Cottage 420's Organic Perpetual Indoor Garden

Hey there Bo. :ciao:
As I've been trying to caught up on journals I'm finding myself salivating at the sight of those lovely girls of yours. Those last pics that you posted came out looking really awesome man!! :thumb:

I'd say keep em' green but you're already doing a damn fine job of that already..... ;)
Thanks for all the kind words buddies! I just keep the flowers growin... that's it, water and get out of the way.

I've saved a male plant that I have in our laundry room and he's getting ready to shoot the goodness. I'm collecting pollen sacks and putting them in paper bags. My first try at gathering pollen. I'm getting a little tired of spending a small fortune on seeds from the seed banks. That and I'm kinda finding myself collecting seeds, so I have a lot on hand so I thought I may as well create some of my own.

From the summer grow - we had one little bud that self pollinated from bananas on that bud and I got like 40 seeds. I popped a handful and am running them this round - they germinated better and the plants look healthier than the clones from the same plant. So I have a few plants from the seed of that plant and a few clones from same plant growing side by side. The seeds popped over night, seeds from the seed bank don't do that.

Ok tonight while I'm typing this we are in the middle of a epic east coast SNOW-MEGADON - Oh yeah... we X-country ski so, skis are waxed up and ready for a possible late night run around the neighborhood in the dark in a blizzard with street lights and it's a full moon (harvest moon). Very exciting for me - calling for +20" of the white stuff. With the low pressure and the humidity and the full moon - the ladies should be pretty happy tonight. Hope they pile on the white goodness just like mother nature is doing. :thumb:

Ok a little update:

Harvested the Claw Girl finally - she was done and is a pretty bulky lady when I hung her up to dry. Despite her homeliness I think the buds will be pretty good. The last plant I harvested had a very very strong diesel smell - more than all of her twin sisters to date. Trimmed that one and I had to lay down and take a rest, I couldn't focus my eyes for a good 4-8 hrs. That usually means so good nugz in my future!

Claw girl last night before I chopped in the am today.... tribute. She doesn't look like much but she's a GREAT med. She's got some purple leaves even some purple sugar leaves which usually means potent meds for this cultivar.


Here's her twin sister - shes a few days behind but is still pushing out new pistols. I usually wait until no new pistols - I stopped looking at trichomes. Too much work and I've figured out what the plants look like naturally when the are ready for harvest. I try and harvest, transplant/up pot/germinate all that on the full moon cycle.


Claw girls sister again... fat colas here they all need to be supported.


Out with the old, in with the new. This lady is 2 weeks into flower and is one of the seeds from the summer run. She benefited from hanging out with the male in the room. Having a male in the flower room for a few weeks made the ladies go into flower sooner.


Next round getting going... residue on leaves from an IPM - I tried some malted buckwheat along with the usual suspects (kelp tea - ful-power - pinch of neen and some silica.


And another next round girl in front of claw girl - claw girl has been replaced with another younger sister..


Another Krystalica from the seed .... all the seeds that popped were female. Makes sense....


Claw girl again - she's got a few purple leaves which is unusual but its winter time and I open the widow sometimes to get the temps down and humidity up after lights out.


Claw's clone sister .... round 11 or so. I take clones of clones, I pick the best plant and take cuttings. No mother ..


VEG room with a few girls that need to go into flower soon. The plant in the far left corner took claw girls place in the flower room and after 1 day she's already got pre-flowers.

That one in the back left is Krystalica from seed and the other tall girls are cuts from the same plant (Tall Girl) from the summer run. The girls from seed are more vigorous and larger fan leaves.... I'm not genetic specialist but I "thought" they should all be identical since there's no genetic change - seed or clone they should be the same. Could be my process for taking and growing out cuts.

Awesome Bo!

