Cottage 420's Organic Perpetual Indoor Garden

I am as amateur a backyard pollen chucker as there is on the planet. But with very careful selection of parental genetics I have been able to produce several successful crosses whose seeds consistently fill jars with top shelf buds. Mostly lucky I guess but I'm okay with that.
careful selection of parental genetics
That’s the key right. And beez - I’ve watched a very large number of people make seeds and are nowhere near the most amateur on the planet! Most professional “bedroom” seed maker ever! And being careful with your choice of parental starters is right where that starts :)
The mix with the amendments is meant to be long lasting meaning it can be used several years if not for-ever.

So not adding the amendments I wood be mixing soil every other run using your suggestions.

I can go down the short list of amendments and give you the reasons they are there if you wood like.

Yes, please.
Yes, please.
Working on this for ya.... more to come.

On the landrace. I'm looking for some genetics I can grow outdoors that's not watered down poly-hybrids that can barely make it to the finish line indoors.

I'mma farmer. I'm not growing for my own personal stash.

Genetics are what they are. I have lots of other landrace strains in my vault.

There's something to breeding Landrace strains. With careful selection we can build a winner. I'm looking for something different all the time.

Some of the best weed I've ever puffed was 15% Durban. The thing is you can keep on puffing there's no upper limit.. That makes for a lot of good things. Like building a house the foundation doesn't look all that great but once the house is built, that's something good.

Landrace makes for good foundation. I'm not a once and done type grower. Innit for the long haul. IF I dont find something here that is worthy I'll keep on looking. That's what I like about growing is always something new and different with genetics.

frankly I'm tired of the watered down poly-hybrids. I need a freshie start. South African weed has been used in many many successful projects.

This is not the end, its a new beginning. Hoping so... giving it a test drive. Doesn't work all good. I'll make hash oil.

Edit: the male is busting his sacks. So there's gonna be a pollen collection thing going on.
Working on this for ya.... more to come

Thanks, BB. Not being pushy, just don't want to forget.

Also, I made the following post in another thread, but wonder if you could incorporate your thoughts on the BuildASoil guy's comments on some of the amendments in the TLO mix which I think overlap many in the Coot's mix. I get that he's got a commercial angle he's pushing, but some of his thoughts made sense to me...

Azimuth said:
The BuildASoil guy made some good points in his blog about finding substitutes for things like blood meal and feather meal since those come from sources that might/probably use antibiotics and growth hormones in the animals feed, and some of the guanos for unsustainability reasons, but as I said, I don't know enough yet to know what would be good substitutes.

Here's the link to the article if anyone had thoughts on substitutes for the items in question:

Jeremy used to be an active member here. He also followed Clackamas Coots on other blogs as was I. He left here to start his business BAS.

Yeah so very familiar with BAS and I use some of his stuff and glad he's doing what he does. Very good guy. What he says is truth. I will back up what he says 420% all day.

My amendment list is very short.

I got started doing a play by play and got into kelp meal and well it got pages long so I stopped and am trying to simplify so its actually readable.
Jeremy used to be an active member here. He also followed Clackamas Coots on other blogs as was I. He left here to start his business BAS.

Yeah so very familiar with BAS and I use some of his stuff and glad he's doing what he does. Very good guy. What he says is truth. I will back up what he says 420% all day.

My amendment list is very short.

I got started doing a play by play and got into kelp meal and well it got pages long so I stopped and am trying to simplify so its actually readable.

Cool. Thanks. Although I'd be happy to read your long version if you post it.
I'll post some more

Between runs so I thought I'd just pop a few tribal fruits n flower.


She doesn't look bad at all. Got some frost already. Those leaves are so familiar. Very similar to what I grow out. There is another pheno with thicker leaves about twice the size of those. It's not a common one at all. I used a male for a few crosses and the thicker branching carried over. Used a potent kwazulu female so hoping that goes across too. Rooibaard is the one that was Have a down the best all but sadly it's gone. My raw beans ( preserve runs) from that early stock is not getting too well so unless I hunt though 1000' s of later runs I won't have it either. That was great social happy doob. Happy days
I have 2 or 3 more with the fatter leaves. and another one with very very thin leaves and thin branches and she's HUGE. Growing thru the ceiling.

The male is in his apartment tossing his sacks all over I'm sure he's pissed. I peaked in and got pollen in my face didnt even touch anything just unzipped and looked.
Yeah so very familiar with BAS and I use some of his stuff and glad he's doing what he does. Very good guy. What he says is truth. I will back up what he says 420% all day.

