Closet Farming With Barney's Gorilla Zkittlez, G13 Haze, Triple Cheese & More

Three giveaways? They've gone loco!
Thanks VG! Does a new breeder make anyone nervous? Maybe I’m just paranoid from my last experience.
What breeder you meaning, as in last experience
The c99 debacle


That wasn't a new breeder... I grew one 2 yrs ago, was fantastic

They just hosed up somewhere and didn't know it

I've grown 4 strains of Seedsman seeds, besides this last c99, all fantastic

And the Alaskan Purple I really like too
Neat. I just got my mail that came yesterday. Perfect Pipe and my geopots and Terpinator.
I contacted geopots and requested some five gallon bags and a smaller bottle of terpinator. I don't have room here for a bunch of 10 ltr. bottles.
They were happy to oblige my request. Yay!!! 5 gallon geopots!! The Velcro kind even.
I got the 10g

Probably never use em....
I have some of them too. They are too big for my small tent and I can't lift one on my own anyway. I'll probably grow herbs in them outside.
Geopots never contacted me. So I didn't even know if they got my email. Super happy.
The c99 debacle


That wasn't a new breeder... I grew one 2 yrs ago, was fantastic

They just hosed up somewhere and didn't know it

I've grown 4 strains of Seedsman seeds, besides this last c99, all fantastic

And the Alaskan Purple I really like too
I know seedsman has been around and is a trusted breeder. I’m just being silly and paranoid. My Alaskan Purple is just about ready - and seed free!
I know seedsman has been around and is a trusted breeder. I’m just being silly and paranoid. My Alaskan Purple is just about ready - and seed free!
I don't think Seedsman is a breeder. They just repackage for breeders. IIRC.
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