I'm still a little wonky on knowing when to chop. I'm following the trichome method. It's a huge benefit to grow the same genetics over and over, that way you just kinda know when it's done. I have been growing from seed for the last 4 years so everything I grow is new lol. I never know when the plants are ready unless I look at the trichs. I'm looking forward to finding a keeper and growing the same genres for a while. :Namaste:

Such a lovely garden my friend! :thumb:
Congrats on the chop brother. :thumb::high-five:

Your garden is similar to mine, when one finishes there always seems to be at least one or two waiting in the veg tent to take up the newly vacated space in the bloom tent. It's like music, once the rhythm gets going things just seem to flow. Gotta love it!

I notice that you've mentioned a few times now that you often get a contact high or blurred vision or the the sleep monster creeps up on you or whatever when trimming or handling some of your ladies. I realize that this may be due to the strength of the meds and possible cannabanoid absorption through skin contact but do you think that this could be due to allergies?
I know that there are many folks that have allergic reactions to cannabis pollen. If you do have some type of cannabis allergy I would think that the symptoms would be most severe when you'd be exposed to pollen from your males. Then again, if it feels good keep on keeping on'. :)

Anyways, keep em' green (and warm) and watch out for the cars and light poles while X-road/X-sidewalk skiing.
My Wife actually cant go near freshly chopped MMJ, she is absolutely allergic. Just like fresh cut hay. That's with Sensemilla! :thumb:

I'm not allergic, but I totally know what Bo is talking about. A particular plant I trimmed did the same thing to me. It was MoonShoine Haze from Rare Dankness. I had to take breaks during trim just because I couldn't see and was going a little wonky. It was not a high from ingestion or absorption, it was like an over exposure to gas LOL. Seriously!:circle-of-love:
That one in the back left is Krystalica from seed and the other tall girls are cuts from the same plant (Tall Girl) from the summer run. The girls from seed are more vigorous and larger fan leaves.... I'm not genetic specialist but I "thought" they should all be identical since there's no genetic change - seed or clone they should be the same. Could be my process for taking and growing out cuts.


I'm not a genetic specialist either, but there is an inhertance quality known as epigenetics that happens along with genetics. As I understand it, the DNA and mitochondrial RNA experience inheritable changes based on the experiences and stresses of the parents. At times, epigenetics has confounded experimental science, for example in early mouse maze tests almost every test showed BETTER results on repeating the tests with a new generation of mice than the first generation. Scientists thought they were narrowing in on better and better ways to teach mice how to run the mazes when what they were doing was repeating the test on the offspring of mice who had already learned how to run the mazes. Without parental training or apparent DNA changes, the mice were able to pass on expertise at running mazes from parent to child. They now call this epigenetics.

I just did a look at the start of the wikipedia entry to see if I was way off base, Wikipedia says:
Epigenetics is the study, in the field of genetics, of cellular and physiological phenotypic trait variations that are caused by external or environmental factors that switch genes on and off and affect how cells read genes instead of being caused by changes in the DNA sequence.

In our grow rooms, where we grow multiple generations of clones without mothers, the plants go through epigenetic changes. I believe this is what causes some people to believe cloning multiple times causes a loss is potency. If you have a bad run and clone that bad run, some weakness (such as thin stems) may be passed on to the clone, even when the clone does not experience the stressor (such as being root bound) that caused the weakness in the parent.

DON'T take this theory and interpretation of mine as gospel. I THINK I am on the right track in what I am saying, but I don't have the research, expertise, or data to back it up.

Doing a google search on epigentics and evolution, I found a more digestible description of the epigenetic characteristic I am thinking of at in article discussing the difference between humans and other great apes not expained by DNA:
. . . epigenetic modifications, adjustments to the DNA which don't change the sequence itself (the string of A,T,G, and C) but still affect how it gets read. Epigenetic modifications are a bit like ornaments on a Christmas tree; the tree (the DNA sequence) is still the same, but the decorations (epigenetic modifications) change how it's perceived.

