Conradino23 Keeps On Keeping On Outdoor & Indoor Using LOS/High Brix Methods

...:ciao:...:popcorn:...I like the peanut shell idea!:thumb:...cheerz...h00k...:hookah:

Almost like a course coco

Yeah actually very similar!

just did a quick search...peanut shells are a good slow release nitrogen source as they break down as well...but do not use salted ones...cheerz...h00k...:hookah:

That's true as well, but their nitrogen content is miniscule. They hold a lot of carbon, which improves C:N ratio.

That's an amazing idea :cheer:

Thx, man!
subbed in to watch the show! :high-five:

Good to have ya!

I'm gonna ask for it ;)

Have gotten used to my annual trip to Italy.....checking in for an ongoing visit this time. :Namaste:

I'm happy you can enjoy another one :thumb:


Here. Grow them well.


Hey - pulling up my deck chair and rolling up a phat one .... here ...

Peanut shells, nice. I've been reading s^#t about perlite recently that made me not be using it anymore so great timing. Cheers C

You're comfy already, that's good :)
Whoo Hoo! Cheers to another epic journal! Will you grow any Ultra Dogs indoors???

Not now, I'm full of it :)

Please forgive me,, What is LOS? my guess is its Living Organic Soil?



Hi, man! Welcome to my grow!

Damn second page already. Ill be along for the ride Con!

Yeah that one goes quickly :)

This one is filling up fast lol

Quite fast indeed.

3rd page already. I'm here!

Hmm I'm still on the 2nd one :)
So we roll out...




Welcome my friends!

I've finally decided to start a perpetual journal, which might go on forever or till I drop dead, cause I'm tired of creating a new one every year. It's gonna feature LOS and High Brix methods of growing outdoor/indoor with multiple strains along the way!

There are gonna be jokes, rants, high fives and trips down the memory lane... the usual fooling around in spades... and last but not least some pics, instructions and priceless growing advice for those who need it and those who don't know they need it.

Did you roll a fat one? Did you shave? Do you have your shotgun, boxing gloves and raffle ticket handy? Then you're in for a ride!

Let's keep up the good fight and be smooth as a cannabutter together!

Can you dig it? I know you can!



I'm in ...
Im here as well! Thanks for the Sunday morning tunes suggestion :) My son hates it but he'll live!

How can you hate Neil Young??? And I'm much younger than most of you :)
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