Cons Outdoor Auto Lake Grow #2

I use my cell phone to stay out of the days daze. It tells you right on the screen what day it is!

Now, what did I do with that phone? :)
Yeah it seems like the older one gets the year flies by speaking of years Happy Birthday @Joe Brewster
Thanks for birthday wishes
I got a smartie phone for my birthday
A galaxy s24
Just got to learn how to use it now
No Scottay dude! It's Tuesday. I keep trying to tell you! 🤭
Oooooo shit!!! I was actually looking at my calendar for next Monday and wrote that day instead. 😂 Almost happy Wednesday now in about a half hour!! Since retiring every day is Saturday.😎✌️
Good morning everyone happy humping day, after 9 days in the fridge & air the layered MWC is jarred & RH is at 66% overnight so it's probably at 62% I find these little cheap RH meters to be 2-4% high so I gave it a final trim & removed the stalks & it weighed out to 40 grams or just under a ounce & a half not including testers not a big haul but good enough (I wasn't expecting a big yield growing straight up more a curiosity grow) but it is some strong smoke very good for pain, cats are gone nuts this morning so it's a sign to go fishing so that's today's plan the stunted LST'd MWC will probably be chopped in a few days, thanks for looking in & have a good one




Nice looking nuggies con!

I'm (a) curious, (b) nosey, (c) inquisitive (take your pick) so I have to ask what do your cats do when they go "nuts?"
Nice looking nuggies con!

I'm (a) curious, (b) nosey, (c) inquisitive (take your pick) so I have to ask what do your cats do when they go "nuts?"
They run around (super zoomies) chase fight & howl at each other for about 20 min then sleep Lol! I'm easily amused & make any excuse to go fishing

40 grams for the WIN! ❤️

Do they have enough room for a few more trailers and tents to form a ring around a nice grow area? Sounds like a Fun Summer! ❤️
Thanks MedScientest: 40g will hold me over for a while till the first winter harvest I plan on growing these strains again but LST'd, lots of smokers out here but I'm the only one who grows
Good evening everyone quick update so yesterday while checking the plants I noticed a bit of rot on one cola on the stunted LST'd MWC & cut it out & checked a short while ago after the rain stopped & found rot in the same spot & under some fan leaves so the trichomes where all cloudy with some amber & stickier than Gorilla Glue so it's chopped & in the fridge drying & probably get less than a ounce once dried but adds to the stock pile, the last 2 plants the CCC & broken DK all look good so far hopefully no more rot I'll be keeping a fan on them as much as I can, some pics & enjoy your evening








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