Come On Folks Let's See Some Eye Candy! Here's Some For Ya

candy cane auto.
nyc d auto

They r auto's . very nice indeed. Was thinking of possibly doing autos in a flood table. But alas I know nothing about them
They r auto's . very nice indeed. Was thinking of possibly doing autos in a flood table. But alas I know nothing about them
If you can grow photos you can grow autos
Any difference in feeding ? Or all same deal. I know u can top em but after that Iam unsure as far as lst an hst
Yup lst top beween day 14 and 21 lst a few days afyer sone strains dont like topping but cant giv3 you teo seeds to try early muss auto candy cane auto and white widow from cks . Yes 1/4 nutes recommended. And plant in final oot bo transporting no flipping to 12 12. 18 6 thorough ir 20 4 . . .
Triangle is one of my favorites Goes with everything. :thumb:

Yeah man my lists suck lol. I was stuck between PL, Blue Steel and Meltdown.. Intergalactic, Pink, 3 in the Pink, The Labyrinth were right there in the next running though. I'm actually proud of myself for keeping to only one. Blue Steel was so close to an add on. :phew:

Oh, Pink Cookies, check out 3 in the Pink :high-five:

I guess I should have sub'd to the seed rehab thread... while you were typing this yesterday, I was ordering more seeds again.... dang it...something's wrong with me.

I couldn't decide on the ones you were thinking about so I bought these:

Meltdown (2 packs)
Black Mamba
Blue Steel
Purple Lamborghini

Growing Labyrinth right now in VEG..... picked 3 to go into flower couldn't tell the sex so winged it... all 3 were male, 4th one is looking girly. 4 times a charm I'm hopping.. :passitleft:
I guess I should have sub'd to the seed rehab thread... while you were typing this yesterday, I was ordering more seeds again.... dang it...something's wrong with me.

I couldn't decide on the ones you were thinking about so I bought these:

Meltdown (2 packs)
Black Mamba
Blue Steel
Purple Lamborghini

Growing Labyrinth right now in VEG..... picked 3 to go into flower couldn't tell the sex so winged it... all 3 were male, 4th one is looking girly. 4 times a charm I'm hopping.. :passitleft:

U have a journal ? I wana see the results before I buy from them though Iam sure there great, already sub'd to twox grow :)
Have you ever stepped on a gooey yellow fungus gnat card barefoot at 630 am? i have:thumb:

Have not had that happen YET but While stationed in Hawaii we were overrun by black fly's. they
were coming from I don't know where but must of killed thousands, the next morning called in for
alert and while walking to the kitchen (bare foot) I was like why is their RICE on the floor turned on
the light and realized the rice was moving ( maggots ) thankfully I had to leave and the entire apartment
complex was fumigated while away. Was some type of black fly swarm that attacked the entire complex.

Hawaii can be very dirty with all the people living there, But hay NO SNAKES :) and that because
they imported Mongooses to take care of the RAT problem, they still have rats but No snakes :)
Have not had that happen YET but While stationed in Hawaii we were overrun by black fly's. they
were coming from I don't know where but must of killed thousands, the next morning called in for
alert and while walking to the kitchen (bare foot) I was like why is their RICE on the floor turned on
the light and realized the rice was moving ( maggots ) thankfully I had to leave and the entire apartment
complex was fumigated while away. Was some type of black fly swarm that attacked the entire complex.

Hawaii can be very dirty with all the people living there, But hay NO SNAKES :) and that because
they imported Mongooses to take care of the RAT problem, they still have rats but No snakes :)

Oh wow, that's crazy :(
U have a journal ? I wana see the results before I buy from them though Iam sure there great, already sub'd to twox grow :)

In my sig... the perpetual link. Just finishing up some Citrus Berry .. harvest time is here.

Citrus Berry - organic soil @ 40ish days here ... pic is a few weeks ago before I broke one of those main colas making room for a 6' tall Chemdawg that just started flowering...


after braking cola ... get back in there... no blood no foul, a little tape and good to go....


Chemdawg clone organic soil ... flowers started a few days ago...already burnt on of the tops.
SnowHigh - Devils Tit in foreground, just chopped her today. Her sisters are already in the can -straight up forgot everything face plant last night.... it's some of the strongest weed I've ever smoked that I can't remember... :thumb:


Chemdawg at the lights 6' and almost 4' around .... she needs bigger everything...

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