Colombian Gold Grow: Come Learn With Me How To Produce Your Own Seeds!

NO! Leave the flowers. There is a good chance they have pollen sacks inside of them that could open and pollinate the bud on the inside. Just trim the leaves around where you see the pollen sacks to make it easier to collect the pollen. If you leave them on you'll find it's a pain to maneuver around them trying to collect pollen.
Foliar spray PRE pollen. Not when the sacks are fully developed and starting to open. When you see the very first one open you don't spray any more.
Here's the pictures you asked for. Hope this gives you a good picture of what I have going on. Do you know a good tea i can buy at the grow shop?


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From what I can see you can expect your pollen sacks to start opening in about a week. Could be less for some so keep an eye out. That said I wouldn't worry about foliar spraying. With luck your pollen sacks will open up and not only have pollen but have viable pollen in them. Very best time to collect the pollen is in the morning. That's the time of the day the plant will open the majority of it's pollen sacks.
My pleasure to help. Hopefully you get lots of pollen and make a bunch of seeds.
Both cuttings of the Colombian Gold #1 female are looking good this morning. So today I begin the process of weening them off of the dome. Notice in the photo I've tilted the domes to create a good sized crack at the bottom to allow fresh air inside. This diminishes to a point the amount of moisture in the air inside the domes making them have to work harder to pull in enough water to survive.

It starts to trigger the plant to begin building roots as opposed to relying on the leaves for survival and water intake. Tomorrow I will start removing both domes for short periods of time beginning with 20 minutes off followed by 30 minutes with them back on again. That for me is a 50 minute cycle. Take the domes off for 20 minutes, put them back on for 30 minutes.

Watch your plants. They will tell you how they are doing. If after the first 20 minutes your plant or plants are a bit droopy give them an hour with the domes back on and check them again. They should have stood back upright again to where they were when you started the cycle.

If I do the above cycle for four or five times and the plants look exactly the same then the cycle changes to 30 minutes off and 30 minutes back on again. I will continue to watch the plants and their reaction. I will also keep increasing the time outside their domes. Generally as a rule by the second day of weening the cycle has reached 45 minutes off and 30 minutes on. The last cycle of that day would be 60 minutes off (this is day two of cycling on and off) and then I put the domes back on for the night. IF after this 60 minute cycle right before lights out your plant is looking healthy and happy then the next morning remove the domes. I set an alarm on my phone for 60 minutes. I'll check them once an hour for 3 hours. If they look good after three hours I put the domes away for future use. These cuttings are (IMO) now clones with at least enough root growth to survive without the domes.

Sorry to dredge up such an old post, but your hardening off process for making clones makes so much sense. I've had poor results at cloning, but have used the opposite tact, leaving the greenhouse cup on for as long as needed to sprout roots. Not great results. But I can keep them green and fairly healthy looking for a couple of months.

Trying your way now. My question is, when you're doing the rotation of 20 mins off and then back on for 30 mins, do you put the cups fully seated or leave them with a bit of a crack like you did in the couple of days prior?

since I was dropping in to show beez some of his wares, I'll show my cloning I just did first.

These are cuttings I took from an S1 seed plant of my legendary Widow. I started it 12/12 from seed and took cuttings 10 and 11 days after seeing hairs.
I took one and put in in a 12oz cup with deli cup dome. the next day I put a second clone in a peat pot in a small Dairy Queen lid for the bottom and deli cup top, that one showed roots at 15 days, today is 17 and still none on the other and they still look healthy green not like most of my clones that yellow some just before taking off, I breathe a big dose of co2 into the tops at least once a day. I thought it would take way longer to root since I've done clones in flowering before.

this is beez Garlic Sherbert at 31 days up potted into a 1g root builder at a few days ago. she looked weak in the 4"square and didn't look to root bound. but's taking off nice now.

and a beez Quarter Pounder Stardawg auto at 28 days, I did a spiral prune method I read about 20 yrs ago in a HT. you pick what like looks like the weaker of the two bottom node and cut it, next one up you do the same, then you spiral the opposite. since its an auto I wont top it, but I've done it before to plants and like the article says, grow two more nodes then top and you get 8 nice cola with little slow down in early veg. good results each time.

last but not least this is beez Colombian Gold reg female started 12/12 from seed. Showed hairs day 37 this is 3 weeks from seeing hairs. 12/12 from seed keeps sativas in check. I doubt she'll need any lollypopping.

I took one and put in in a 12oz cup with deli cup dome. the next day I put a second clone in a peat pot in a small Dairy Queen lid for the bottom and deli cup top, that one showed roots at 15 days, today is 17 and still none on the other and they still look healthy green not like most of my clones that yellow some just before taking off, I breathe a big dose of co2 into the tops at least once a day. I thought it would take way longer to root since I've done clones in flowering before.
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I see you have small vent holes in the cover cup. Do you find that helps with getting it to root?

I see you have small vent holes in the cover cup. Do you find that helps with getting it to root?
those are actually drops of water, but there is a hole in the bottom cup. The deli cup fits tight against the bottom one.

a nice old gal named Sue used to use the grocery bag method and I've used that with good results too, same principal.
you use one of those clear bags like when you buy fruit, place your potted clone in there and blow it up with your co2 breath and twist tie it shut. makes a nice little green house.
Sorry @Hash Hound I just saw your photos today! So how did they turn out? Any right at harvest pictures? Curious about the Garlic Sherb and auto cross.
hey @beez0404 the CG turned out great, real smooth smoke, yielded 70g of huge nugs, no larf at all. Unfortunately I accidentally deleted the pre harvest pics.

The QPaxStardawg auto was low yield, but 21g in a 1 gal pot isn't bad, neither is the weed. She struggled a bit in the small pot but nothing but water via wick the whole way. First 4 weeks 18/6 the next 8 12/12

The QPaxCG yielded 30g in a 2 gal pot. 12/12 from seed. Also struggled a bit with the water only wick, but I wanted to see how well they would do that way. Test bud good, curing now.

The Garlic Sherbet is doing fantastic at 4 weeks 12/12. Shes in a 7g swick and drinking almost a gallon a day.
Not a bad leaf on her. Black Gold Organic, Dr Earth and that's it.

The QPaxCG yielded 30g in a 2 gal pot. 12/12 from seed.
Ha Ha, my buddy grew a QPA X CG outside in his garden last summer and weighed 504 grams of dried nuggets. She was a really big girl that loved natures swick action.
The Garlic Sherbet is doing fantastic at 4 weeks 12/12.
Your GS is looking gorgeous. For six months or so I have been running a GS perpetually to give to my buddy to help ease his chronic pain and insomnia. They go from solo cup, to 1 gallon pot, and finally into 2 gallon pots. I top them twice and spread them out a little and then flip them. Normal yield is about 32-38 grams.

I'm wondering if yours is going to change colors soon to look like mine? Every one I grow, all from seed has looked just like this one which I'll harvest this coming week.
............ help ease his chronic pain and insomnia. ..

I'm wondering if yours is going to change colors soon to look like mine?

ease pain and insomnia.......just what I'm looking for

wow that looks great. It's getting a bit warmer in the closet not sure if she'll do much color changing like some do during the colder months, fingers crossed.
I ran Garlic Sherbert last round. It's good weed you like it and a good yielder.

Looking good brother.... I dont know how you do those small pots. I have issues in 7gal pots sometimes.

I do btm watering. Plants drink a lot more than people think. Down the stretch I've had girls that drink a gallon a day easy and keep it going. Really how I tell they are ready for harvest is they stop that mega water uptake. Then sniff sniff... she's ready.
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