Coffee Tries To Grow Again

oooh super nice. :)

love the outdoor. it's not a go to do it where i am.

indoor is a wee bit puffy on the leaf .. slight overwater. indica heavy can get grumpy. cannabis likes to have dry feet.

heavy on the n, could be lighting, the uncaged plants look a touch heavy on n, again not a deal breaker, and kind of an indica trait depending on feed sched. i might back off a bit on it and watch. the under cup and claw back the colour hard on a heavy n.

the indoor cage plant almost seems like it could run more. i'm not sure what the look is doing, it's kinda calcium / n .. i think you have 2 light and a heavier feeder, and they could all dry up a touch. i'm betting the indoor rh is a bit high.

that outdoor fabric grow is strong. i'll quote a famous movie line ... " we're gonna need a bigger bucket ... " errr... boat'' :p

mark that one for up pot if possible and feed it like a monster. nice nice. :)
oooh super nice. :)

love the outdoor. it's not a go to do it where i am.

indoor is a wee bit puffy on the leaf .. slight overwater. indica heavy can get grumpy. cannabis likes to have dry feet.

heavy on the n, could be lighting, the uncaged plants look a touch heavy on n, again not a deal breaker, and kind of an indica trait depending on feed sched. i might back off a bit on it and watch. the under cup and claw back the colour hard on a heavy n.

the indoor cage plant almost seems like it could run more. i'm not sure what the look is doing, it's kinda calcium / n .. i think you have 2 light and a heavier feeder, and they could all dry up a touch. i'm betting the indoor rh is a bit high.

that outdoor fabric grow is strong. i'll quote a famous movie line ... " we're gonna need a bigger bucket ... " errr... boat'' :p

mark that one for up pot if possible and feed it like a monster. nice nice. :)
It’s funny you say that, it was the runt up until now couldn’t get it to grow to save my life then it had the tent dropped on it lmao it’s a trooper.

I dialed back the N on the one in flower on Sunday and will drop again on the upcoming Sunday. And the big one ya I don’t know what’s going on with her maybe needs more water with a bigger dose of nutes I haven’t been letting it run off due to nothing to catch the water. I have some water on the floor I need to vacuum up when I have time that probably isn’t helping the with rh

With that being said I ordered a ppm meter last night and a temp/rh monitor they will be here tomorrow :)
Little update on the tent girls,Stretch seems to be recovering and Grand Daddy is growing nice and strong

You got this?
There is still some stuff going on with both of them.
What are you doing as a remedy, I apologize if you have told me twice.
Too many concussions ;)

Stay safe :cool:
You got this?
There is still some stuff going on with both of them.
What are you doing as a remedy, I apologize if you have told me twice.
Too many concussions ;)

Stay safe :cool:
Going with what you told me about reducing the part A in the two part formula for the bloom nutes and feeding Calmag every day with the both of them now with Grand Daddy I really don’t know what’s going on or even how to begin to fix her. She’s also getting big again I totally regret throwing her in the 10 gal now
mildew I hate you!
slightly more expensive citric acid spray to combat pm.
I deal with PM all through flower on my plants and I tried every variation of milk dilution and H2O2 dilution and neither worked on the PM. Citric acid is really cheap and available in the baking/canning aisle of the grocery store. It kills it but doesn't prevent it, so you will have to keep spraying as you see new spots.

Here's the recipe, scale up or down as needed:
5g citric acid
500ml distilled water
10 pipette drops dish soap

(For the record, 10 pipette drops of dish soap works out to a little less than 1ml in 1500ml of water, or .3ml per 500ml. I have since switched to yucca powder which is a little less than ¼ tsp/gallon.)

Mix well and spray, preferably close to lights out, but keep the fans on high so it doesn't linger for too long. Make sure you get the whole plant including between the buds and the branch since that's where the PM hides.
Going with what you told me about reducing the part A in the two part formula for the bloom nutes and feeding Calmag every day with the both of them now with Grand Daddy I really don’t know what’s going on or even how to begin to fix her. She’s also getting big again I totally regret throwing her in the 10 gal now
It's over watered.
Leaves that are happy prey to the sun.
They are heavy from the moisture.
She can not transpire it as fast as she is absorbing it.
It builds up in the leaves and they become turgid and thick.
Reduce your watering there cow boy.
I assume we are talking about the dark green one.
The girl is hungry, but there is a reason why.
Ph nutrients soil?
Possible pests?

