Copperrein's Summer 2021 Outdoor Soil Grow

Yeah I know. I just don’t like doing it. I supercropped a clone on my first grow, and I just don’t like the feeling. Stupid I know.

I’m going to do a video for you today showing you how I train my girls. So stay tuned sister :)
I have to give injections to John and the animals and sometimes popping through the skin or going through muscle makes me squidgy. Feels just like putting a meat thermometer in a roast. Bleh. Fuck, I have an ortho surgeon friend and she fucking....that woman...some of her stories about breaks or joint replacements...bleh no. I used to work with anesthesia machines and often was fixing something while a procedure was going on. Open heart? No problem...doc's playing classic rock, people talking quietly, chill lighting. Fucking knee replacement? Pantera playing and the doc's standing ON the fucking table above the patient with a fucking hammer and chisel. Fuck ortho. Bleh.


I made some seed soil four/five days ago using the Earth Alive Soil Activator and I wanted to show off the mycos:

I got out into the garden yesterday and top-dressed everyone. I also did some bendy bendy cracky cracky and training. LSD...the plant that tornado storm got is still kicking. I left some pretty badly damaged stuff on her since she had a couple months before flower and she's done a great job repairing herself. All that weird brittleness is gone. I was even able to supercrop and train her which I forgot to get photos of. I'll try to get some today.

DDAs buds are getting heavy. She needs some bracing which I also need to do today. Suppose I should readup on the strain so I can plan when to harvest.

And for anyone worried about killing a plant by splitting stems, here's one of my Gelat.OGs:

Another abused plant (forgot who...Rudeboi.OG I think)

Bonus trunk porn:

Ok, I'm starting to see the plants greening up in the newer foliage. The top dress I made seems to be working. The question is did I deplete my soil because I planted too early and the plants got too big for their pots OR did all the stupid rain just wash all the nutes out? Or both? Things for me to think about.

As I mentioned before I was able to train that utterly messed up LSD a couple days ago and she's slowly springing back. Fingers crossed I can get a little off her come fall.

I have to give injections to John and the animals and sometimes popping through the skin or going through muscle makes me squidgy. Feels just like putting a meat thermometer in a roast. Bleh. Fuck, I have an ortho surgeon friend and she fucking....that woman...some of her stories about breaks or joint replacements...bleh no. I used to work with anesthesia machines and often was fixing something while a procedure was going on. Open heart? No problem...doc's playing classic rock, people talking quietly, chill lighting. Fucking knee replacement? Pantera playing and the doc's standing ON the fucking table above the patient with a fucking hammer and chisel. Fuck ortho. Bleh.

I give a stellar IM injection, I really do. It’s all in the wrist, you kind of dart it in, then slowly administer. Most of my girlfriends call on me to do their B12 injections.

OMG the saw! That is one instrument that makes me swoon in horror. I know, and every surgeon seems to have their own weird requests aye.

Plants on fleek babe. :)
Hey look....more rain. :|

So I sometimes attend Homegrown Cannabis Co.'s 'Growing Live' things and during the last one I asked if there was a way to keep nutrients in the soil despite heavy rains. Kyle suggested water polymers...aka water beads...those 'expands 20 times its size when wet' things that end up being squish wet marbles. Pinterest types like to grow non-psychoactive flowers in them so despite having a full house lined up this fall, I'd like to cram in one more plant which I will try to grow in just water beads.

I see people having success with normal house plants, and since I seem to have more trouble growing house plants than I do cannabis, I figure what the hell? I'll be using 2nd year outdoor oops seeds (thanks ditchweed neighbors, assholes) to start since my gut tells me there's more to these water beads than is immediately apparent.

Will I get root rot? Supposedly not, the beads can expand and contract hundreds of times (so says the interwebs), maintaining a fair to good soil moisture content. Also they're spheres so lots of air pockets, right?

