it right or wrong but I did it. Holy crap I was beginning to break out a sweat. Anyway here they are
I forgot to take a pre pic of this one.
This here is the shrivel leaf girl before
and a couple of after shots
So I started to chime in on the fim vs top thing but got sidetracked.....

So you depending on training you can actually get 4 equal tops from a top.


The trick is to leave the 2 nodes below the top and train the uppermost node down a little more and let the bottom node come up.

If you are planning a scrog you honestly don't technically need to top, but again it just helps fill out the screen much faster and more evenly. I've always been curious about the FIM so I'm watching closely

Someone had really good advice about tucking through the stretch! Technically if you dont, the screen acts as more of a support system than a training tool. Remeber the whole idea is to get a beautiful flat canopy so every flowersite has equal access to light :) happy colas.

But I must say swag for your first go I'm very impressed so far! Making big moves over here bud! Cant wait to see how pearl and Wanda take to it. I have a feeling they'll bounce back like a racquetball.... sorry, me and my dumb analogies lol

Grow swag grow!
So I started to chime in on the fim vs top thing but got sidetracked.....

So you depending on training you can actually get 4 equal tops from a top.


The trick is to leave the 2 nodes below the top and train the uppermost node down a little more and let the bottom node come up.

If you are planning a scrog you honestly don't technically need to top, but again it just helps fill out the screen much faster and more evenly. I've always been curious about the FIM so I'm watching closely

Someone had really good advice about tucking through the stretch! Technically if you dont, the screen acts as more of a support system than a training tool. Remeber the whole idea is to get a beautiful flat canopy so every flowersite has equal access to light :) happy colas.

But I must say swag for your first go I'm very impressed so far! Making big moves over here bud! Cant wait to see how pearl and Wanda take to it. I have a feeling they'll bounce back like a racquetball.... sorry, me and my dumb analogies lol

Grow swag grow!
Thank you very much dab. I'm trying to learn but at the same time carefully experiment or take chances if you will. Keep me on my toes. Try to keep up with the times. I always knew I would never grow "old scjool" hps, hid, reflectors soil etc etc. When I started looking at growing again, was more into the what are ppl doing NOW and where it's going. If I fail, I know I took chances but at least I tried. I'm in it for a long haul. Dust off my knees and elbows if i fall and keep on going. .
Well I'm late as usual but I brought some beer and some poofs if you're running low. Really interested to see how this goes since I'm diving into coco soon. Looking good Swag!
Well I'm late as usual but I brought some beer and some poofs if you're running low. Really interested to see how this goes since I'm diving into coco soon. Looking good Swag!
Thanks and welcome. We were actually just starting to get low. Perfect timing I'd say. Incase ur not bored enough to skim thru the journal there's been a few changes to make note of. I'm using advanced nutes. Using REMO lineup and I chose straight coco instead of a coco perlite blend. Other then that, hope u enjoy the ride
Thanks and welcome. We were actually just starting to get low. Perfect timing I'd say. Incase ur not bored enough to skim thru the journal there's been a few changes to make note of. I'm using advanced nutes. Using REMO lineup and I chose straight coco instead of a coco perlite blend. Other then that, hope u enjoy the ride
I actually was bored enough to read the whole thing lol. I haven't seen any other journals in a minute but now I'm caught up and can roam PW's page for a while. I'm sure there's 20 more pages since this morning.
Love that LBH Scrog tutorial! Guy should get royalties for that one!
Looks like you Fim'ed yes? On my auto's I did a couple Fim's and a couple tops to see how they are going to grow out. The Fim'ed ones are already growing new tops from them.

You are rocking it though brother. :goodjob:
I tried to do what I thought was a fim. Kinda looks like it but it was all guess work. Looking at online diagrams and looking at my plant....this looks like the spot here. Deep breath n snip.
I think the consensus is to wait a little longer? Your certainly can I was just reading bedroom farmer posts the other day saying he prefers to really let the roots fill before transfer. I'm under the impression you can transfer whenever but most prefer to let the roots really build up first. Another thing I read when they your leaves grow out over the edge of the container it's time.... umm Santana paging Santana lol we need your professional opinion on this one I think :)
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