Cons Outdoor Auto Lake Grow #2

well being stuck in the city & more or less all reloaded for another month but can't leave till tuesday i did some work on the grow tents & have my lights all swapped & insatalled, the new ac infinity ion frame evo 8 730 watts (it'll never see 100% but better light spread) is up & running & the SpiderFarmer SE5000 480 watts is in the 3x3 but will have to upgrade to a 6 inch exhaust fan but for the new 730 watter i might get some far red supplemental bar lights for flower big difference in light quality between the 2 the evo 8 has more blue light & softer on the eyes can't wait & as soon as the lake grow is done hopefully end of august early september



Excellent use of your time while you're in the shitty! :welldone: on the cleanup.
Thanks Shed a bit more work to be done i'll have the 5x4 cleaned out & disinfected next time i'm back in the shitty but on the plus side my land lord swears i'll have a new roof on before the snow flies Lol! he held up a pail of screws & said i have the screws for your house Lol! after 10 years he bought the screws now how many years for the wood & shingles or tin SMH!
Thanks Shed a bit more work to be done i'll have the 5x4 cleaned out & disinfected next time i'm back in the shitty but on the plus side my land lord swears i'll have a new roof on before the snow flies Lol! he held up a pail of screws & said i have the screws for your house Lol! after 10 years he bought the screws now how many years for the wood & shingles or tin SMH!
Ten years to buy the friggin' screws?!

Oh my. :straightface:
Ten years to buy the friggin' screws?!

Oh my. :straightface:
this would be year 10 with a tarp on my roof Lol! but my rent here is dirt cheap so i can't bitch to much what i pay i couldn't even find a decent batchler pad my neighbors either like me or feel sorry for me for not complaining to the city about it, land lord says to me 8 years ago once i get my roof done i'll get to yours he's not done his yet hahaha i guess he's doing one bundle of shingles a year but i guess it could be worse :rolleyes:
this would be year 10 with a tarp on my roof Lol! but my rent here is dirt cheap so i can't bitch to much what i pay i couldn't even find a decent batchler pad my neighbors either like me or feel sorry for me for not complaining to the city about it, land lord says to me 8 years ago once i get my roof done i'll get to yours he's not done his yet hahaha i guess he's doing one bundle of shingles a year but i guess it could be worse :rolleyes:
I want some of everything you've been smoking for the last 10 years! :ganjamon:
I want some of everything you've been smoking for the last 10 years! :ganjamon:
one of the things i learned in life is some things if you bitch to much you end up in a shittier situation so smoke a fatty & let carma do its thing & keep buying lotery tickets LMAO!
Back out at the lake yay! Rained 3 out of 5 days & rain for today and tomorrow 😑 but the layered MWC & DK grew atleast 5-6" &measure in at 28" the DK is so lanky & MWC looks great & filling out the broke MWC is stretching but looks pretty bare & the DK LST'd is slowly coming along but looking decent & the CCC blew up & really thinking hard about up potting but the soil is still pretty wet & probably atleast a week to dry out & I don't think it's a good idea to up pot with wet soil yes no? have to go to the lodge later & will post some pics later have a great day
Back out at the lake yay! Rained 3 out of 5 days & rain for today and tomorrow 😑 but the layered MWC & DK grew atleast 5-6" &measure in at 28" the DK is so lanky & MWC looks great & filling out the broke MWC is stretching but looks pretty bare & the DK LST'd is slowly coming along but looking decent & the CCC blew up & really thinking hard about up potting but the soil is still pretty wet & probably atleast a week to dry out & I don't think it's a good idea to up pot with wet soil yes no? have to go to the lodge later & will post some pics later have a great day
Always nice to bust out and go up Country :passitleft:

Enjoy your time Con
one of the things i learned in life is some things if you bitch to much you end up in a shittier situation so smoke a fatty & let carma do its thing & keep buying lotery tickets LMAO!
Damn con. You definitely hold true to the meaning of patient and tolerant. 🙏
Hell, give me 3 strong men and the materials I'll have that roof stripped off, and reshingled in 2 weeks. 💪 You get a good crew of Hispanics and that shit will be done in 3 days. ❤️❤️❤️
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