Two major kinds of epigenetic modifications are methylation, where a chemical group (a methyl) is attached to the DNA in specific locations, and histone modification, chemical modifications of a histone, a scaffolding protein in the nucleus which acts as a spool around which DNA is wound. Methylation usually reduces the activity of a gene, either by blocking proteins from binding to its promoter or by recruiting other proteins that wrap the DNA up and make it inactive. Histone modifications can affect how accessible a region of DNA is, making a gene more or less active. One way to understand how these modifications can alter gene expression without changing the DNA sequence is to think of the effect font has on text. Precisely the same letters arranged into the same series of words can have a different impact if the font emphasizes certain words:

My mistress' eyes are nothing like the sun;
My mistress' eyes are nothing like the sun;
My mistress' eyes are nothing like the sun;
Hey folks been down and out with the flu - good thing my ladies don't require much help from me. If I was running a hydro system I'd have said good by to all my girls. I'm back but not 100% or anywhere close. We got DUMPED on with snow = 30" very nice. Lots of work tho, shoveled then was couching for 4 days straight.

1 thing I'm positive of - canna is not physically addictive, I haven't had any THC for 5 days now.. anywho... I'll be back a little later on and reply to a few of the posts above and do another update.
Hi Bo,

I have to quit smoking for a few months and quite frankly am not looking forward to it. Your post just reminds me I'm going to be fine. I agree is not very addictive physically, I equal it to coffee. A little down for a couple weeks. But mentally is a little more difficult. When I've got all this killer weed I just grew and can't ample it I get pretty bummed lol!

Glad your feeling better my friend! :thumb::circle-of-love:
Awesome Bo!

I'm still a little wonky on knowing when to chop. I'm following the trichome method. It's a huge benefit to grow the same genetics over and over, that way you just kinda know when it's done. I have been growing from seed for the last 4 years so everything I grow is new lol. I never know when the plants are ready unless I look at the trichs. I'm looking forward to finding a keeper and growing the same genres for a while. :Namaste:

Such a lovely garden my friend! :thumb:

Hey Doc - I really like to grow from seed too. For one thing I like to collect seeds. My wife does the same thing with outdoor garden plants so I probably can spend our lunch money on seeds if I wanted to (and i want to).

Talking to self:
Less is more; a little goes a long way; practice moderation

Yeah Doc always looking for that golden green nug that I can't stop growing.

I stumbled into Mandala's Krystalica and first round I had a Pheno C - liked the way it fit into the grow room and most of all the taste and meds so here I am. Been growing that one from clones for a few years now. It's good meds for me. You have any sore anything, puff puff in a few minutes pain gone. I have a health issue thats kinda serious and what got me growing again. Pretty much all canna works for me as long as it doesn't taste like metal ....

Trim tray ready to go ...1 plant in the jars right at 3 zips. Krytalica C These plants look like crap at chop but after some trim the buds are perfect. Pretty uniform size top to btm. I let them go a bit long they are 65 day flower strain but I usually let them go 70-75 days .. as soon as no more new pistols ... timberrrr. I get a few seeds say 1 or 2 from time to time, put them in my stash for later. Later is now ... here's an update.


Trim tray... I mentioned earlier about when I trim I get pretty buzzed, I think its from the terpenes/terpenoids/ketones in the bud when fresh. My wife even says its very "strong" smelling once I'm trimming... stinks up the house. Which is kinda cool as this plant when growing and drying has very little smell. As soon as I trim up the buds, the smell really starts to shine and come forward. The diesel and sweet dank starts at trim and gets stronger as the buds cure.


Here's the new addition to the grow room to take the place the last lady. I somehow lost the label so I'm kinda lost here - I think this one is Headband - it's for sure an Indica so I'm going to have to go back thru my ahem "records" and see if I cant figure it out. At any rate she's getting to be a little monster and she's only in flower for a few days. Notice the shape in the next pic - growing just like a pine tree... and dense.. I should start some LST on this one.


