Coffee Tries To Grow Again

I did not want to curse you.
But when i said leaf damage sun burn.
It did look to me like mite damage.
Sorry to hear your bad news TC.
Check them all if they have been close.
Fortunately it was the one that is alone right now but I got to get a microscope I couldn’t get any safers so I’m using a homemade mix hopefully it works if not might add on baking powder to it but I don’t want it clumping on the leaves
Just dont forget you can also move those little *&^% around.
Be careful i tend to go all out extreme (fire pit)
Look after youself ;)
Fortunately it was the one that is alone right now but I got to get a microscope I couldn’t get any safers so I’m using a homemade mix hopefully it works if not might add on baking powder to it but I don’t want it clumping on the leaves
Fortunately it was the one that is alone right now but I got to get a microscope I couldn’t get any safers so I’m using a homemade mix hopefully it works if not might add on baking powder to it but I don’t want it clumping on the leaves
Its a long shot but try 1 drop of tea tree oil in your mix, or boil some cedar branches and foliar spray. Both of these are highly antibacterial anti fungi and just good old pest repellent. Cinamon is also a good bug defense. Stuff I tried in the past some work depending on the severity of the infestation.
Its a long shot but try 1 drop of tea tree oil in your mix, or boil some cedar branches and foliar spray. Both of these are highly antibacterial anti fungi and just good old pest repellent. Cinamon is also a good bug defense. Stuff I tried in the past some work depending on the severity of the infestation.
Thanks Dani I’ll put some cinnamon out tonight if it doesn’t rain I just couldn’t believe I saw the little fucker on the leaf then it ran!

Just dont forget you can also move those little *&^% around.
Be careful i tend to go all out extreme (fire pit)
Look after youself ;)
Like swipe them off? Oh I know I was in panic mode and yes me and fire = good times lmao when I get home tonight I’ll take another look at the girls and go from there
Thanks Dani I’ll put some cinnamon out tonight if it doesn’t rain I just couldn’t believe I saw the little fucker on the leaf then it ran!

Like swipe them off? Oh I know I was in panic mode and yes me and fire = good times lmao when I get home tonight I’ll take another look at the girls and go from there
there is lots of uses for cinnamon, but I suggest read first. Powder and whole can be used differently. I would foliar spray to see how they act. If you can get essential oil this way one drop works best. I dont want to suggest soething to make it worst.
Just touching an infected plant.
Rubbing up it can all result in transfer.
If you then go play with the healthy ladies.
Like swipe them off? Oh I know I was in panic mode and yes me and fire = good times lmao when I get home tonight I’ll take another look at the girls and go from there

there is lots of uses for cinnamon, but I suggest read first. Powder and whole can be used differently. I would foliar spray to see how they act. If you can get essential oil this way one drop works best. I dont want to suggest soething to make it worst.
Will do thank you and how do you foliar?

Just touching an infected plant.
Rubbing up it can all result in transfer.
If you then go play with the healthy ladies.

Ah ok I see what you mean. ya that’s been a worry as well It’s normally 1:30am when I get home so can’t go change but I also don’t touch my grow room plants when I come in I’ll wait until the am
I did not want to curse you.
But when i said leaf damage sun burn.
It did look to me like mite damage.
Sorry to hear your bad news TC.
Check them all if they have been close.
Check'm if they're far away too!
Seein'm means that you can kill them easier, at least.

Alert: War story below, not a recommendation!

I've used steam before, hot steam from a kettle, not vape fog, I think successfully on non-canna plants. Anyone else?

It was... dramatic. I put a bag over it with a temp probe from a seedling mat inside, as close to the top as possible, I brought the temp up with the steam as quickly as I could to what I arbitrarily decided was my max temp. and then pulled the bag. Repeat.

Did I feel like I was waterboarding one of my own flesh and blood? Well, if it were my cannabis plants I sure would. I did it completely out of my own twisted imagination - on in-ground flowers that hadn't bloomed yet with undiagnosed pests. Couldn't find them but I still felt sure they were on the plant, not in. 75% survived but no idea why, not really.

My non-cannabis 'gardens' are survival of the fittest, 'punctuated-equalibrium', utilitarian zones seething with death and birth punctuating painful struggle and suffering. This can create astonishing phenos, as just surviving develops remarkable specimens. The relationships between the plants reveals itself also and I appreciate that like an artwork, a great album or song. Of course, there's also the fact that I don't like hard work..... hahaha. If only that were true then I wouldn't feel so blue about not being able to do any.

