Coffee Tries To Grow Again

And now you're switching back to the GG, and you're going to give her some time to try to recover, gotcha.
No bug sprays or anything, that's just outdoors.
Okay, your plan sounds good to me. Since she's in coco you should see improvement faster than you would in soil.
I really hope she perks up.
Thanks man after I ran out of safers I’m trying DE going to mix some up and spray the girls tonight with it. I found a pressure sprayer at Walmart for $4
Thanks man after I ran out of safers I’m trying DE going to mix some up and spray the girls tonight with it. I found a pressure sprayer at Walmart for $4
It will reduce the rate of photosynthesis some, but when I used it like that it was very effective. Sunlight should still be strong enough to keep them growing well.
It will reduce the rate of photosynthesis some, but when I used it like that it was very effective. Sunlight should still be strong enough to keep them growing well.
Awesome good to hear was going to do inside of the tent as well on the foliage as well it looks a lot better now haven’t seen as many pests but going to do 1 round of it and wait until a few days go by then do another check
Oh fuck I didn’t know that! That’s probably why it looks like it’s in PM hell >.< lately it’s just been water with dawn dish soap but going to transition to water and de
Hiya TC!

I've found any soapy spray - Safer / Dawn, etc. - should be rinsed off after it dries otherwise it leaves a cloudy residue that closely resembles PM. When used in flower it can impart an undesirable taste if not rinsed off. Ask me how I know.

Also DE should only be applied where it will remain dry; when it's wet it is ineffective.
Hiya TC!

I've found any soapy spray - Safer / Dawn, etc. - should be rinsed off after it dries otherwise it leaves a cloudy residue that closely resembles PM. When used in flower it can impart an undesirable taste if not rinsed off. Ask me how I know.

Also DE should only be applied where it will remain dry; when it's wet it is ineffective.
I shall ask lol and does that mean I messed up my whole harvest? >.<
So, GratefulBud, how did it go for you?
Hiya Gary!

My first harvest - Oct 2020 - I did not wash off Dawn / Safer and I'm pretty sure that's why those buds did not taste that great. Wonderful high but not the best taste. Pretty sure I smoked paraquat in the 70's so . . . no biggie.
I shall ask lol and does that mean I messed up my whole harvest? >.<
If you are still in veg all good! In flower wash off about 30 mins after application and you should be fine. In flower apply and wash early in the day so they dry out (avoid bud rot) by nightfall / darkness.
Hiya Gary!

My first harvest - Oct 2020 - I did not wash off Dawn / Safer and I'm pretty sure that's why those buds did not taste that great. Wonderful high but not the best taste. Pretty sure I smoked paraquat in the 70's so . . . no biggie.

If you are still in veg all good! In flower wash off about 30 mins after application and you should be fine. In flower apply and wash early in the day so they dry out (avoid bud rot) by nightfall / darkness.
So if it’s indoor do it a couple hours before lights out?
Hopefully I didn’t screw them up to much yet thought lights out would have been better to avoid burn mind you I have a floor fan on them 24/7 as well
All good.

I've come to the realization that things will work out. Even if you think you have fucked up badly there is a good chance they will rebound if you let them. Don't over think it. I'm a fan of minimalist gardening. Stick to the basics and don't get cute.
Hello buoy :)

Growing is frustrating sometimes, but I never give up on a plant, except once on a plant called Twiggy, and that was coz carcass advised I cull it. It was a bag seed with shit genetics and it was before i had the opportunity to grow with proper seeds.

I say keep trying. This is where lessons are learned.

And good morning :)
Hey Mum and I was thinking it could be genetics I still don’t know what the strain is just the abbreviation so I emailed the company I got them from asking. Would it be a terrible idea to cut off the dead stuff? Some of those leaves look like they may not come back

Ps good afternoon :)
Hey Mum and I was thinking it could be genetics I still don’t know what the strain is just the abbreviation so I emailed the company I got them from asking. Would it be a terrible idea to cut off the dead stuff? Some of those leaves look like they may not come back

Ps good afternoon :)
In humans we cut off dead stuff (necrotic tissue) I apply that rationale to plants so I say yes!

Don’t give up on them.
In humans we cut off dead stuff (necrotic tissue) I apply that rationale to plants so I say yes!

Don’t give up on them.
I’ll try and thank you <3 felt so bad for letting it get that bad drouting it made it worse in a sense but at least told me what the problem was and promoted a lot of new vegg growth

Auto correct screwing me again
Here’s the aftermath tried to leave barely damaged alone and just focused on either dead or damn near dead.
Here’s the aftermath tried to leave barely damaged alone and just focused on either dead or damn near dead.
Parden me if I missed the application but is that Dynomyco?
You don't need that amount.
What is left on the surface will die.
Mix into the soil asap. :thumb:

Stay safe :cool:
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