Side shot - calling this one Headband I got from Elev8 seeds I'm guessing tho.. I will be able to take a seed count and figure out which one I decided to pop... but I'm lazy. In fact I'm soo lazy I gauge my successful grow by the amount of work I have to do. Less work = better success. Yield is pretty much the same.
Lotsa green here for sure.


Kryatalica here - just starting to bulk up - she's 25 or so days in flower. Main cola many side colas.


Another Krystalica - she's 35 days in flower and her tops are literally falling over - not from weak stems, she's just bulking up on the tops and getting top heavy. I don't usually have to start support until 50 days or so.. this one may be "special". Ok lets call her Special Girl .. done.


Crappy pic girl... Krystalica @ 45 days


Another Kryatalica - this one is from seed of pheno C from last grow. This lady is nice and unusual in that the Pheno C is known for a single main cola with many side branches. This one has 2 main colas with many side branches - same height and size. I'm on the fence now about cloning this one - I will take clones "just in case" this one grows into something spectacular.


Another Krystalica 30 days in flower...


Krystalica .. I think there's 8 in flower now


Next up for harvest - I had the pruning shears in my hand and the plant in the other earlier today. She survived for another day.


A deux


Veg room - the next round in waiting and getting impatient I may say. I have 1 spot and 4 volunteers.


Dark Devil Auto .. almost ready ...


B-45 this one is a gift seed ... I know nothing about it. I popped 3 seeds of this cultivar and 1 made it ... for me that's not that great but lets see... never know unless we try, right?


Krystalica C from seed - looks mighty fine to me!

Here's a little info bomb for ya'ins. Doc asked about "defoil" a week or so back but I was sick like a dog for a while and didn't get a chance to give it a proper answer. So I will try here.

Here's my take on defoil or generally cutting off fan leaves for any reason other that down low to improve air flow when the RH is higher like in spring and summer here on the east coast. Basically I let the leaves yellow & fall off naturally as I know the plant is using up all available resources. They are not yellowing due to disease on a healthy plant and here's why:

The reason I do not cut off fan leaves is this: "Translocation"

Translocation is the ability of a plant, any plant to move nutrients around the plant via its vascular system to where it's needed. That's it, the plant does everything they need to survive and reproduce. Best for me to water and LITFA...

Info bomb here:

"Translocation is the movement of materials from leaves to other tissues throughout the plant. Plants produce carbohydrates (sugars) in their leaves by photosynthesis, but nonphotosynthetic parts of the plant also require carbohydrates and other organic and nonorganic materials. For this reason, nutrients are translocated from sources (regions of excess carbohydrates, primarily mature leaves) to sinks (regions where the carbohydrate is needed). Some important sinks are roots, flowers, fruits, stems, and developing leaves. Leaves are particularly interesting in this regard because they are sinks when they are young and become sources later, when they are about half grown."

That last bold text bit is what I feel is important to good yield. Cut off the the old large fan leaves is cutting off a source of nutrients the plants require. Of course we could provide those lost nutrients with non-organic "foods" but I'm a 100% organic grower and I try and take advantage of all the resources available from nature.

Do my plants look great at harvest day? No (to me they do), they are not great for picture taking but the buds after a good 6 week cure look stunning. The taste ... the smell.... the meds, those are the reasons I grow.

There's more to read here at this link on more than just translocation. I highly suggest folks read this link there's some good knowledge written so folks like me can understand it! Take a look at the sources for this article - there's some good reading there as well.

Read more: Translocation - Biology Encyclopedia - cells, plant, body, function, process, system, different, organs, used
Update time:

I've got my winter/spring 2016 ladies all lined up and in flower and I'm pretty set for the next month. I have 2 ladies that are ~30ish days in flower that are starting with yellowing leaves which for this cultivar is as expected.

As the buds start to get larger the older fan leaves start to yellow just like fall leaves do on trees and the nutrients those leaves built up are now being translocated into the flowers to help with bud formation. These are the original fans that were grown out way back in VEG.
Some plants don't do this as dramatically as Krystalica C pheno, it is what it is. I've learned to live with it and actually use it as a sort of timing indicator. I know I have about 35-40 more days till chop.

