Coffee Tries To Grow Again

another quick update….swag is coming!
Hey Bill it’s somewhat in a safe spot but with a toddler what is safe? Lol ya she wants me to leave it there I offered to transplant it into some coco.

It’s going to be fed with Gaia Green organics slow release nutrients both all purpose and bloom and I need to pick up some worm castings with compost.

Going to start giving it cal mag tomorrow. Just don’t really have a clue on anything in ground and haven’t been able to research it.
It really shouldn't need any nutes, unless the garden soil is old and depleted. I grow a plant in the ground every year, and amend the soil every two or three years with some composted sheep manure or black earth. The roots will spread out and find what they need.
Is privacy a concern? Planted in the ground it will probably get pretty big. I've had a couple over 8 feet tall. A ripper paid a visit.
You might need to train it to stay out of your neighbour's view.
It really shouldn't need any nutes, unless the garden soil is old and depleted. I grow a plant in the ground every year, and amend the soil every two or three years with some composted sheep manure or black earth. The roots will spread out and find what they need.
Is privacy a concern? Planted in the ground it will probably get pretty big. I've had a couple over 8 feet tall. A ripper paid a visit.
You might need to train it to stay out of your neighbour's view.
Good point going to be keeping this one small as much as it’ll effect my yields and I’m not sure when the last time she put soil down as it’s my fiancées garden. Regardless it’s legal here but ya I don’t really want to deal with the neighbours heckling me. Does the fact that it’s a Indica help with the height? It’ll just get bushy crap now I got to look at the vendors info for the seeds
Good point going to be keeping this one small as much as it’ll effect my yields and I’m not sure when the last time she put soil down as it’s my fiancées garden. Regardless it’s legal here but ya I don’t really want to deal with the neighbours heckling me. Does the fact that it’s a Indica help with the height? It’ll just get bushy crap now I got to look at the vendors info for the seeds
Some indicas will stay a bit shorter, but that's kinda relative. I'm growing a Skywalker OG in the ground this year, and I've read it can get 3 metres tall, untrained.
Shortest indica I have grown in the ground was a Blue Widow that got to about 6'6", but I had topped her early, then had her in a pot too long so she got rootbound and stunted. Breeder info said 150cm outdoors, so more than a foot off.
I was in a good area, but my plants still got stolen. Where I live now I have two neighbours who grow on one side, and one on the other. We watch out for each other.
Some indicas will stay a bit shorter, but that's kinda relative. I'm growing a Skywalker OG in the ground this year, and I've read it can get 3 metres tall, untrained.
Shortest indica I have grown in the ground was a Blue Widow that got to about 6'6", but I had topped her early, then had her in a pot too long so she got rootbound and stunted. Breeder info said 150cm outdoors, so more than a foot off.
I was in a good area, but my plants still got stolen. Where I live now I have two neighbours who grow on one side, and one on the other. We watch out for each other.
That sucks a old work mate was telling me people came into his backyard and yanked his plants one night. I’m nervous about it but it’s safer out there instead of in the basement cause every-time it rains we always get a small flood.

I’ll probably try to train and prune her so she doesn’t get to big without killing her. My fiancée and myself were talking about getting a camera and flood light for the backyard as we do have some questionable folk around here some times

For example she was going to work and caught two people shooting up beside her parking spot tons of medical supplies on the ground etc.

As much as I’ll be upset if something happens to the plants I can’t think of what I’d do if someone broke in when I was at work and something happened to my family.
That sucks a old work mate was telling me people came into his backyard and yanked his plants one night. I’m nervous about it but it’s safer out there instead of in the basement cause every-time it rains we always get a small flood.

I’ll probably try to train and prune her so she doesn’t get to big without killing her. My fiancée and myself were talking about getting a camera and flood light for the backyard as we do have some questionable folk around here some times

For example she was going to work and caught two people shooting up beside her parking spot tons of medical supplies on the ground etc.

