Colombian Gold Grow: Come Learn With Me How To Produce Your Own Seeds!

beez here is the SDAHxGG that I started late to experiment.

sprouted in the pot outdoors Aug 16, (13h 16m daylight) this is her at day 16.

she started showing hairs Sep 18 (12h 19m)
this is her today 14 days of flowering (11h 36m) looking good. The weather has been unusually nice for this time of year.
Changing this weekend to normal fall. Frost warnings about 100 miles north. When we get the warning here, she'll go in the shed near the window to finish up.

Very nice! Wonder how she would look with say 45 days of veg? I'm loving those big leaves a lot. What is her fragrance?
not strong, but a cantaloupe type smell, I expect that to change as we approach the full moon in two weeks.

even my indoor plants aren't that smelly right now
The GG#4 to me smelled like cedar. The SDHA had a citrus/diesel aroma that I found very pleasing.
About 10 days to go on this girl. Quarter Pounder auto X Dark Devil auto

No no, she is not seeded. She is the result of a cross I made with the two strains mentioned. First time growing it out.
I started my sponsored Seedsman grow of their Peyote Wi-Fi strain and would love all of you to pop in if you find some time. You guys all have more experience growing then I do and I might need some suggestions from time to time. I have a link to the thread in my signature. Hope to see you there.
First, be aware that you don't want to smoke or otherwise ingest any part of the plant that has been treated with the colloidal silver. If I have an auto I want to self pollinate I select a branch (the most segregated one I find) and will administer the CS as close to 5 days before flowering starts as possible. I used to spray it on but found brushing it onto the nodes and all along the branch works just as well, saves you a lot of spray, and reduces the harm done to the plant with over spray. Until I see female pollen sacks I apply the CS right before lights out and again when the lights come on. In most cases I start to see pollen sacks starting to appear in about 12-14 days. Some a little less time, some a little more time.

You can remove the treated branch if you want to, but there is no real reason to do this. And that treated branch will have viable seeds on it you'll be wasting cutting the branch off. I tie a bright orange or green ribbon the branch so I don't confuse it with the other branches and leave it on there.

But to answer your question. Yes, once you feel you have successfully pollinated what you want with the sprayed branch you can cut it off and flower the plant with the other plants. Just give it several days after amputation for any viable pollen to die so you have no unwanted pollen flying around.
Do you keep applying cs once you see Male parts?

So I finished planting the second cutting. Both went very well I believe. I'll know in 3 or 4 days when i start removing the dome for short periods. Here are both cuttings happy in their new homes.

After spraying the clear plastic (smaller) solo cups I flip them over and use them as domes. They fit perfectly inside the regular size solo cups. I don't spray the plant, just the inside of the domes.

And there you have it. I will leave the cuttings alone the rest of the day today and all day tomorrow. Next day I will tilt the domes making a crack to allow in fresh air. I'll do that for a couple days and then start weening the cuttings from under their domes. Once they are out from under the domes they are no longer cuttings, they are clones and will root.

Any questions whatsoever please feel free to ask. Comments welcome, and advice as to ways to do it better are appreciated. It's all about learning together.
Question! Question! Did you water your medium after you put the seedling in the solo cups?
uestion! Question! Did you water your medium after you put the seedling in the solo cups?
Hey GDB! I actually water the medium with the Clonex Solution that I use to help root the cuttings prior to planting the cuttings.
Ok beez. As I seem to screw everything up the first time I do it. Here's my sad saga. I Text you a few week ago about my plant I was trying to make some pollen with collodial silver. I thought it wasnt working as the flowers were/are getting pretty nice looking. It's a ten week flower strain just finishing its second week of flower. As you told me under no circumstances are those branches that I applied cs to are smokable I decided to cut those branches off the plant. Figured why not have all the energy going to the smokable parts of the plant. So yesterday I cut off both branches and as I was looking and admiring the young flowers low and behold I found some balls..... I immediately put both branches in some ro water with nutrients in it. Do I have any chance of those pods finishing out and giving me some pollen? Or should I just toss them in the recycling pile? Smh.......
How developed are the boy parts? Send me a close-up. But to answer your question, yes they can open (if developed enough) and give you some pollen. Trim off most of the lower leaves to expose the pollen sacks. Also, the branches will need light to keep them alive long enough for the pollen sacks to open. The branches you cut off obviously can't absorb the nutrients as they have no roots. Do you make and use any types of tea? A light foliar spray on the underside of the leaves will be absorbed by the branches and help them along.
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