Another big thing that has happened this week is my wife's son whom has epilepsy (gran mal all the way = bad), decided he wants to try some cannabis to help. I'm sure he's talked it over with his doc and got the "green" like so to speak ! hahaha pun there. So I rolled up a few fatties for him to try out and he really likes it! Now I need to get him to fly out to Cali or CO and get a medical card, then I will provide his meds, which should keep me out of trouble if I need it. Hell I should get my card as well. On my list .. be nice to fly out to CO this time of year and go skiing and take a canna-stay-cation.

I'm still No-til 100% organic soil. Which means at flip and when planting which is 2X a cycle I will add in this mix to the container:

Neem Cake @ 1/4 Cup Per Cubic Foot
Kelp Meal @ 1/2 Cup Per Cubic Foot
Crab Meal @ 1/4 Cup Per Cubic Foot
Fish Meal @ 1/4 Cup Per Cubic Foot
Gypsum @ 1/2 Cup Per Cubic Foot

Add in 1quart of EWC/castings to above mix together and top dress for each container (7-9 gals) soil
(EWC is either homemade or as found in the woods)

I amend during the flower cycle with Gypsum say 1tbs to 3gal water and water in and of course Fulvic Acid(BioAg Fulpower) and silica - FTW.

Silca I add in regularly to water and foiler. Adding in gypsum helps keep the soil from compacting down which I started having issues with after about 5-6 runs in the same soil, now I have pretty loose soil and actually have to be careful and water almost every day.

Anyway here's some pics of the current setup.

Krystalica C pheno - this one just started yellowing the old fan leaves. I let them fall off. It will take say 5-6 days until they finally shrivel up & fall off. They make great mulch. She's the oldest of the group now at ~35 days. There's another in the back of the pic.. they all look exactly like this every time.

I wish this was my full time job. I love gardening, always have and will never stop growing plants. My girl will make sure of it. she's another green 2X thumbs. She likes the GDP and says it smells like tea roses.


Here's another Krystalica C Pheno... notice these plants all look pretty much exactly the same. They are clones and should always look the same. I've got 6 of 8 plants in flower like this.


Here's the odd lady out - I think Headband - she's got quite a lot of Indica in her. She's in flower only 3 days has pre-flowers already. I'm going to take some clones of this one.


Side view of Headband


Another Krystalica - the Chop girl in the back I took down right after this pic.


This is another odd girl out - I'm trying some new strains. This one is California Dream from Mandala seeds. They are one of the few organic seed companies and compared to other seeds I purchase I have pretty much 100% germination with their seeds. I do not use paper towels to germinate, I go right into soil with a plastic tent to keep RH up until I get true leaves then after 3 set of true leaves, I up pot.

This one looks a lot like Krystalica but side by side the fan leaves are almost 2x the size so I'm thinking there's more Indica in this one - she's a hybrid.


Another Krystalica right around 30 days - this is a 65 day flower which with this pheno I run out to 70-75 days.


Next .. this lady has taken the place of Chop Girl.. her first day. Pic taken a day or so ago - today she's got pre flowers already.


Another Krystalica... going with ~35 days in flower by the color of the pistols. When I do a watering with ground up malted barley with coconut water - there will be another flush of white pistols. Tomorrow I will brew up another SST with malted barley.


Tribute to my last lady that I chopped the other day.. she's still drying. This pic right before chop.


"On the hook" as they say. I've moved her out of the grow room to our bedroom. I can tell by the scent when she's ready to trim. Once I trim the smell really comes out - strong diesel with a sweet berry after taste... that all changes after a good cure to a sweet berry with a hint of diesel! I smoked 1/2 of a nice fatty last night and I'm still high.. 24 hrs later. Good meds :thumb:


Seedfinder lists Mandala Krystalica as 75% Sativa and Mandala California Dream with 1 Mexican Sativa(50%) and 1 Afghani Indica as parents.