As much as I’ll be upset if something happens to the plants I can’t think of what I’d do if someone broke in when I was at work and something happened to my family.
Yeah, I can see how it'd be safer outdoors.
I have motion activated cameras up now, and the one on the plants has a light. I can turn it on from my phone if it's needed.
Yeah, I can see how it'd be safer outdoors.
I have motion activated cameras up now, and the one on the plants has a light. I can turn it on from my phone if it's needed.
Nice have you noticed anyone in your yard at all on them? I think that’d be the scariest part of looking at the footage lol
Nice have you noticed anyone in your yard at all on them? I think that’d be the scariest part of looking at the footage lol
Nope. Actually it hasn't caught anyone back there except me, and one little vid of one of my neighbours peeking over the fence while smoking a j! :laugh:
I have the sensitivity set so that anything smaller than a dog won't set it off, and we don't have a dog, lol.
Nope. Actually it hasn't caught anyone back there except me, and one little vid of one of my neighbours peeking over the fence while smoking a j! :laugh:
I have the sensitivity set so that anything smaller than a dog won't set it off, and we don't have a dog, lol.
Haha that’s fucking hilarious and good idea what brand did you end up getting if you don’t mind me asking?
Haha that’s fucking hilarious and good idea what brand did you end up getting if you don’t mind me asking?
Ring. We got a good deal on them, and a year of recording free. I'm still looking for one that records to a computer instead though. $100 bucks a year is a bit more than I'd like to spend, and it doesn't work if the internet is down which really makes no sense. I get the lack of recording, but it should still be able to alert me to motion.
Ring. We got a good deal on them, and a year of recording free. I'm still looking for one that records to a computer instead though. $100 bucks a year is a bit more than I'd like to spend, and it doesn't work if the internet is down which really makes no sense. I get the lack of recording, but it should still be able to alert me to motion.
Nice and I’m not sure just due to getting wifi outside mind you it’d be a problem regardless. I was looking at one that has a rechargeable battery and can take a SD card that way If something happens I can pop the card in the computer and figure it out
Nice and I’m not sure just due to getting wifi outside mind you it’d be a problem regardless. I was looking at one that has a rechargeable battery and can take a SD card that way If something happens I can pop the card in the computer and figure it out
Sounds good. Having a recording on site would be best. Does it have an alert if it detects motion?
Sounds good. Having a recording on site would be best. Does it have an alert if it detects motion?
I don’t think so but since it wouldn’t be connected to the internet I don’t think it’d be able to regardless.

Told my Fiancée how big her experiment might get and she’s like wtf the neighbours are going to kill us!

Told her I’d train it and probably have to HST it to keep size in check. I’m still not super worried about it but if it does get to big for her comfort is there a way to throw it in a pot without killing it when it’s bigger?

Also she decided to name it SURPRISE MOTHERFUCKERS you can see why I love her lol
If you want it in a pot sooner is better. But if you top it multiple times and prune it you should be able to keep it smaller.
I'll be training mine soon, to keep them lower than the fence (I hope :)). It'll be pretty similar to what I did this winter, just with a longer veg and outdoors.
If you want it in a pot sooner is better. But if you top it multiple times and prune it you should be able to keep it smaller.
I'll be training mine soon, to keep them lower than the fence (I hope :)). It'll be pretty similar to what I did this winter, just with a longer veg and outdoors.
I’ll see tomorrow both options are appealing I honestly wasn’t expecting this one to grow which is why I have no plans currently for it, planted it before the annual April snow fall lmao
Hey everyone quick updates time

Stretch is starting to get a little yellowish maybe she’s just growing

Grand Daddy still doesn’t give a damn and is growing the way she wants


The little Death Bubba got up potted no pearlite though


Surprise MOFO is like Grand Daddy come to think of it that might be the second Grand Daddy Death Bubba seed I don’t know anymore haha


I think I’m going to dig it out and put it in a 1 gal with soil
I've got to keep the cats away from mine.
Smokie jumped up on the dinning table and chewed the heads off Stacey's Rose's from Mother's Day. :eek:
And Peanut nipped ay Winter Princess.
So one nip and my babies are gone.
I stayed up all night guarding them.
Once I remembered to bring them back inside.

you guys should grow some cat grass and maybe some catnip too. it'll keep them busy, happy, healthier, occasionally stoned, and away from your more prized plants. i know folk who just run it alongside the rest of the plants in the grow space.

you guys should grow some cat grass and maybe some catnip too. it'll keep them busy, happy, healthier, occasionally stoned, and away from your more prized plants. i know folk who just run it alongside the rest of the plants in the grow space.
Could potentially attract more cats or other animals though. Have you ever seen a squirrel on catnip? Funniest thing in the world lmao
Could potentially attract more cats or other animals though. Have you ever seen a squirrel on catnip? Funniest thing in the world lmao

it's kinda indoor type approach till they get bigger. a friends cats won't go after it themselves, but they'll follow him to the grow space and wait for him to give them a treat. it drives his girlfriend nuts that they pay him so much attention cause they're her cats lol :p
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