Closet Farming With Barney's Gorilla Zkittlez, G13 Haze, Triple Cheese & More

Hey @Virgin ground ... that was a nice read.

Your Gorilla ZKittles looks like it is charged with Nitrogen ... I like to do that on purpose so that there is Nitrogen available during late flowering.

I've seen the tips go a bit brown when I've overfed ... and the brown spots I've seen when I've fed a few times with high pH and the Calcium uptake doesn't happen.

When I see white spots or things like that, I always grab the microscope and rule out mould and thrips.

I think I'll head over to the contest threads and see what's happening there lately.


I think I over fed a little right before defol. Wasn't thinking.

All that I have done so far is to move the lights up a bit. I was supposed to do it anyway.
How much are you giving her (megacrop) per gallon VG?
Your pH is fine. I go from 6-6.5 in FFOF.
What type of water are you using?
It doesn't appear to be overfed to me, regardless of the dark green. Do you see any tip burn anywhere? Is the new growth lighter in color?
How much are you giving her (megacrop) per gallon VG?
Your pH is fine. I go from 6-6.5 in FFOF.
What type of water are you using?
It doesn't appear to be overfed to me, regardless of the dark green. Do you see any tip burn anywhere? Is the new growth lighter in color?
5.5g/gallon. I am using tap with a pH of 7.5 after it rests for a day. High calcium content, we are on a limestone aquifer. No PPM meter.

Yes, I do have slight tip burn and the new growth is lighter in color.

You're only using the MC correct? No other supplements?
Just Mega Crop. No other supplements....unless you count love?
Just Mega Crop. No other supplements....unless you count love?

5.5g/gallon. I am using tap with a pH of 7.5 after it rests for a day. High calcium content, we are on a limestone aquifer. No PPM meter.

Yes, I do have slight tip burn and the new growth is lighter in color.
OK, so I wouldn't change a thing. You're doing perfect. Add some Calmag when you can. I'm guessing the lights are causing the plants to call for more Ca. All in all it looks fantastic. If you're getting tip burn then back off just a bit. There's no lockout if you're using just the MC, so you're fine that way.
You say the water is high in Ca, but too much Ca would be a different look.
Keep in mind that after feeding results don't typically show until after your next feeding. IOW's, if I increase my MC and feed regularly 6L every two days, that first change isn't noticed until four days later. So I have to be careful on when I see tip burn when in FFOF.

OK, so I wouldn't change a thing. You're doing perfect. Add some Calmag when you can. I'm guessing the lights are causing the plants to call for more Ca. All in all it looks fantastic. If you're getting tip burn then back off just a bit. There's no lockout if you're using just the MC, so you're fine that way.
You say the water is high in Ca, but too much Ca would be a different look.
The only cal-mag I have is the stuff from Greenleaf.
Bad shit that is. I tested it myself. Way too hot.

OK well it's not bad so no need to panic. I'd be more concerned if the edges start showing signs of Ca def. Keep sending pics over the next couple of days so we can see if it's getting worse.
Bad shit that is. I tested it myself. Way too hot.

OK well it's not bad so no need to panic. I'd be more concerned if the edges start showing signs of Ca def. Keep sending pics over the next couple of days so we can see if it's getting worse.
I have milk and Epsom but have never used milk on plants.
Ok. I will keep you updated. Thanks Sauga. :love:
I am a little confused though, and here's why. Your plant is well into flower. She should be able to handle 6g/gal easily right now. How long has the tip burn been there that you recall?
Since this morning. I check them pretty closely everyday. The rust started 2 days ago.
Last feed was 2 days ago. I usually feed every three days. I sometimes give them a little in-between so they don't go bone dry on top.
OK, so that most likely happened about 4-5 days ago.. the tip burn. If the new growth looks great by your next feed then don't change the amount you are giving her right now.
You'll be fine VG.
OK, so that most likely happened about 4-5 days ago.. the tip burn. If the new growth looks great by your next feed then don't change the amount you are giving her right now.
You'll be fine VG.
Okey-dokey!! It didn't look very bad but I didn't want to let it go without question either. Have a good night.
I watch that movie every Halloween. Lol.
It’s been a long time since I’ve sat down and watched a full movie, I usually fall asleep or my mind wonders and I get started on a project or something. But I usually fall asleep more often then not.

Last movie I watched, which wasn’t that long ago, was bohemian rhapsody :thumb:
It’s been a long time since I’ve sat down and watched a full movie, I usually fall asleep or my mind wonders and I get started on a project or something. But I usually fall asleep more often then not.

Last movie I watched, which wasn’t that long ago, was bohemian rhapsody :thumb:
I haven't seen that. Any good?
Last movie I watched was John Wick 2.
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