Coffee Tries To Grow Again

The first node (what we call the first true leaves) are the leaves just above the cotyledons. Each set of leaves moving up the main stem is another node. It's easy to see them on the plant on the right, which is 4 nodes tall (since the cotyledons don't count). The 3rd and 4th are close together:
Ok that makes a lot of sense now and thank you for explaining it in a very understanding way. I also realized after asking about LST that she's only 16 days old....oops
I did a whole thread on LST if you're interested:
Thanks Shed I looked over some of it last night will look again when the kiddo is in bed…by bed I mean my bed cause who wants to sleep in a crib
@Bill284 I just remembered I’m out of pearllite do I need it for coco or should I go for the unopened bag of soil
I have straight coco. Coco perlite mix. And coco vermiculite mix. All growing the same. Lol.
I have straight coco. Coco perlite mix. And coco vermiculite mix. All growing the same. Lol.
Thanks Art fading fast going to have to do it tomorrow as bad as that sounds I'm just out of energy lol to much UV maybe today as I go WEEEEEELD BUUUUUZZZ ah shit I fused my piles together again!
Thanks Shed I looked over some of it last night will look again when the kiddo is in bed…by bed I mean my bed cause who wants to sleep in a crib
Morning TC hope things are good my friend.
I personally don't run coco without perlite.
I read many people do just fine without it 8n theirs.
That's your call Amigo.
Cult says he runs without it.
Talk soon.

Stay safe :cheesygrinsmiley:
Morning TC hope things are good my friend.
I personally don't run coco without perlite.
I read many people do just fine without it 8n theirs.
That's your call Amigo.
Cult says he runs without it.
Talk soon.

Stay safe :cheesygrinsmiley:
I’m just worried about drainage might just wait until the week end and grab some on Saturday the only other issue is the pearlite they have at Canadian tire is enriched with miracle grow didn’t see any other bags when I was there last
I’m just worried about drainage might just wait until the week end and grab some on Saturday the only other issue is the pearlite they have at Canadian tire is enriched with miracle grow didn’t see any other bags when I was there last
I'm not sure if thats a good idea.
Miracle Grow what soil ? Nutrients ? Myc ?
Can you get clean stuff somewhere else?
I've issues up here finding materials up here aswell.

Stay safe :cheesygrinsmiley:
Morning TC hope things are good my friend.
I personally don't run coco without perlite.
I read many people do just fine without it 8n theirs.
That's your call Amigo.

depends on if the coco is loose or brick when you get it, and how you prepare it, etc.
also straight coco doesn't need fed quite as often. theoretically. i'm kinda with you on it over all.

I’m just worried about drainage might just wait until the week end and grab some on Saturday the only other issue is the pearlite they have at Canadian tire is enriched with miracle grow didn’t see any other bags when I was there last

go to a garden center or landscape supply company. i buy 120L raw bales of the stuff for something like $60. i grow in straight perlite lol :cheesygrinsmiley:
I'm not sure if thats a good idea.
Miracle Grow what soil ? Nutrients ? Myc ?
Can you get clean stuff somewhere else?
I've issues up here finding materials up here aswell.

Stay safe :cheesygrinsmiley:
Hey Bill hope your enjoying the weather today :) it’s what I have in the other two pots mixed with the coco could try heading to a Terra on the weekend.

Current stuff
Both planted with coco and aprox 25% Miracle Pearlite

Gaia Green All Purpose 2 TSP per Gallon

Gaia Green Bloom 1 TSP near the bottom of the bag

Dynamyco all throughout the bag and when I get more watering with it

Both using Cal Mag from Advanced Nuts

PH water around 5.8

They seem to be fine with it and here’s some pictures from this morning

Stretch - 19 days since sprout


Grand Daddy Death - 14 days since sprout


Death Bubba - 6 Days since sprout (in the end picture right hand)

Can I prep the water the night before and feed in the am?
Hey Bill hope your enjoying the weather today :) it’s what I have in the other two pots mixed with the coco could try heading to a Terra on the weekend.

Current stuff
Both planted with coco and aprox 25% Miracle Pearlite

Gaia Green All Purpose 2 TSP per Gallon

Gaia Green Bloom 1 TSP near the bottom of the bag

Dynamyco all throughout the bag and when I get more watering with it

Both using Cal Mag from Advanced Nuts

PH water around 5.8

They seem to be fine with it and here’s some pictures from this morning

Stretch - 19 days since sprout


Grand Daddy Death - 14 days since sprout


Death Bubba - 6 Days since sprout (in the end picture right hand)

Can I prep the water the night before and feed in the am?
Good morning TC , ladies still growing well. :thumb:
You said 10 minutes before you run out to work, yeiks it takes me longer than that to find my coffee mug.
Let alone get ready and out the door in the morning.
Too much traffic I bet , do you have far to go to get to work?
Oh yeah you said water with DYNOMYCO? Top dress the coco weekly and water as usual.
Your still didn't cover that peat pod BTW.;)
Have a great day my friend.

Stay safe :cheesygrinsmiley:
Good morning TC , ladies still growing well. :thumb:
You said 10 minutes before you run out to work, yeiks it takes me longer than that to find my coffee mug.
Let alone get ready and out the door in the morning.
Too much traffic I bet , do you have far to go to get to work?
Oh yeah you said water with DYNOMYCO? Top dress the coco weekly and water as usual.
Your still didn't cover that peat pod BTW.;)
Have a great day my friend.

Stay safe :cheesygrinsmiley:
Think I’m going to have more time lost my job oh well, got another one lined up. Ya I was dynomyco just ran out will have to order more. No worries it’s getting covered today then going to figure out a good out door home for Stretch in the backyard.
Think I’m going to have more time lost my job oh well, got another one lined up. Ya I was dynomyco just ran out will have to order more. No worries it’s getting covered today then going to figure out a good out door home for Stretch in the backyard.
Oh no did you get canned?
Do you have another one already?
Hope it all works out.

Stay safe :cheesygrinsmiley:
Oh no did you get canned?
Do you have another one already?
Hope it all works out.

Stay safe :cheesygrinsmiley:
MiL was watching my son during the day while we were at work for a premium mind you. Either way I couldn’t get her up a few times and work was getting upset then finally was told I needed to give an answer today.

It sucked cause I really liked that job been there for about 7 months but I’m going back to my old job which was on afternoons so I can watch the little one until the fiancée gets home then I go to work. Only down side is I’m only going to get 3-4 hours of sleep but I’ll figure it out.

Regardless how is your day going Bill and I just ordered some more dyno and a ph meter couldn’t afford the pearlite I’ll just grab the stuff from crappy tire since it’s cheap and be careful with the nutes but I think it’s only 0.6/0/0
depends on if the coco is loose or brick when you get it, and how you prepare it, etc.
also straight coco doesn't need fed quite as often. theoretically. i'm kinda with you on it over all.

go to a garden center or landscape supply company. i buy 120L raw bales of the stuff for something like $60. i grow in straight perlite lol :cheesygrinsmiley:
Hey sorry I didn’t get back to you, the stuff I get is normally loose I just work it so it fluffs up add my nutes in layers then good water before transplant then transplant and a little bit of water
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