Stay safe :cool:
Coco, Coco Conosiure Bloom Nutes and today that ph was 5.85 normally try to keep it a little lower at 5.5.

When it comes to water I fill up my 1 1/2 litre jug mix in the Calmag and split it evenly between the two then do their nutes separately and water both of them with the full 1.5 litre the flowering one always has run off but not the other that I’ve noticed need to get it a saucer
Coco, Coco Conosiure Bloom Nutes and today that ph was 5.85 normally try to keep it a little lower at 5.5.

When it comes to water I fill up my 1 1/2 litre jug mix in the Calmag and split it evenly between the two then do their nutes separately and water both of them with the full 1.5 litre the flowering one always has run off but not the other that I’ve noticed need to get it a saucer
Hold on what.
Put cal mag in your water and mix it well.
Then let it sit 15 minutes.
Then add nutrients in order full strength Then set ph to 5.8.
Then feed ever day until you get a good runoff
She should green up.

Stay safe :cool:
Hold on what.
Put cal mag in your water and mix it well.
Then let it sit 15 minutes.
Then add nutrients in order full strength Then set ph to 5.8.
Then feed ever day until you get a good runoff
She should green up.

Stay safe :cool:
Oh that’s what I’ve been doing was saying the water levels in case it was being overwatered but since no run off I think that it would need more water and noted about the ph I’ll make sure it’s 5.8 every time.

Great news! Training really does work when you move the growth hormones around.
Yes sir now I need to grab some of those hooks from the dollar to spread it a little or I may try to mainline it but I think with how the stem is it won’t stand up
Mainlining adds some extra time before you get to flip, so be prepared for an extended veg. Also, most mainlines are topped very short and only the lowest node you keep is allowed to grow, and there is another round of topping after that. It's what makes the process take a while!
Ah I might hold off until the next grow then and just focus on learning LST for now. June is almost passed us as much as I could bring it inside the ones outside seem to be doing better right now I’ll just leave everyone where they are until I sort out what’s going on in the tent

To my eye, it looks like a Thrips damage pattern, but did you say uou saw mites> Or a bug?. Is there any shininess or 'wet look' to some/many affected leaves?

you can make a cheap lactic acid spray with milk or a slightly more expensive citric acid spray to combat pm.
literally just milk or concentrated lemon juice with water.

Not for thrips obv., but for moulds/fungis y'all should make some Lactus Bacillus bacteria serum. Its the working ingredient in the milk idea. It'll take two weeks to make but, I would. Moulds only, not bugs. It's the workin element in Bokashi, an important element in Bill's recent solo cup and potting tutorial in his journal - an expensive part. Make it yourself it costs 5$ and you get a concentrate that mixes out to 60 litres when used. What he uses/purchases is bags of wheat bran that has been sprayed with the stuff and then dried. You can buy wheat bran and do that yourself too for seedling/uppotting, or just use the spray as many do. Same diff. This year I like to use the spray heavily to activate my insect frass, pro-biotic party!. @Azimuth has a thread focusing on these Korean Natural Farming/JADAM homemade solutions that I've benefitted from tremendously this year.

I've been very impressed with the stuff and initially was quite skeptical. You can spray on pet's bed for effective control odour, works better than febreeze and, again, 5$/60litres of spray. These little gram-positive bacilli will eat the stink off of shit! No, really, that's precisely how it does it. It eats smell! Makes an excellent litterbox spray. I use to spray in my under sink garbage cupboard, and my kitchen bio-waste pail. I spray around it for smell, then I spray in it because it is an excellent compost accelerator. You have a bazillion of them in your body, likely would be the safest spray in your house and can replace a bunch of environmentally harmful, expensive sprays/products. It is a probiotic added to many foods just to sell them as such. Also If you search online for EM1 this is the major or only ingredient of that product depending on the version.

I recently had a bad exploding-jar fiasco on my heated stirrer-hot plate in the 'lab' and the mess was awful. the liquid had been chock full of sugars, other bacteria, solids... and Mr. Clean wasn't getting it done so I thought I'd try the lactose bac. and... daaaaayuuuum... I didn't even have to scrub. No joke. Burnt sugar x nasties = no problem, it just....well.... ate it. I just wiped up after the meal basically. That's when I got on the ground, prostrate before my spray bottle, and became an acolyte in the religion of the bacillus lactus.

