ChronicHemphog's - DWC - Advanced LEDs - Time to Grow - Grow

I have done it
at least midway into flowering
might have even done it 2-3 weeks from the end
just because its in the light and I have to do something
ok here we go sorry for the late update today lol

ok the clone in the 2 gallon airpot

so this was a rooted clone was rooted in the bubble cloner then I didn't wanna throw it away so it went into a cup
with ffof and did real well with the ffof just being feed tap water, in the airpot is ffof and all I have been feeding it is tap water

Just tapwater?? What the heck is in your tapwater? That plant looks great!:thumb:
ok one more

a man complains to a friend that his penis is too big: "women wont go near the thing-its 21 inches long!
is there anything I can do?" "well, if you believe in voodoo. theres an old legend that may be of some help."
the friend replies. he instructs the man to find a bullfrog and propose to it. "every time the bullfrog says no,
three inches will disappear from your penis." so the man goes out and finds a bullfrog. "bullfrog. will you marry me?"
he asks. "no!" comes the reply. and three inches vanish from his penis. the man does the routine two more times with the same results. down to 12 inches, he decides he wants the perfect nine.
"bullfrog, will you marry me?" the bullfrog looks at him and says. "how many times I gotta tell ya?
NO. NO. NO. NO!!!"


Two boys are peeing behind the dugout during practice. One kid looks over and sees the other has a huge penis! Looking down at his now seaming tiny penis he said "Man, I wish I had one that big." The other kid says "You can, all you gotta do is get some oil an grease it up every day"

Several weeks later the boys are back for a pee again. The kid with the big one looks over and sees the other kids penis is now tiny!! and says "Did ya do what I said?" the other kid says "Yeah, I greased it up with Crisco every day!!"

The other kid hits his forehead and exclaims "Holy Shit Man!, that's not oil, it's shortening!!!
What kind of effect did it have?

all it did was slow it down for a bit was back up and going into the light in no time as seen in my other journals
Just tapwater?? What the heck is in your tapwater? That plant looks great!:thumb:

yep just tap water using ffof
but I never really vegged it in this airpot once it went into the airpot it was put into 12/12
so it was a fresh pot of soil when it started 12/12 since they say ffof is hot I figure I just keep giving it tap until it tells me otherwise
what plant is that in the soil? nycd?

what strain is the huge mama thats now in bloom?
yep just tap water using ffof
but I never really vegged it in this airpot once it went into the airpot it was put into 12/12
so it was a fresh pot of soil when it started 12/12 since they say ffof is hot I figure I just keep giving it tap until it tells me otherwise
Okay, Now I understand. You had nutes in the soil to work with already. Looks great! :xmas:
Cronic, that was a sweet update! Your plants are looking awesome. That mother is going to be awesome fully flowered! :thumb:

Thanks CannaMeds
I hope so :thumb:
Hi Chronic. :ciao:

Plants are looking great man. Those are some of the fattest leaves I've seen on your Holy grail Kush. :thumb:

:thanks: Stealth :high-five:

Looking great! Still love that Advanced XML, it's on my list of upgrades, for the more challenging, and upcoming summer grow.
What distances have you found to be best for your DS series and XML series?

Also, MerriChroniChristmas to you CHH!

when I first put it into 12/12 or the lower tent
I usually prop the bucket up and try to keep the top of my bucket or the bottom of the plant about 2 ft away
as it gets bigger I try to keep the top as low from the light as possible to utilize the light better
but like as of now I got about 4 inches before I hit the light and the bucket is on the floor
so for now ill just be super cropping as the tops start getting within a couple inches of the light
as such time as I don't want to interfere with the energy to flower by making it heal constantly
and I use same distances for both
and can be seen by the pics in my journal


my lights are fixed so I adjust heights by moving the buckets up or down
once its on the floor tho then down is not an option lol
ok joke for tonight

at a marriage retreat, amy and john are told to write a sentence using the words sex and love.
amy writes, "when two mature people are in love, the act of sex is an expression of spiritual union."
john writes, "I love sex." :cheesygrinsmiley::rofl:
ok heres another

"my boyfriend wanted to be a lawyer, but he could never pass the bar," one blonde tells another.
"I understand," her friend replies. "I used to date an alcoholic, too."
ok a few pics from today

ok lets start off with the ogk cuttings that did not have any clonex or rooting hormone put on it
when it was cut to root.
however there was 5ml of hormex in the res from about 7 days ago when I got the clonex I bought some liquid hormex
theres also about 10 ml of organic veg nutes in there too
its been about 17-18 day so far and finally showing some root growth




and heres the chemdawg cutting which was dipped in clonex and today would be day 8


so the holy grail kush and the nycd will be pushing on the light this week lol
ill let both of them ben over for the week and grow along the top of the light till I throw
it in the bottom next weekend for week 1 transition or bloom whichever itll go into 12/12 this weekend


and the top of the ex-mom which is in flower now


and the chemdawg last I saw was about 4 inches from the light and the bucket is on the floor
guess if it stretches more tomorrow im gonna have to super crop and bend :thumb:


ok one more joke for tonight best for last

a husband and wife are watching a tv program about psychology, explaining the phenomenon of "mixed emotions."
the husband turns to his wife and says, "honey, that is a bunch of crap. I bet you cant tell me anything that will make me happy and sad at the same time." she says, "out of all your friends, you have the biggest dick."
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