Closet Farming With Barney's Gorilla Zkittlez, G13 Haze, Triple Cheese & More

Sweet news about the pots VG! You’re gonna like them, hassle free, no drilling, no root bound issues.
I'm excited over pots...what has happened to me??? Lol.
They are the same company. So whoever got the email first(in this case Terpinator) then Geopot got it too and they only replied to the one.
I dunno... I sent two email actually but they never replied to either. Teddy contacted them twice as well because of the mix up.
I recently read the Seedsman website. Went through every breeder. I really want to try Mr. Nice Seedbank in the future. It's Shantibaba and Howard Marks' gear.
I've got a zillion seeds still to try
Not to mention my strains to pheno hunt

Besides Breeder group grows, probably won't be buying seeds for a lonnnnnngggggggggggggg time
I've got a zillion seeds still to try
Not to mention my strains to pheno hunt

Besides Breeder group grows, probably won't be buying seeds for a lonnnnnngggggggggggggg time
I have a gift certificate... When it gets here anyway. I haven't bought seeds at all except for the bagseed ones. Don't plan on buying if I can help it.
I did my excessive Scorpio seed purchases


I'm good for, well, my life

Oh...and if and when I grow again, ummm ya, I'll be making more seeds a d strains

Just saying
Says on the website that they aren't breeders... Never claimed to be.
Very interesting (eyebrow raised).

When I go to the menu and select ‘breeders,’ seedsman has its own category. How can you list yourself under breeders, then turn around and say “never claimed to be”? I didn’t do the due diligence you did VG, but I really thought I was buying seedsman bred seeds. Hmm.
I'm done buying seeds as well. Given my wife's excellent smoke reports, getting the latest greatest thing seems like a waste of money :).

Neat. I just got my mail that came yesterday. Perfect Pipe and my geopots and Terpinator.
I contacted geopots and requested some five gallon bags and a smaller bottle of terpinator. I don't have room here for a bunch of 10 ltr. bottles.
They were happy to oblige my request. Yay!!! 5 gallon geopots!! The Velcro kind even.
I had no idea there was a chance to downsize pots and terp! Wish it had occurred to me... Nice thinking VG. :thumb:
I'm done buying seeds as well. Given my wife's excellent smoke reports, getting the latest greatest thing seems like a waste of money :).

I had no idea there was a chance to downsize pots and terp! Wish it had occurred to me... Nice thinking VG. :thumb:
I pointed out the cost savings in both postage and product. I want to be able to use this stuff not just store it.
Very interesting (eyebrow raised).

When I go to the menu and select ‘breeders,’ seedsman has its own category. How can you list yourself under breeders, then turn around and say “never claimed to be”? I didn’t do the due diligence you did VG, but I really thought I was buying seedsman bred seeds. Hmm.
I wonder how they test them. With every new strain batch? Probably not.
I always figure when they set up a group grow here that we are testing them.

Not at all. Free for the taking!
I would have sold mine long ago. Those big bottles go for $120-130.
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