So yes, double the Indica in California Dream. - but I see both these leaves as 50/50 Sativa/Indica.

Update time:


This is another odd girl out - I'm trying some new strains. This one is California Dream from Mandala seeds. They are one of the few organic seed companies and compared to other seeds I purchase I have pretty much 100% germination with their seeds. I do not use paper towels to germinate, I go right into soil with a plastic tent to keep RH up until I get true leaves then after 3 set of true leaves, I up pot.

This one looks a lot like Krystalica but side by side the fan leaves are almost 2x the size so I'm thinking there's more Indica in this one - she's a hybrid.


Another Krystalica right around 30 days - this is a 65 day flower which with this pheno I run out to 70-75 days.

Wow Bo, now that's a proper update with full on knowledge bombs lol. I like your explanation of why to and why not to defol. And unlike me and a lot of others here you back it up with science.

I'm not saying I'm going to follow your non defol method, the defol controversy will be here long after you and I are dead lol. I'm just saying that your post is/was one of the best arguments I've seen/read for not defoling. I see a comparison grow in my near future.

Anyone learning the organic ropes should definitely follow your guidance. Your journal is a one stop shop of beautiful organic plants and stellar techniques. :goodjob::bravo::cheer:
Thanks Doc for the compliments, I'm feeling really thankful for sure.

Regarding Defoil.... I'm really an outdoor organic gardener, raised beds, compost piles, leaf piles with and without manure..Oh and worm bins.

We spend WAY WAY more time with soil building than I do futzing about in the indoor gardens. It's not my style to fuss and muss over plants in flower. If you look at the yellowing leaves in my pics ^^^ you will start to see a pattern. After flip the large fans will eventually start to yellow. This will start from the oldest leaves and progress on all the way to harvest, oldest to youngest leaves yellowing. During this yellowing process the plant is moving stored nutrients from the sink (fan leaf) to the part of the plant that will provide a way of reproduction; big buds.

The only part that we humans play in this process is withholding interaction with male pollen. The plants will do as they have done for WAY longer than we have been around and try and reproduce, at all cost. All we are doing with indoor growing is making the ladies stretch out the inevitable process of reproduction. Let them go long enough without a male, the ladies will grow bananas and self pollinate. That is not the same as hermaphrodites (male and female bits on same plant) or hermies. Hermies are a genetic issue/defect.

/end rant: more to come!
Thanks Bo! Your skills are top of the line my friend.

I do so much topping, cropping, bending, breaking and tying that I have to defol to some extent. The only time I didn't defol I came home after work one day to find a moldy mess. I lost half the plant due to air flow restrictions. I think growing style has a lot to do with defol science. If I didn't defol, I'd have a gigantic mess of mold lol. I think growing all natural like you do is the best. For those of us with hight and space restrictions, it may be necessary to defol for air flow. I think that is in line with your philosophy about getting rid of the low leaves that block your airflow in the spring?

I've been wrong 2 million times before lol. Just saying that every grow space requires it's own grow techniques. If I had yours, I'd definitely be doing much less defol.

Back on track, you my friend have a green thumb from heaven. :Namaste::circle-of-love:
Thanks Bo! Your skills are top of the line my friend.

I do so much topping, cropping, bending, breaking and tying that I have to defol to some extent. The only time I didn't defol I came home after work one day to find a moldy mess. I lost half the plant due to air flow restrictions. I think growing style has a lot to do with defol science. If I didn't defol, I'd have a gigantic mess of mold lol. I think growing all natural like you do is the best. For those of us with hight and space restrictions, it may be necessary to defol for air flow. I think that is in line with your philosophy about getting rid of the low leaves that block your airflow in the spring?

I've been wrong 2 million times before lol. Just saying that every grow space requires it's own grow techniques. If I had yours, I'd definitely be doing much less defol.

