CoffeeShopSeeds Sponsored Grow: Emmie’s Huge 1 Month Interval Constant Harvest

Hey @Timhomegrow !

The difference in our feed chart vs the Massive feed directions is that Massive is applying per liter and our feed chart is per gallon. It ends up to be about the same amount (rounded) if you do the math. :)
@Timhomegrow continued because I checked their site to be sure: Massive Bloom Formulation

"Add Massive at a rate of 5 ml/L (19 ml/Gal) to your nutrient reservoir for the duration of the flowering cycle."

Hope this helps!
Hey @Timhomegrow !

The difference in our feed chart vs the Massive feed directions is that Massive is applying per liter and our feed chart is per gallon. It ends up to be about the same amount (rounded) if you do the math. :)
Tha lnk you Geoflora!! Apparently I need new reading glasses :)

I'm going to give it a go tomorrow at watering! I'm loving Geoflora so far, thanks!
I trick....yoink! What temp. please? And what, just divide the bag into big pans?
I have been setting the oven to 250 degrees for about 20 minutes. This job is made much easier by using 10g cloth bags since the ones with handles can be handled right out of the oven!

I have been setting the oven to 250 degrees for about 20 minutes. This job is made much easier by using 10g cloth bags since the ones with handles can be handled right out of the oven!
Thanks!! So you mean like a ten gallon cloth pot sort of thing? I have them. 250 is no problem for them?
Veg Room #1
We still don't have the auto above ground, but I remain hopeful. The seed site was sprayed really well again this evening.

Today was day 6 of the watering cycle and the 8 Tangies were pretty dry. It was also time to feed them again so they got a full tablespoon of @GeoFlora Nutrients VEG and were watered to runoff. Following the advanced feeding guide, instead of Terpenator I added Sweet Candy to this watering to add the extra K, with a zing. I also gave a healthy dose of SNS 203, intending to wipe out the bugs for good this time and started back with the SNS 209 in order to build up an immunity in the plants, and I am doing all of this earlier than I ever have before.

A couple of the plants have started sending up node #5, and any day I will be able to get in there and chop it off. We are at 15 days in the room, and we need to see a good strong water cycle this time so we can think about transplanting. Hopefully, the fertilizer two days early will give them the energy to accomplish that.

Veg Room #2
I ordered some new 5 gallon containers that I wanted to try, and they didn't arrive. Tomorrow they say... then we will uppot. They didn't get water today in anticipation of the big uppotting tomorrow. New FFOF was purchased and is at the ready. We will bake the soil before it goes upstairs to be part of the process.

Bloom Room
I stressed them a little last time by trying to see if I could overload with too much K, with a double dose of Sweet Candy and Terpinator. I did get a little tip damage and some leaves curled funny and some pointing downward... but at least I know what that is all about and it doesn't worry me. I just know better now... this stuff I am playing with is very powerful. Soon we will have the Massive and we will be following the recommended feeding schedule.

So, they slowed down a little, and here two days from the last watering, they were not quite as ready as they have been. This looks like a good time for the 1 out of 4 long waterings, so it is good to have another day as a forced delay before I water again, just to pull more oxygen down deep into the roots.

In this last 2 days we did get a little more stretch, but only on a few rogue dominant branches. You can see them in these shots, 2 on one plant and 1 on the other. The rest of the plant, and the others in the room are staying short, but these 3 branches gained another inch in the last 2 days... mostly today. Like I said, the overfeeding stunted them for a day while they mostly concentrated on giving me funny looks.

We are now at day 8 of bloom, and things look amazing. The light has been angled some more to allow more room for the taller plants while still getting close to the shorter ones.

Tonight, I will center in on a few of the plants, and maybe a POTM in the making here... I need to see the picture on the screen first.

Here are the dominant branches that are now providing all of the remaining stretch. I think stretch is about done here. Thanks to the red lights, we remained quite manageably short.

Look at these lower fan's. These are plants that are telling me in no uncertain terms, that they want to be transplanted.
Hey Emilya! :ciao:
This one got my attention as I've been struggling with same kind of foliar issues. Feels like I've tried everything and until now didn't think about the root space they got.
Whats the exact thing behind it? If the roots get bound are they like unable to properly absorb water/nutes which shows up then on the leaves as Mg, K & N def?

Hey Emilya! :ciao:
This one got my attention as I've been struggling with same kind of foliar issues. Feels like I've tried everything and until now didn't think about the root space they got.
Whats the exact thing behind it? If the roots get bound are they like unable to properly absorb water/nutes which shows up then on the leaves as Mg, K & N def?

