Cons Outdoor Auto Lake Grow #2

Thanks SniperX 3 strains & 3 different grow styles & the weather is cooperating
Your plants are looking great Con, they’re fattening up .
Nice variety you have going on over there.

Thanks Shed the weather cycle is giving us here a normal summer (I'm not a big believer in climate change as it always changes & runs on 5 twenty year cycles & 100 year cycles) my theory anyways,we're getting enough rain to keep the grass hoppers #'s down plus I used the safers 3-1 a couple times early on the a shit load of cinnamon & lots of other things for them to eat thank for looking in
Dunno if it's good luck or climate change but the bugs are staying clear this year! Looking great in the woods. :thumb:
Good day everyone a day late but not much difference between yesterday & today had the 1 nephew & gf up, the layered MWC & DK are filling out nice & getting fat more so than the DK & the LST'd CCC is filling out nice but probably will be taking it home to finish the broken DK is slow going same as the LST'd MWC but I'll see how they look in 3-4 weeks & decide they all are on level 3 nutes & fending off the bugs good water/feeding every 2nd to 3rd day that's about it for now Cheers & have a good one










Future beasts!! Looking lush buddy. Since it's the lake house could I bring my fishing poles?? I promise not to leave my trash. 😁 Happy Tuesday buddy!! 😎✌️
Future beasts!! Looking lush buddy. Since it's the lake house could I bring my fishing poles?? I promise not to leave my trash. 😁 Happy Tuesday buddy!! 😎✌️
Thanks Scottay every one is more than welcome out here the lake is known for record size fish caught a few 22-26" pickeral the other day & world record size small mouth bass here buddy just caught a 22" smally
Good morning everyone had some crazy rain & wind last night & rain all day & tonight and tomorrow had a couple plants to close to the edges & a few plants got wet (the buds) so I dried them off best as possible by shaking & paper towel & hooked up a fan to help dry off hopefully the buds are a bit airey but bulking up still hope this dries them a bit also checked trichs on the layered MWC & DK some clear & cloudy so a few weeks left if they don't get bud rot but hopefully the fan helps have a good day everyone




LOL on the fan in the forest! Great idea, and even better with the 2' box version.
A wild Canadian fan made in china in its natural habitat Lol! it actually dried out the wet buds nicely, 2' box fan I haven't seen one of those for years a 12" would be perfect for here maybe next year
I love it !!
Gotta do what’cha gotta do

Bud’s Lives matter ! Lol
Thanks Sniperx: I get some airflow but with a tarp over them not so much & the generator is close by some of these buds are getting big & would cry if they get rot
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