Clrwatrtom's 1st Grow

I'll be interested in that answer, but man it's lookin' good in there.
we have been teasing out new roots all through veg and still during the 2 weeks of stretch after the flip. After that, the roots are mostly done expanding, or at least at the rate they do in veg, and then it is time to USE those roots, instead of teasing them. Try to establish a daily watering pattern, knowing approximately how much water each plant uses each day. Push it a bit, trying to get the plants to take more and more water ... and they will as flowering commences. Keep on them hard, never again letting them go completely dry... and now for the first time is the only time in growing weed where sticking your finger in the top of the soil can tell you that it is time to water.
I did more chores in the garden. The af's got another nute feeding and water, still mostly the ww. She is a thirsty girl.
I am also watering the pp's again. They are using everything. It's looking like another 3gallon day. One more day after today and we go to 12\12 lites I have chosen to lite them from 6 a.m. to 6 p.m.
3 gallons total today. the wwaf drinks like i do. the poor pk has a little root ball but what she has become is quite thick and sticky, almost Christmas tree like. two vastly different af's. The pp's look quite similar with the gdp showing the best but aks is hanging tough with her sister, in defol and water consumption. this is too much fun! :yummy::woohoo: Hats off to Sweet SensEmilya and Chris for all the help.
thanks for lookin in Al. you have been incredible encouragement to me on this grow.

They look great, man. How far along are they again?
How long do you think they have left?
Good morning,
Girls are awake and the af's got another gallon at 5 am mostly the ww. She is bustin out. Pk still wet cause i screwed up her uppotting, but she is making fat flowers. The pp's are also lifting and stretching and will both prolly get another gallon of water.. Should these girls get any veg nutes after the flip or maybe just one more before?
When in doubt, wait for Sweet Sens@Emilya.


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Good morning,
Girls are awake and the af's got another gallon at 5 am mostly the ww. She is bustin out. Pk still wet cause i screwed up her uppotting, but she is making fat flowers. The pp's are also lifting and stretching and will both prolly get another gallon of water.. Should these girls get any veg nutes after the flip or maybe just one more before?
When in doubt, wait for Sweet Sens@Emilya.
I am of the belief that veg continues on until the end of the transition... veg is all about building leaf mass and putting out more green. Even the conversion of the growth tips over to flowers takes nitrogen to build it up, just as in veg. I believe that it is not until flowers are actually being formed that the nutritional needs of the plants begin to change, so I keep giving veg nutes for the week after I flip, then I do a flush and start giving bloom nutes. This however is one of those decisions that I have always hated making for the plant and why I see organic to be superior since the plant itself is making the decisions as to what nutes it wants/needs, and when.
I just spent some more time in the garden with the girls and the photos got another half a gallon of veg nutes to share between them with a half gal of water towash it down with. the white widow had another big drink too.
So, do you harbor ill feelings toward the top set of spreader roots? :) Just asking since you let them see a brief taste of the nutes before you flushed them clear of it with that last half gallon, which literally, "washed it down."
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