That's exactly it... suddenly even the ability to uptake as much water changes because the roots are pushing against each other and blocking each other's flow. Its like suddenly shutting off the spigot, and for the first time the plant sends an emergency message to its first storehouses to fill in the nutrition gap for the rapidly expanding new growth. Any element that is even semi mobile is sent to the top, and as a result those lowest first leaves are rapidly cannibalized.
Veg Room #1
Still no auto seedling, but I think I see movement here on the 3rd day. More squirts this evening and we will check first thing in the morning for our new plant. The others seem to have liked their feeding and watering yesterday, and maybe by tomorrow I will start topping a few of them as node 5 is rising. There is not much to do in here this evening.

Veg Room #2
Here is where all the action was today. My new tall 5gal containers arrived today and I am very pleased with them and they are very compatible with the 1 gallon containers I am using for the 2nd stage. There is a line on the inside right exactly where the soil needs to be filled before adding the old rootball to the larger container. The bottoms are narrow enough that they are going to fit perfectly on my rolley plant carts in the bloom room, and with this weed, tall and narrow is much better than short and wide. This was a good purchase and I am going to get more. So today we uppotted to brand new FFOF soil, fed them 1/2 cup of @GeoFlora Nutrients VEG, and of course put a tablespoon of @DYNOMYCO in the container before setting the old rootball in. Everyone was watered to runoff with water mixed with Sweet Candy.

Bloom Room
It has been 3 days since the last watering, and these girls were thirsty! The Massive Bloom product hit my door shortly after I watered, so this time they got their normal helping of GLN Sweet Candy. From here on out we go with the Terpinator and Massive as recommended and will put the GLN product back on the shelf. We are at day 9 of bloom. No additional stretch was seen during the last 24 hours. Things are looking good and it looks like the girls have forgiven me for overfeeding them the last time.

Veg Room #1
Still no auto seedling, but I think I see movement here on the 3rd day. More squirts this evening and we will check first thing in the morning for our new plant. The others seem to have liked their feeding and watering yesterday, and maybe by tomorrow I will start topping a few of them as node 5 is rising. There is not much to do in here this evening.

Veg Room #2
Here is where all the action was today. My new tall 5gal containers arrived today and I am very pleased with them and they are very compatible with the 1 gallon containers I am using for the 2nd stage. There is a line on the inside right exactly where the soil needs to be filled before adding the old rootball to the larger container. The bottoms are narrow enough that they are going to fit perfectly on my rolley plant carts in the bloom room, and with this weed, tall and narrow is much better than short and wide. This was a good purchase and I am going to get more. So today we uppotted to brand new FFOF soil, fed them 1/2 cup of @GeoFlora Nutrients VEG, and of course put a tablespoon of @DYNOMYCO in the container before setting the old rootball in. Everyone was watered to runoff with water mixed with Sweet Candy.

Bloom Room
It has been 3 days since the last watering, and these girls were thirsty! The Massive Bloom product hit my door shortly after I watered, so this time they got their normal helping of GLN Sweet Candy. From here on out we go with the Terpinator and Massive as recommended and will put the GLN product back on the shelf. We are at day 9 of bloom. No additional stretch was seen during the last 24 hours. Things are looking good and it looks like the girls have forgiven me for overfeeding them the last time.

Damn that bloom room looks amazing. The healthy of those girls is off the charts. Fabulous work.

Hey, any chance you could post the label of the Massive please?
Tis very nice being retired... I think I like it.

Here is my morning report...

Not a lot going on up there, but I made a list of things that I need to do sometime today.

Veg Room #1 - I did give our seedling site some more squirts, and I am still convinced that something is happening there. Cross your fingers and hope for an evening surprise on that one.
Everyone else having just been watered and fed and transplanted, seem to be doing well.
Here is one of the 5th nodes rising... that one is on the list.

Veg Room #2 is starting to come back to life, the plants finally showing a little more vigor. I think they are going to like the new planters.

The Bloom Room is where it is happening right now, and I will end this morning's picture show with some shots of the buds and how they are stacking, here at day 10 of bloom.

Please note that there is not one sign of deficiency or bug damage in this entire room. It looks like Emmie has finally defeated the bugs and that the @GeoFlora Nutrients is doing a wonderful job supplying the needs of these beauties.
Tis very nice being retired... I think I like it.

Here is my morning report...

