Cons Outdoor Auto Lake Grow #2

And this little guy causing trouble yesterday my cats are scared shit less of turtles lol! Pussys

My outdoor eye is untrained con, but I like the way those plants look! :Rasta:

I wonder why the cats don't realize that he's as slow as a...turtle? 😁
The white cat (Con) was sniffing it & it poked its head out & he jumped about 3-4feet straight up & gone in a blink of a eye the black cat (pic) wouldn't even get close after seeing that lol! No fear of dogs bear skunks & raccoons but a little painted turtle lol!
The plants are coming along nicely and that big one wouldn't be out of place in your home grow!

Scary turtle. :eek:
Thanks Shed let's see what it looks like in 6-7 weeks hopefully I have someone bugging me to sell my trailer & site for possession for August & thinking hard about it
The plants are coming along nicely and that big one wouldn't be out of place in your home grow!

Scary turtle. :eek:
"home grow" - is there another journal that I don't know about?

Thanks Shed let's see what it looks like in 6-7 weeks hopefully I have someone bugging me to sell my trailer & site for possession for August & thinking hard about it
Gosh Con. All the best with your decision.
"home grow" - is there another journal that I don't know about?

Gosh Con. All the best with your decision.
Thanks Carmen I think what Shed was saying is the layered MWC would do well grown straight up no LST in my winter grows, sorry for the repeat answer I didn't read ahead, & I don't think I'm ready to give this place up yet
I really meant that it's getting to be the size of your indoor plants! 🌱
We'll see, the layered MWC, DK & CCC will be getting fed the level 2 nute mix next watering the CCC is turning into a nice plant its a toss up between the CCC & layered MWC, those 2 might come close to over 3 oz I'm aiming for 5 per plant
Good morning everyone hope your week & weekend was/is good, plants are coming along nicely the layered MWC looks like she'll have a nice main cola & filling out nice & the layered DK is still a skinny one & needs help standing so it's supported now & the CCC is shaping up nicely & liking the way its going the LST'd MWC seems to of have hit a growth spurt but we'll see how it looks like in a week & the broken DK is slowly putting along & not sure if it'll be done by the end of August, now feeding the layered MWC & DK & CCC level 2 nutes & the other 2 are still at level 1 nute strength & all PH'd at 6.0-6.3 &that's about all for now, have a good week










Good morning everyone sunny skies for the rest of the week I cleaned up the CCC of what I thought will be the shitty bud sites & readjusted, the 2 layered MWC & Dk are packing on the weight & the 2 regular pots LST,d MWC & DK are slowly shaping up






I got all my prizes for April's POTM & a huge thank you to George from @The Vault he sent my prize (seeds from the Phoenix line) & they got conformation that it was delivered but guessing someone stole them so I made contact & even with delevery confirmed George sent out seeds again but with auto seeds AK 27 Express from their Phoenix line & they arrived safely that's great customer service there once again thank you George & @The Vault can't wait to drop those seeds this fall & will tag @The Vault when I do,
Will try uploading a pic when I can
THanks Shed not much training just the CCC & one MWC the 2 in the layered pots are filling out nice on their own low maintenance like me
Damn thing thinks it's a cat & wants to play Lol!


What is this creature? It looks quite robust. I saw a cute video of a cat playing with a hamster friend but I'm not certain how I feel about that sort of interspecies animal friendship. To me the hamster is always a heartbeat away from becoming prey 🐈‍⬛🐀
What is this creature? It looks quite robust. I saw a cute video of a cat playing with a hamster friend but I'm not certain how I feel about that sort of interspecies animal friendship. To me the hamster is always a heartbeat away from becoming prey 🐈‍⬛🐀
Hi Carmen that is a marmot or also called a ground hog/woodchuck this animal tells us whether we have a early or a late spring here in North America
What is this creature? It looks quite robust. I saw a cute video of a cat playing with a hamster friend but I'm not certain how I feel about that sort of interspecies animal friendship. To me the hamster is always a heartbeat away from becoming prey 🐈‍⬛🐀
They're bigger than Lady Cannafans little red dog. ☺️
Good morning everyone had company this week so fell behind & will catch up in a bit, week 12 the CCC & the 2 layered MWC & DK are coming along nicely & packing on some size & the 2 regular pots of MWC and DK are slowly growing the broken DK is on a upward grow spurt & all are on level 2 nutes PH'd to 6.3 that's about it for now










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