Back on track, you my friend have a green thumb from heaven. :Namaste::circle-of-love:

Its all good Doc - yup growing styles is what it is. Less is more for me, its just my style. I have no issues with training/LST/trellising/ tying up/bending over or all of the above. I sometimes use those techniques when needed.

Every once in a while I get a run away plant that just wont fit my space... you know how that goes? Get the string out and get on it. It's all good.

I selected this strain for genetics and I like everything I've grown from Mandala. I just know I'm getting quality seed, and I selected a Pheno that fits my space and my style of growing and just keep on growing it. I'm getting the same or even better result with each grow with clones. By results I'm saying quality of bud: taste, high, meds its all there in spades and very easy to grow.

I've been growing a few other strains just to try something different. When I get back to this one, its like walking in the front door after being on the road for a few weeks. Ahhh yup ...

That said I've got some HSO Chemdawg in VEG right now and an original Headband in flower. I think the Sativa or mostly Sativa plants are just easier to grow. But man the Indica plants or mostly Indica hybrids do grow a lot of big ass leaves. I may take your advice with this current grow and do a little trimming/defoil. I'll have to see how my foiler works tonight.

I foiler sprayed all the ladies and girls tonight at lights out and opened the window some so it's pretty cool with snow in the forecast, it should get pretty humid over night in the flower room. I've been way way low at around 30% RH so a big boost there specially when the plants are just starting to get big buds should help the ladies out ... we will see! Wont be humid long enough to get mold not this time of year anyways.

The ladies are getting pretty, too bad I cant keep them looking like this all the time.

Here's a mini update with pics since they look sooo nice for now I'm showing off!! Yay me :high-five:

Starting off with Two Top Girl.. Pheno that usually has one main cola - this clone has 2 same height which is unusual... I'm almost afraid to clone this one since any plant that is a clone showing a little bit different traits may not be in my best interests long term. Not sure what to do.. no pain no gain as they say. I'll clone this one but make sure I make a note. Could be a new phenotype.

Frosty followed by more frosty. What's not to like? Her sister I cloned this one from I called Frosty Girl!! She's alive - she's alive! :cheer:


This one is the "C" Pheno type - 1 main cola with many shorter sides. This shape is easy to grow for me.


Another Pheno C back right corner under a new lamp.. I splurged on a SolarECLIPSE SE220 COB led and it's bright but jury is still out.. I'm doing a side by side same everything so it will come down to yield! Could be Indica plants like this one better and I'm on that as well...more to come.


Twin sister clones in the right corner side by side the plant on the right is going to have to be tied up I've already got supports but buds a hangin low down with this one. Maybe a rope around the whole plant ... first time I've tried that indoors. Good problem to have.


Sorry for the poor lighting... Poor Lighting Girl


This one ..... OR


This one (think eye doctor visit)


This one .... OR

California Dream from Mandala..I think Conradino said 50/50 Sativa/Indica ... don't quote me on that tho.
All 3 pics are the same plant - I was doing the "this one or that one" flipping pics with my wife earlier. Lots o leaves and a bit of frost. She's I think about 2 weeks into flower.


Headband from 6 days ago


Headband tonight - slow going here... ?? Maybe my foiler will help speed things up a bit! I bet it will.


This one ....

Like a finely constructed oil painting, this one leads the eye from a high central focal point at the vanishing point of the horizon down left and right, with branching, into the foreground. If painted, one could add in a little more lateral movement, but overall it is the most dynamically experienced photo of the bunch.
For God's sakes Bo, would you please defole that headband lol. I'm totally joking bud. If there's anyone on here that doesn't need advice its you my friend. You've forgot more about organics than I'll ever know. I'm really loving your grow. Every time I see a new email reminder with your name I get excited to see how the ladies are doing. :circle-of-love:

I am soaking up the info. Please don't feel like it's wasted on me. It just takes some of us stubborn old farts longer than others lol.

Beautiful as always! :love:
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