Not a lot going on up there, but I made a list of things that I need to do sometime today.

Veg Room #1 - I did give our seedling site some more squirts, and I am still convinced that something is happening there. Cross your fingers and hope for an evening surprise on that one.
Everyone else having just been watered and fed and transplanted, seem to be doing well.
Here is one of the 5th nodes rising... that one is on the list.

Veg Room #2 is starting to come back to life, the plants finally showing a little more vigor. I think they are going to like the new planters.

The Bloom Room is where it is happening right now, and I will end this morning's picture show with some shots of the buds and how they are stacking, here at day 10 of bloom.

Please note that there is not one sign of deficiency or bug damage in this entire room. It looks like Emmie has finally defeated the bugs and that the @GeoFlora Nutrients is doing a wonderful job supplying the needs of these beauties.
You forgot to mention how supremely dialed in your light/environmental relationship is, as evidenced by both the incredible overall health and color of all the plants, as well as the SUPREME prayer angle you have going on. These are where it's at, exactly what I strive for.

I want to praise these new 5 gallon pots. I have tried cloth containers and I see the point, but they are sometimes hard to work with. These were inexpensive and tall and narrow vs short and wide, so they are much easier to work with on rolling carts and even sitting them in large group. Uppotting goes easier, and the roots like this configuration a lot better. Also, note the legs at the bottom of the planter. The soil is raised up and out of the runoff water! The only drawback is that now I have to clean up my excess runoff with a turkey baster because the plant can't suck it back up. Tall and narrow... its worth the extra search to find them.

I want to praise these new pots. I have tried cloth containers and I see the point, but they are sometimes hard to work with. These were inexpensive and tall and narrow vs short and wide, so they are much easier to work with on rolling carts and even sitting them in large group. Uppotting goes easier, and the roots like this configuration a lot better. Also, note the legs at the bottom of the planter. The soil is raised up and out of the runoff water! The only drawback is that now I have to clean up my excess runoff with a turkey baster because the plant can't suck it back up. Tall and narrow... its worth the extra search to find them.
Nice! Turkey baster. Lol. Might I suggest perhaps the smallest shop vac they make? Mine's a 6 gallon construction sized one, but for your needs a small one would be perfect. MUCH easier than a turkey baster. Louder, but easier by a mile. Relatively inexpensive if you don't already own one. They make 2 gallon ones that would be perfect for you. Just a thought for you.
Nice! Turkey baster. Lol. Might I suggest perhaps the smallest shop vac they make? Mine's a 6 gallon construction sized one, but for your needs a small one would be perfect. MUCH easier than a turkey baster. Louder, but easier by a mile. Relatively inexpensive if you don't already own one. They make 2 gallon ones that would be perfect for you. Just a thought for you.
since this is an organic grow, I have no fear of the runoff water. The baster wins out in this situation because tomorrow I can come back in and use the baster to grab water to put around the edges... no waste. I do have shop vac though... if I were running synthetic I would definitely go that route. I really don't mind the loudness. :rofl:
I just went up to check on our new auto seed, and still nothing has appeared above the surface. Have I said that I hate this part of the grow? I gave her some more squirts and went on to Veg Room #2. Those girls needed some retraining, badly. I moved the hoops that were already there to spots further out on the branch. I added quite a few new hoops that were needed so as to give the middle growth the dominance. In this two weeks before bloom, we are going to turn these into some rather large producing plants.

Please excuse the picture quality this evening... all I had with me was my cellular device, but this should give you an idea where I am going with this training. We are employing the top once and then LST from then on, method, and it appears to be working well.

I just went up to check on our new auto seed, and still nothing has appeared above the surface. Have I said that I hate this part of the grow? I gave her some more squirts and went on to Veg Room #2. Those girls needed some retraining, badly. I moved the hoops that were already there to spots further out on the branch. I added quite a few new hoops that were needed so as to give the middle growth the dominance. In this two weeks before bloom, we are going to turn these into some rather large producing plants.

Please excuse the picture quality this evening... all I had with me was my cellular device, but this should give you an idea where I am going with this training. We are employing the top once and then LST from then on, method, and it appears to be working well.

Look at your whore-ish plants spreading their legs for all comers.

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

That's some nice early training there, Em. Pro.
Damn that bloom room looks amazing. The healthy of those girls is off the charts. Fabulous work.

Hey, any chance you could post the label of the Massive please?
Sorry, I forgot to include the pictures of the Massive front and back labels. Here they are, zoomed in so you can read them.

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