ChronicHemphog's - DWC - Advanced LEDs - Time to Grow - Grow

ok joke time

a coupl eis shopping in the mall for hrs. the wife turns to talk to her husband and realizes
he nowhere in sight. angry, she calls his cell phone and asks where he disappeared to.
"honey," he says, "remember that jewelry store we walked by a few years ago, and you loved the gold locket in the window
but we couldn't afford it, so I told you I would buy it for you one day?" choked up, the wife replies,
"yes, how could I forget?" her husband goes on, "well, im at the bar next door to it if you need me."
ok one more

three cowboys are sitting around a campfire telling stories of their bravado.
tom, the hand from Wyoming, says, "I must be the strongest, meanest, toughest cowboy there is.
the other day a bull got loose in the corral. it gored six men before I wrestled it to the ground by
the horns with my bare hands and castrated that sucker with my teeth." ben, from Idaho, cant stand
to be bested. "that's nothing, I was walking down the trail yesterday, and a 15-foot diamond back rattler
slid out from under a rock and made a move for me. I grabbed that bastard with my bare hands, bit
off its head, sucked the poison down in one gulp, and didn't even get a bellyache." old snake river frank, the
cowboy from texas, remains silent, slowly stoking the campfire coals with his penis.

ok gn peeps

ok a few pics I guess

the one in the airpot



nycd and hgk




the ogk ex mom




ok lets go to the clones and the one new seedling I took a pic f the ogk x gdp

ok heres the cross seedling


and this is the ogk clone I decided to veg out for flower


then one of the clones went into the trash one ogk clone went into a cup with soil
and the chemdawg clone went to another cup with soil
I might replace the stupid medibomb2 plant I have outdoors with the ogk clone in the cup the big one that's kind of lst'ed
to one side

one in the front is chemdawg the rear right is ogk clone and the rear left is the one I may use to replace that stupid mb2 plant which is like 6 inches tall and flowering lol the cup in the right has a chemdawg cut in water


heres a couple groups pics



ok one more joke

a brunette, a redhead, and a blonde are sitting around talking about their kids.
the brunette says, "I found cigarettes in my daughters room, and I didn't know she smoked."
the redhead replies, "I found liquor in my daighters room, and I didn't know she drank."
the blonde chuckles and says, "that's nothing. I found condoms in my daighters room, and I didn't know she had a penis!"
Have a Chronically great weedsday them girls are looking wonderful :green_heart:
If we ever make it out your way I will be able to sniff you out from the mainland

:rofl: its like just after 12 am on the 31st lol go the whole day to go but Happy Tokerday Jaga
And a Happy New Year To Everyone whos already there
and to those who aren't,
Heres to a Fruitful, Uneventful, Joyous, prosperous New Year
Cheers All :circle-of-love::thumb:
:rofl: its like just after 12 am on the 31st lol go the whole day to go but Happy Tokerday Jaga
And a Happy New Year To Everyone whos already there
and to those who aren't,
Heres to a Fruitful, Uneventful, Joyous, prosperous New Year
Cheers All :circle-of-love::thumb:

:hmmmm:THANKS MATE:hmmmm::cheesygrinsmiley:
Happy New Years Everyone
Beautiful healthy big plants to all this coming Year!!!! :circle-of-love:
Happy and prosperous New Year BB :thumb:

Hey Cronic

Only 3 and a bit hours to go here in Blighty.

I'm getting pretty medicated, so I'd like to wish you and yours....

:party: HAPPY NEW YEAR CRONIC :party:
Hey Cronic

Only 3 and a bit hours to go here in Blighty.

I'm getting pretty medicated, so I'd like to wish you and yours....

:party: HAPPY NEW YEAR CRONIC :party:

Happy New Year Chronic.Hope you did not over do it last night.:party:

We are still parting here...just now 12:26! Hawaii is the last to celibate! Fireworks still going off. Wish you were here! :high-five::party::ganjamon:
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