Crawdaddy's Fall 2013 LED Test Grow

I'm watching mine perk up after the shock of being moved under the LED yesterday. They all had that light stressed, almost crunchy look last night, but after 4 hours of dark, they seem better. I'll be able to tell more when I go in for watering time on the bigger hempys later. I do love the LEDs though so far ;) :Namaste:
Just had a short power outage. Obviously back on now, out for about two hours, so know here is up date on plants...

8/09/13 Flower Day 5

BlueBerry 08/04/13 08/09/13
Height: 9.5" 11"
Width: 13" 13.5"

This plant has always been a slow grower, only one out of 5 seeds, could be bad pheno. But it had a tough early life like all these seedlings, been too hot. And started them out in to big pots.

Height: 10" 14"
Width: 14" 15"

This has shown the most improvement of all the plants, I am liking how this lady is maturing.

Hawaiian Snow
Height: 9.5" 13"
Width: 18 19"

I really have high hopes for this strain, I have been training this one like crazy.

They all seem to be healthy plants except i am slightly worried about the REAL light green new growth, FE Deficiency? LED light? Healthy new growth? All the plants have it, but the HS is the most dramatic. Will monitor, any ideas any one?

And temp 2 degrees colder tonight, just like the ambient. 79 degrees. Love the lack of heat output of LEDs.
all of the photos show a healthy green colour on the larger leaves, i do not think your plants are having a deficiency issue.

I think it is just from vigorous growth. Mine do the same thing. I always think something may be wrong like you are right now. But... If I take them out of the flower box and look at them under normal light, it doesn't look half as bad as I thought it did in the flower box.
Looking good :thumb:
The ladies woke up to a nice 77 degree room. High of 84 today, about average for us, so this is perfect. Have I said how much I love the low heat output of LEDs?

I can now officially call them ladies, all have showed their sexy bits.

Bad news is my Hawaiian Snow clone was not going to make it, so had to take 2 clippings off my plant. Only about week into flower so should be fine. Here they are in cup of water before taking to my cloning room and prepared for cloner...

Two good size clone so both should take.
The ladies are looking real good, all night long temps in high 70's in tent, perfect imo.

They are stretching out and seem to be growing rapidly, and little bud parts starting to form.

Will post picture update tonight after light comes back on. Also will take some root shots of my clones, the root growth has exploded last 3-4 days. They should be ready for transplant into their seedling pots.
My clones got enough roots, so put them in soil today...

Here are two root shots...

I love roots, they are the heart of the plant.

I wetted the soil with a half strength Olivia's Cloning Solution and 1/2 strength FF Big bloom. Hoping this promotes root growth.
Well pulled the ladies out today and got some measurements and pics. Then I put them back in, re-arranging and feeding/watering with FF Big Bloom and Open Sesame.

They are looking REAL good, going through a lot of stretch, particularly the Hawaiian Snow. It for sure is a Sativa. Hope it has nice buds cause I like the way it grows.

Here is the data for flower day 10


And pictures:



Hawaiian Snow
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