But that's non-cannabis plants (for now). Hilariously, cannabis on the other hand gets bedtime stories, is cared for by scores of premier medical specialists accessible in minutes, gets braces if needed as teenagers... complete cradle-to-grave state support package. Seems they keep their end though, don't they? Creating mind-blowing, body-healing smoke. People, cannabis has domesticated me!

With my steam-waterboarding, I was confident it didn't kill the plants that eventually did die, but again, this is a war story, not a recommendation.

I couldn't stop thinking about The Godfather the whole time. That I remember clearly. "Don Corleone sends his regards..."

You've got a great attitude Twelve, I enjoy the vibe here (I might pass out sprawled on the floor). Much respect.
Will do thank you and how do you foliar?
What I do: put one drop of essential oil (tea tree is my prefered antifungi, but cinnamon is also a good one) in a 1 ltr spray bottle with water. And spray the plant up and down left and right, the underside of the fan leaf is where everything that will harm your plant lives. At this moment as preventive messures I foliar spray (seaweed tea) mixed with 1 tea spoon of neem oil. If I happen to see something I dont like, up the dose to neem, tea tree and bicarb.

Most signs of sickness and pest on my plants have been a consequence or symptom of a lack of something on the plant. Not saying that could be your case.
What I do: put one drop of essential oil (tea tree is my prefered antifungi, but cinnamon is also a good one) in a 1 ltr spray bottle with water. And spray the plant up and down left and right, the underside of the fan leaf is where everything that will harm your plant lives. At this moment as preventive messures I foliar spray (seaweed tea) mixed with 1 tea spoon of neem oil. If I happen to see something I dont like, up the dose to neem, tea tree and bicarb.

Most signs of sickness and pest on my plants have been a consequence or symptom of a lack of something on the plant. Not saying that could be your case.
Thanks Dani I’ll give it a try, I’ll fully admit with all the crap I have going on in my life I haven’t been able to spend nearly as much time as I’d like with them but I need to put my kid first. And I know your not saying that I’m just self reflecting or however you’d say it. Can only get better from here though and still have another grow to start after this is finished so plenty of time to learn :)
Thanks Dani I’ll give it a try, I’ll fully admit with all the crap I have going on in my life I haven’t been able to spend nearly as much time as I’d like with them but I need to put my kid first. And I know your not saying that I’m just self reflecting or however you’d say it. Can only get better from here though and still have another grow to start after this is finished so plenty of time to learn :)
your doing good buddy, heck I put my real life stuff first then the rest (sadly cannabis comes second).

Cheer up, hittem hard with safers soap and what ever else is on hand dont let the bugs win :passitleft:
Ive been sprayn Neem oil like crazy every 2 days, cause Im paranoid I have all the tomatos plants so unconfortably close to the cannabis and I already saw 2 heavy mildew kale plants way in the front... NOOOOOOOOO mildew I hate you!
I was wondering if that could be the cause. Julia has like 4-5 plants around mine one of which is a tomato and another a eggplant. Oh yeah and ivy so it could have come from them I do often check them when I’m having a smoke or just outside helping with lawn work (it drives my household nuts) they tell me it’s just a weed and I’m like no it’s money being saved if I get 1-2 oz off one plant I’ll be happy because that’s $280 saved right there
I was wondering if that could be the cause. Julia has like 4-5 plants around mine one of which is a tomato and another a eggplant. Oh yeah and ivy so it could have come from them I do often check them when I’m having a smoke or just outside helping with lawn work (it drives my household nuts) they tell me it’s just a weed and I’m like no it’s money being saved if I get 1-2 oz off one plant I’ll be happy because that’s $280 saved right there
I totally feel you brother, growing outdoor sucks because pests are everywhere, literally. At this moment I am spraying Neem oil at everything around 4 ft of the cannabis... Im that paranoid. And I didnt touch any sick plants.
I totally feel you brother, growing outdoor sucks because pests are everywhere, literally. At this moment I am spraying Neem oil at everything around 4 ft of the cannabis... Im that paranoid. And I didnt touch any sick plants.
Yes sir and I know you can’t grow in doors righty now so I feel for ya my man. That was me last night and this morning after reading the rate the mites reproduce I sprayed everything with safers haha
mildew I hate you!

you can make a cheap lactic acid spray with milk or a slightly more expensive citric acid spray to combat pm.
literally just milk or concentrated lemon juice with water.
Im on it tomorrow

thanks for that.

no worries ... do a search for it in @InTheShed 's thread. i know he uses it and i'm sure he's got the recipe. the few times i've used it i just used a 1:1 mix but sheds got a better recipe down i think.
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