It takes two weeks to make. The 5$ is for the gallon of milk. I actually make mine with powdered milk, the bacilli don't care. I haven't tried it on PM yet, waiting for it to show up in my veggies to test but tons of people say it works very well on mould for them. Outdoor growers are using it effectively to prevent or arrest bud rot. I will be testing extensively before applying a water-based spray on my buds everyday... don't want to cause mould!

I like the mellow dude at Bare Mtn. Farm on youtube and his chilled out video(s) instructing how to make and use. Chris Trump has excellent Utube videos focusing on Korean Natural farming/JADAM products of all kinds you can make and use in you canna 'farm'. I made an amazing calcium phosphate foliar spray/fert from eggshells (don't throw em away!) from Chris' videos that really did work on my tomato plants and I made about 100gal of powerful canna ferts for free using only weeds, dead flowers, dandelions, and other free elements lying on the ground around me, that and a few kilos of sugar. I subsequently searched out and transplanted all the core fertilizer-making plants in my front garden so that next year I wont even have to leave home to find/harvest them. Check out @Azimuth his thread is fascinating, its in his sig.

I know most of you know everything discussed above but for anyone that comes across this who doesn't I hope it sparks some interest. There is also a KNF bug spray or two as well, but the milk-based spray is for powdered mildew and but rot. I've only started testing on moulds, but hope to have developed confidence in the usage by the time I need it. I'll be discussing in my journal.
I deal with PM all through flower on my plants and I tried every variation of milk dilution and H2O2 dilution and neither worked on the PM. Citric acid is really cheap and available in the baking/canning aisle of the grocery store. It kills it but doesn't prevent it, so you will have to keep spraying as you see new spots.

Here's the recipe, scale up or down as needed:
5g citric acid
500ml distilled water
10 pipette drops dish soap

(For the record, 10 pipette drops of dish soap works out to a little less than 1ml in 1500ml of water, or .3ml per 500ml. I have since switched to yucca powder which is a little less than ¼ tsp/gallon.)

Mix well and spray, preferably close to lights out, but keep the fans on high so it doesn't linger for too long. Make sure you get the whole plant including between the buds and the branch since that's where the PM hides.

Thank you kindly for taking the time and putting out that info. :Namaste:
If it's very peaty coco, v. small particles, less hairs and no chunks, and has no perlite or similar, then it is my impression that it is possible to overwater without runoff, esp. if pouring very slowly. Sorry I cant tell you what "slowly" looks like.... and this is an impression from using it without perlite for non-canna plants in the past. Stuff has capacity to hold a lot of water. Same as peat if the grade is right, or I should say, 'wrong'.

How's it coming with the tent inline/filter search?

edit: forgot to ask, could the bug crawling in have been fungus gnat? I think every grower needs Diatomaceous earth standing by, esp. for gnats, as soon as budget allows. Not fun spending money on pest control, personally I hate it. I found some good sized bags under $10 out there though and you don't need much.
If it's very peaty coco, v. small particles, less hairs and no chunks, and has no perlite or similar, then it is my impression that it is possible to overwater without runoff, esp. if pouring very slowly. Sorry I cant tell you what "slowly" looks like.... and this is an impression from using it without perlite for non-canna plants in the past. Stuff has capacity to hold a lot of water. Same as peat if the grade is right, or I should say, 'wrong'.

How's it coming with the tent inline/filter search?

edit: forgot to ask, could the bug crawling in have been fungus gnat? I think every grower needs Diatomaceous earth standing by, esp. for gnats, as soon as budget allows. Not fun spending money on pest control, personally I hate it. I found some good sized bags under $10 out there though and you don't need much.
That’s weird cause I put pearlite in but probably not enough so just start treating it like soil in that sense? Can Diatomaceous be used in areas where there will be water? Like could I lay it down into the coco?
Sorry Twelve, I don`t want to steer you, I just know it`s possible béc I`ve done it, but I cant assess whether you have, thus, it could just send you down the wrong path. I would stay stick to your plan of laying off over the weekend and reassess, then maybe with a senior member we can look at the medium. Hardest job of all, do nothing!

I was asking about the filter béc I have a bag of activated carbon looking for home. I know you were thinking of DIY but then thought better of it. So if its not right don't feel obliged. But if you`re into it, I`ve seen some awesome 5 gal pail filters, I`m happy to send you the carbon gratis. I bought it at New Years and is packed up tight in orig packaging but wont be good forever and I wont be using.
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