Well-Known Member
its tough taking pics in the gr all the fans and the weird lights I take my plants out to take pics but if I was going to take some pics in the gr I would turn the lights off and the fans and then take my light in there then the plants would still be getting some light id think it would hurt for a bit!I have a tripod and I have a monopod (I use this some) but lately I'm standing in the flower space doing it by hand 90% of the time. I have the shutter speed automatic and this time messing with the camera settings.
If I take pics all auto the camera shows the mars deep red colors. If I set it to manual with auto focus and increase the F stop more I'm getting true color and the computer is compensating for the far red.. kinda weird. I have to set it to manual so that the on board computer over-rides the automatic setting. Counter intuitive if you ask me.
I'm trying to get a larger depth of field in a near-macro setting without the deep red colors that my lights give me. My LEDs are pretty close to what most folks get with HID color wise. There's a lot of red.
I've been messing with IR/UV cut filters but I found out that there are already UV/IR filters in most DSLRs built in unless you order the camera without the filter.