I also use his stuff as my primary ingredients. I agree what he says is true. He also strikes me as driven to learn and understand. bobrown is why I am in BAS 'soil' and the BAS way allows me to grow in an earthbox, which agrees with my crazy work schedule.
In the end, Everyone finds a slightly different way to 'mix the mix' to fill their needs. I am just a hobby grower trying to learn along the way. There is a simplicity to the BAS way that lets me make mistakes but still keep my jars full,
if that makes any sense.
But If I have a serious screw up or question, I pop on here and ask my man bobrown and he tells me dont worry about a thing, every-little ting is gonna be alright.
cheers :Namaste:
Hey peoples everything good just doing wintertime. We got a hella winter going on.

Doing a lot outside fun in the snow. We probably have a 24" base and snow almost every day. Keeping me busy.

Still Growing that midi Transkei. Looking pretty good so far.
The huge ass male is tossing sacks like a howler monkey tosses shit balls everytime I look in on him.

Hes about done. Gonna do some pollen collection and chop his big ass down.









A couple of questions on the Coots mix.

1. CaCO3, calcium carbonate. Mix calls for Oyster shell flour.

I see that egg shells are also mostly CaCO3, but I have also read that there is a small amount of sodium as well. We seem to go through eggs like crazy so I'm wondering if this would be an OK substitute, or if the sodium would build up in the soil over time and cause problems.

It doesn't seem like this amendment is added again when recycling the soil so we wouldn't be adding it constantly, so maybe ok? What are your thoughts?

2. Worm castings. I've seen several interviews with Coots where he emphasizes "You don't have my castings!," and others where he stresses the importance of really good castings, and others where he says you can't produce great castings using kitchen scraps (or maybe it's 'just' using kitchen scraps).

In any event I've never heard him describe how to make primo castings. What are your thoughts here?

Yeah thats a solid male right there
I've never seen one even half this size and he's not supported and I actually cut him WAY back just to get him to fit a 4x4 tent. Smells like burnt dirty underwear too.

Talk about leaf to flower ratio... he's got like 10 leaves. lol

Hes a keeper. Gonna make a few girls happy for outdoor season this year.
See if I cant coax some decent weed out of him.

A couple of questions on the Coots mix.

1. CaCO3, calcium carbonate. Mix calls for Oyster shell flour.

I see that egg shells are also mostly CaCO3, but I have also read that there is a small amount of sodium as well. We seem to go through eggs like crazy so I'm wondering if this would be an OK substitute, or if the sodium would build up in the soil over time and cause problems.

It doesn't seem like this amendment is added again when recycling the soil so we wouldn't be adding it constantly, so maybe ok? What are your thoughts?

2. Worm castings. I've seen several interviews with Coots where he emphasizes "You don't have my castings!," and others where he stresses the importance of really good castings, and others where he says you can't produce great castings using kitchen scraps (or maybe it's 'just' using kitchen scraps).

In any event I've never heard him describe how to make primo castings. What are your thoughts here?

On the worm castings. Coots is a little anal about stuff most is spot on. You can grow some great plants with kitchen scrap vermi-compost. We eat all organic so everything going into our bins is proper food.

Ok so that said yes he has a point. I amend our vermi-bins like I amend the soil. Same amendments go into the vermi-bin as I would add to the coots soil mix.

Making compost is key. We have a pile of leaf mold brought from the local forest and keep a pile next to the bin and add some in when we want to.

Very important to add rock dusts for the worms as it helps them digest food.

Once the vermi-bins are running proper you will see a lot of insects all sorts of them. They bring a huge amount of goodies to the compost table.

We run 2 large bins one is active until say around mid-winter then we switch to the other bin and run that for the year. The old one we let sit until say May when we are out in the gardens starting up our new gardens for the year and use it up. I make a large Coots mix for the garden and top dress the entire garden with that. So the vermi-compost gets used up there.

On your CaCo3 question - egg shells need to be broken down chemically with I think Vinegar over a 2 week or so time frame. I never did it that way. The egg shells without being broken down take a very long time to decomp. I stopped adding them to my vermi-bins for that reason. They are good for aeration but take longer to break down than say rice hulls. So a few years. You cannabis plants gonna need that Ca well before that.
I have several sources of Ca - this is where you can add these to the vermi bins and your compost will be gold.

Oyster shell flour
fish bone meal
crab/crustacean meal

These are the Ca sources I use and Coots does the same. Can add any or all of these to your vermi-bin and your soil mix. Also I will add a few handfuls of Kelp Meal to the vermi-bins from time to time as well.

You get your vermi-bins dialed in and its water for the win. I stopped making compost teas since that exercise is not required since everything already there in the soil/compost. Basically compost tea is just watered down compost so just use the compost as a top dress and water in. There's your compost tea.
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