Will I get salt build up and will that affect the water retention potential of the beads? Sure, they're overly-engineered nerd polymers but I suspect with the vast variety of nutrient types, something can break them down. Most people online seem to be using really basic shit like MG with them. How long do they really remain viable for growing?

If I can get a bastard seed to harvest in JUST the water beads and @Prescription Blend nutes, they may end up being added into my soil for next year's outdoor grow. I love pushing the length of the growing season but this year it is not helping...I wish I had gotten starting runoff EC. I'm curious how much soil I lost to rain.

Anyhoo...more f'ing rain here in tropical Michigan smdh

Bonus swallows because even in shit weather they're happy little birbs <3 I need to learn from them, apparently.

Looks like my most sativa dominant girls are starting flower. Both Sour Diesel and Hulkberry have started slowly packing on stigma.

And here's my view of the beast Alien Rock Candy at my eye level

Rudeboi.OG has responded super quick to the mishmash of high nitrogen top dress

For reference that's Alien Rock Candy behind Rudeboi.OG. CPK is just to the right and is the slowest to return to a healthy green color
Looking good @copperrein
I'm so damned sick of this rain in Michigan, its shaping up to be a terrible boating season and there aren't many weekends left before it starts getting too damn cold to be on the water.
Looking good @copperrein
I'm so damned sick of this rain in Michigan, its shaping up to be a terrible boating season and there aren't many weekends left before it starts getting too damn cold to be on the water.
Dude...and the mosquitoes. Everything's all weird this year. I'm trying to prepare for the worst during flower. Summer is stress.
Great video Ladybird

Your voice is so movie starish:)

And your coral pink gel polish. You so Kardashian :)

But OMG you are a torturer - read it with a gentle American accent “yeah okay so listen carefully, I’m twisting her arm... now listen you will hear her bone snap *FUCKING CRACKKKK* did you hear that? Now listen really closely and you can hear her screams of pain...”

CopperHeadRoad aka The Enforcer

Seriously tho, great vid :)
Yeah, is that real science or “bro” science?
Looking good @copperrein
I'm so damned sick of this rain in Michigan, its shaping up to be a terrible boating season and there aren't many weekends left before it starts getting too damn cold to be on the water.
Nothing beats going out onto Lake St Clair and flipping Walleye into the boat during a December ice and snow fall with icicles hanging off a guy's beard and eyebrows. Or doing it in the same weather conditions except going onto the upper Detroit River to get out of the northeast winds.;)
Nothing beats going out onto Lake St Clair and flipping Walleye into the boat during a December ice and snow fall with icicles hanging off a guy's beard and eyebrows. Or doing it in the same weather conditions except going onto the upper Detroit River to get out of the northeast winds.;)
Eh, even the winters have been kinda crap. Last three ish years we could barely go cross country skiing.
Hope you get more warm dry air Copper!

Those bead thingies. I think gorilla growers get some of that in their holes to hold water for dry times. Cool stuff!
I hope so, too. I've put mosquito dunks in all our troughs and random bowls of water (for barn cats and chickens) and there's still clouds of mosquitoes.
Since this isn't a sponsor grow lemme just say: fucking fuckity fuckballs, the weather can eat a dick. For now my outdoor plants are responding well to the heat and humidity but flower is starting soon and I need this shit to stop. I fed everyone a couple days ago with my own mix of stuff and they responded well...almost too well. My peacock topiary Wedding Cake is now a very fat snail:

Sour Diesel is green again

White Widow and Alien Rock Candy are leading the non-scrog pack:

And some of the others are looking okish

I gave CPK more bloodmeal last night since she's the only one not greening up as fast as I would like. I need to get out and do more training and defol soon but the mosquitoes, even with unhealthy amounts of DEET on, attack anyone attempting to participate with nature.
Green returns! My most nitrogen deficient girls are really bouncing back now. Critical Purple Kush and Sour Diesel:

Whatever the hell LSD is doing:

And here, have some moist air photos:

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